Pmc #13

Nice. What do i win?

Anyways ill be doing the next one of these.
Ive got a great song to use too, so itll be fun.

I took some basic notes on everyones mixes if anyone is interested.
I know I am asking for it, but the number scales only say low end good or bad, not too much or too little.


Yes, very, please... :) I'm sure my low end was too big, I forgot to submit my final, which fixed it... :)
Seeing as mine was the shittiest mix, I'll take any and every comment/suggestion I can get. I really want to work on this stuff and learn so hook me up. Thanks again to the judges for taking the time to listen to these and offer comments. Thanks big time for supplying the files for this tune! :D
Yes, very, please... :) I'm sure my low end was too big, I forgot to submit my final, which fixed it... :)

I don't have alot on ya but here it is.

"I like the begining, Boomy mix, Bass guitar tone is too big & muddy, very cool production elements"

Seeing as mine was the shittiest mix, I'll take any and every comment/suggestion I can get. I really want to work on this stuff and learn so hook me up. Thanks again to the judges for taking the time to listen to these and offer comments. Thanks big time for supplying the files for this tune! :D

Not alot for you but here it is

"scooped big time, No mids, Bass needs hi pass."

Sorry I don't have more. I am only putting in exactly what I scratched out on paper. From the description though I would think you my have an issue with your monitors and or your mixing enviroment. When I here something scooped like that my mind goes to speakers.
Some people just like the scooped sound though.

I would not say for certain that you had the worst mix, It is the way the numbers played out, but don't get discouraged. With my first two sets of monitors I had to use other sources and take notes in order to get my mixes anywhere near decent. That's alot of work. Now I am passed that but even with expensive monitors you have to learn them. It's just easier cause you're hearing everything. Mixing so the kick and bass are lower than you feel they should be is par for the course too. Everyone wants to feel that BIG power in a mix, thing is most of that is created in your head when you think about a song in your memory.

Using relevent referrance matirial can be a big help too.

With my first two sets of monitors I had to use other sources and take notes in order to get my mixes anywhere near decent. That's alot of work. Now I am passed that but even with expensive monitors you have to learn them. It's just easier cause you're hearing everything.
the man speaks a great truth. someone once said, "you can change a tire with a pair of pliers, but it's not anywhere near the best tool for the job."

i hate to say it......and it seems like "throwing money at the problem"........but i had all manner of problems getting decent mixes until i stepped up to good monitors. in my case, they're Event ASP8's. prior to that i was using a pair of m-audio sp5b's, and while they did ok for acoustic guitar and vocals type stuff, they just don't come anywhere close to what i'm hearing with the events for full band material. my mixing environment hasn't changed at all--the only variable has been the monitors (and of course, my "skill"--laughable to call it "skill"....maybe "experience" is more accurate).

anyway......when i think about all the time i spent, and all of the "test" mix cds i burned to listen to my mixes on other systems, i should've bit the bullet and bought "good" monitors in the first place. i mean, the money i wasted on blank cdrs could've funded the difference in price between the m-audios and the events.

i'd do a mix, burn it to disc, take it to the truck, listen there, come back for tweaks, burn another cd, take it back out, do another mix, burn another cd, lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat. now i do a mix and it's probably 95% of the way there the very first time out--especially in the all-important low end. that's immensely satisfying.

the day i brought home my events, i pulled up a mix for a PMC i did in which i placed at the very bottom (the song was "Sky", and i think it was seeded by xfinster). i think the "review" of my mix said something like "you need to assess your mixing environment, b/c something's WRONG". :D i pulled up that mix on my new events and *immediately* heard all of the problems with it--problems that i had not been able to hear before. it blew my mind.

anyway, i don't want anyone to think that they need to get a second mortgage so they can buy a set of barefoots or adams or anything......but the sheer truth of the matter is that you can only go so far as what you're hearing.

so while you don't NEED that pneumatic impact wrench to change a tire, but it sure makes the job a whole lot easier (not to mention a lot more fun).

I don't have alot on ya but here it is.

"I like the begining, Boomy mix, Bass guitar tone is too big & muddy, very cool production elements"

....Mixing so the kick and bass are lower than you feel they should be is par for the course too. Everyone wants to feel that BIG power in a mix, thing is most of that is created in your head when you think about a song in your memory.


And there you have it... :) Well said. Wish I'd submitted my actual final... :)
I've got down that your mix sounded a bit scooped, the kick was too wide on the bottom and that your vocals were nice.
Scooped? I thought I had used far too much low mids! Dang now I'm confused.
What exactly do you mean by scooped?
Yeah the kick was pretty dang meaty in the low end ,which might have taken away from the power of the rest of the mix.

Thanks man, appreciate it.
Scooped? I thought I had used far too much low mids! Dang now I'm confused.
What exactly do you mean by scooped?
Yeah the kick was pretty dang meaty in the low end ,which might have taken away from the power of the rest of the mix.

Thanks man, appreciate it.

I'd have to listen again but, you can certainly be scooped with a big bottom end and good air.

im kinda wondering what your notes on mine was...if possible? :D
im actually surprised i made it in the middle considering i only spent an hour or so on it!
im kinda wondering what your notes on mine was...if possible? :D
im actually surprised i made it in the middle considering i only spent an hour or so on it!

I barley wrote anything on your mix... All I wrote was "Too much vocal effects"

Briefcasemanx: I am going to have to relisten to yours. For some reason I can't find my notes on your mix. I will do that later today.

can i get the comments on mine?

Well there's not alot bad to say about your mix. The bass is a bit big in the bottom to me and there wasn't enough room left in the mix for the drums to carry much impact. I think some gain and eq adjustments to thin up some things could make it a punchier mx. Never the less a nice mix.

I know I get caught in the "everything louder than everything else" circle once in a while and run myself out of room.:o

On the other side of the coin P3PITO flirts with being scooped but talk about tight and punchy. XfinsterX falls somewhere in the middle and is still very tight and punchy sounding.
I don't have any problems with my score, I mixed only on headphones. I do think that the scores would have looked a little different if it was blind and no one knew who's mix they were listening to, based on the ones I've listened to.
I did not mean to imply you had any problem with your score. Only making a statement.

I have no dog in this fight as far as who won or not. Hell I never even heard of P3PITO before this and vaguely remember seeing the name XfinsterX around here;) In fact I've been wondering just who the hell is P3PITO??

That being said if it was up to just me or just MHS the scores would not look like they do and I think both of us where wishing there was more judges.

Anyhoo. Same people different day we would likely have different results:D

I am probably one of the more unbiased people you will meet, because I really don't care whom I piss off, and I don't have much of a need to kiss up to anybody. That said, a lot of the mixers are familiar to me because I think I've judged three of these now. So if somebody usually does a good mix and I score them low, I will listen again to check myself, but if I still think it's bad, so be it. Even the mixers I know, it's just a name I recognize, I don't know anybody personally or professionally that entered this one, just from PMCs.

In fact as I listened to the mixes the second time after I posted my prelim scores, very few people changed more than a position. Mostly at that point I am listening for consistency in scoring and to make sure the spread in scores in correct. So take maybe the top six scores, and the bottom six scores. Does anybody in those categories belong in the middle, and does anybody in the middle belong in the top or bottom? If you say no, then it was judged correctly. The scores in the middle are pretty much a big tie.

Anyone is welcome to volunteer to judge the next one, I am certainly up for it again . . . yes, it is nice to have three judges.

Anyone interested in the history and theory of PMC judging may read this: