PMI Audio VT-1


New member
Looking forward to hearing about the VT-1. Alan and his company get such accolades here, tt would be very exciting if this pre-amp gives as much bang for the buck as the C-1 seems to have. I don't see much here or at the Studio Projects website, so I guess there's not much info yet?

No, you won't see much on it yet until January. We are building this beast in the USA, so setting up production was not an easy or swift process. It could have been out long ago if we made it in China, but we wanted to build it here, and we are kind of keeping this model low profile until it hits the streets.

This unit is all and more than it is carcked up to be, but we will have to wait until we release it in January. Of course will will end up going through all the same crapola we did with the mics, but I am as confident in this mic pre as I was the mics, so it will be all the users who buy and use it to sing its praises.

Be patient, this is worth waiting for.

Alan Hyatt
Studio Projects
January...I need it now damit ! My main pre is on a bench in Salt Lake Utah sick as can be..LOL...One month and counting!!

Can you give us some good specifics on design, Alan? Transformer balanced, which opamps, dual opamps, dual servo, etc etc etc. Fully true Class A? Etc.

All I can say for now is it is Class A/B discrete (pardon the spelling of that one), all electronic balanced. What is unique is the Tube drive. It is not in the gain stages anywhere, so you can use the tube without adding gain. Most units have the tube in the output stages, so in order to push the tube, you have to overdrive the output. That leaves you with distorted shit and crap sound.

This unit is a true blend. The drive only blends in the tube distortion so you can add warmth, or filth, but not effect is really cool. We will release more specifics later, but we looked at the Burr Brown op amps, and there was no real difference, so to keep it at $249.99 list, my guess $199.99 street, we went a different direction, but all we be told in time.
Im not really up with all the electonic terms but is this a "real tube" amp or a "fake tube"?
I keep reading that "real tube" pres cant be had for less than 1K

From the pics available it appears that the VT-1 is a "half rack" width unit, which begs the question..........why didn't you make it as a full width 1 rack space unit for ease of mounting.
Or are you hoping that people will buy 2 units to mount side by

Peace..........ChrisO :cool:

Thanks for the info Alan. I'm looking to a buy a C-1 (or maybe a C-3?) here soon, so having to wait until after the holidays for the VT-1 is fine with me. I'm really hoping it will be to the MP world what the C-mic line is proving to be to the world of mics. I can't believe I have to spend at least $2K to get a decent project studio-type MP, but I can't find consistently good reviews of any MP for less than that. I don't buy the line that you absolutely have to spend tons of money for a good compromise between quality and useability (witness the FMR RNC--$175 for a great compressor).

You're doing a good job standing up for your products. My $.02: Your mics, particularly the C-1, have proven that your products are a good value and this has created expectations of more of the same from PMI. I wouldn't bust my balls defending the VT-1 to folks who haven't tried it. Let the early adopters make your case for you like they did with the C-1.

Thanks for listening.

Do you guys at least have a working prototype? Or are you still perfecting the design? :D


That is exactly what I intend to do on this unit. I know the users will flip for it like the mics, so I will wade in the background when it hit's the street. I hope I can keep my mouth shut. :D


Well, it is a real Tube, but it is not a 300 V unit like the 2 to 3K units, but the tube really works on this unit in a way like no other, so the results is amazing, but time will tell.


Its a half rack because I wanted it portable for guys who want to bring it to the gig, or to a remote session. In addition, I did not want to have to get it UL rated which costs a ton, so with the external UL supply, I can build up the sales, and then get UL approval for the other models.

I have plans for a dual channel unit as well as an 8 channel unit to come out by June or July of 2002.


Yes, we have a few production prototypes that have been at our Beta sites for extensive testing and listening. We are happy with the final version that is now in production.

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
The Next Question

Alan, thanks for your input on a different but related thread.

I am truly convinced that I should wait to buy my first preamp until this fancy lil unit comes out.

What retailers will be carrying this fine unit? Guitar Center? Mars? or will it be available at more discriminating (read not mega) stores?

Can I beta test it? hehehe
In the meantime....

In the meantime, there appear to be two good mono mic preamps that will give you clean neutral gain without destroying your budget:

Grace Design 101; lowest price I've found is at

for $559 (plus tax if you live in California); and,

Earthworks Lab 101; lowest price I've found is at

for $537 (plus tax if you live in New York).

I think even Alan might admit these are pretty decent little mic pres and a bargain in the high-end market. These are purist units -- no effects.

That said, I still want a VT-1 and wish they were here for Christmas!

Best wishes,

Mark H.

And, if anyone knows of better prices on the Grace Design or Earthworks lines from a reputable dealer in the US, please let me know.

Many thanks,

Mark H.
I think the Grace and Earthworks are very good units. I respect what these guys have done, but they are double the price of the VT-1. In either case, they are good.


Our units will be distributed by the current dealers we have. We are not in Guitar Center, or MARS right now by choice. I would not mind if they came on board with our new B Series mics, as the price is so low we could use the mass distribution. These chainstore dealers have their own aganda and want to control the pricing. I don't want anyone to control my pricing or have a big advantage over the dealers we currently deal with.

I think GC and MARS are fine companies, but I would have to bend over to do business with them. I am not willing to do that. The truth is, if enough of you walked into your local GC and MARS store and demanded Studio Projects, and said if you don't carry them I will buy them from a dealer who does sell them...I bet they would have to carry the line. The problem is when you go to GC or MARS, they end up selling you something else, so there you have it.

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
BTW, Mark H. you might want to check for high quality affordable pres. The TB-6 has 4 clean pres for $650. They quoted me $495 for a TB-6 with 2 pres.

Recording Engineer (forum moderator) has several of the Davisound pieces and loves them.

Thanks for your responses -- yes, the prospect of a $200 mic preamp that sounds great has my mouth watering, Alan!

And I'll check out the Davis line, which I'm not familiar with.

Any of you guys heard the mic preamp listening test CDs and microphone comparison CD? I've got the set ordered and hope to get them by the end of the week.

Mark H.
But what about the special discount?

Of course Alan, I'm sure it only slipped your mind to mention the special half off discount!
Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys have to show off in January. Should be worth the wait