Please take a look at my web site.

and 64, I dig the site. It's a good start. I don't particularly like the Yahoo stuff, but I know the deal with those sites, and if it's a bud of mine, I put up with it. I'll put a like to it from my site if ya want. I already have a link to Nemo's, so what the heck:)
Thanks for all the advice. I'm fond of frames, but there are problems with them as Treeline mentioned. I'll have to go back and change the font size.

matty_boy, I don't take that guitar out to play anymore. I'm afraid that something may happen to it. But, I guess I could post a pic of it.

AudioWebs, I don't know what Fireworks is. I'm using an old program called HoTMetaL Pro5. I think it cost me about $120.00 about 6 years ago. It's way out of date, but I like using it and I'm just too cheap to buy new software.

jake-owa, Thanks. I'll look into changing to font color to make it a little lighter.

Fmmahoganyrush, Yeah, I'm not really fond of Yahoo stuff either, but It's better than the 4 or 5 pop up ads you get from other free hosting guys.

sae, Off center? That's the kind of stuff I need to know. I think it may have something to do with screen res. I like to keep mine high (1152X864). I'll try changing it a take another look. Thanks.
OKay, I made a few changes. I've changed the font color and maybe now it's a little easier to read. I also made me name in the top frame a little smaller so there's no scroll bar up there.

Again, Thanks for all the advice.
AudioWebs said:
AlChuck - Apparently you have never used FireWorks, and are not currently designing websites. And if you are, and you're using frames - then you have not gotten much certifications in the past 5 years.

Fireworks makes web coding in the following formats


This has nothing to do with making images. This is pure web code. I have certification in PHP, CSS, ASP, HTML, C++, and DELPHI as well as in FireWorks, Flash, and a few other programs.

My comments come from ten years of experience and are for 64's help only. I'm not interested in debating this. I know what is and isn't up to date and don't need to debate professional training.

Fireworks is Macromedias image editing proggy. THeir web design proggy is dreamweaver.
Bdgr said:
Fireworks is Macromedias image editing proggy. THeir web design proggy is dreamweaver.

FireWorks makes an enormous amount of code. Look at my main page - the entire code was made in FireWorks.

FireWorks makes code in html, in javascript, in php, in css, and in asp.
By "main page," do you mean the splashscreen you get when you visit your URL, or the page called home.php?

Anyway, by seeing your source we can't see any of the PHP code you might have gotten from Firewoks, since that's all processed by the php engine on the web server. There are those JavaScript mouseovers. A handy feature for a graphics editor, certainly, but that hardly makes it a reasonable general website building tool...

The pages are also badly-formed HTML. They are not terminated normally with </body> and </html> tags. IE is very forgiving of this and assumes you "meant" to end the pages and thereby can display them properly, but this is dangerous to count on. (I haven't tried Navigator yet, my machine is newly-built and I haven't gotten around to installing it yet.)
OK, just installed Navigator 7.1 (wish I could look at it in Navigator 4.7x, before Netscape started supporting the same DOM as Microsoft). Looks pretty much the same as in IE except the splashscreen page. The logo, instead of being centered top-to-bottom as in IE, is top-aligned.
The same issue occurs in Opera and Mozilla. Mozilla also does not show the same border width to the left and right of your content areas. But few people use these browser by comparison, so maybe you don't need to care...
Calm down Al. :)

The html is fine - I have some problem in my uploading that keeps cutting the /html and /body tags's not my doing - need i to reinstall!