People that delete or replace song files previously posted with new mixes

Hey guys -- I've only been here for a little while officially but I get incredible benefit going through the old threads and listening to all the iterations of posted mixes and hearing not only the advice and criticism given but then listening to the changes you make on new ones and comparing them. I see some folks have gone back and replaced their original mixes in their threads with the most current one which essentially makes the threads themselves not very useful - really only useful for those that read and listened in real time.

My suggestion is (and I know it's hard because we don't like having inferior stuff floating around out there) that you always leave your original mixes in the thread for context so the thread itself becomes an online masterclass by example for readers of the future. It has really helped me.

Just a suggestion.

One way to do it then would be to add them as new rev's in the opening post (if you wanted to keep the progress listed and available at the top. Although at some point the post edit timer does run out..
Having somewhere to post them long term is an issue as well.
Soundcloud has a limit prior to paying for it.
Soundclick is OK but lo fi.
Dropbox etc means using doenloads rather than steamers.
There are complications.
I also like to keep things tidy & current.
I absolutely agree but I host my music on my own server.
Once in a while it has to get tidied up, which is a bit of a shame.

I think my current thread has all links active, but any threads older than that probably link to 404.
It's something that could be done a little more easily if you could still edit posts after the week cut off (or whatever length of time it is).

I tend to just put updated mixes on the same URLs as the originals, but I'd probably put another link to the first mix on my original thread if I could still edit it.
^^ This is true.
Recently I have added new links as things progress but, in the past, I've just replaced the file on the server so that the OP remains up to date.
I think it's a better idea to keep full progress, or your current mix if that's your choice, in the original post.
It's a pain in the ass sifting through to make sure you're listening to the same thing as everyone else.

It's actually being discussed here at the minute.
I do understand the issues regarding space on various hosts etc... I also understand that as an musician or artist you might not want the legacy of inferior mixes floating around, but maybe a compromise would be like leaving them up for a week --- that seems to be the amount of time something exists on the front page. It would go a long way towards keeping the integrity of the thread intact for a duration that I imagine many readers would and could greatly benefit from. Again just suggestions based on the value I found in the threads here for someone coming into the forum.
To be honest, I don't think you're going to get anything from this.
There's a good community here and plenty of give and take but, ultimately, thread starters are seeking for help or advice.
How they manage that is up to them.

It's good that other people can get something from it, but thread starters are using a public service rather than providing one.

Don't get me wrong. I think seeing the history of each thread would be nice too, in an ideal world.
To be honest, I don't think you're going to get anything from this.
There's a good community here and plenty of give and take but, ultimately, thread starters are seeking for help or advice.
How they manage that is up to them.

It's good that other people can get something from it, but thread starters are using a public service rather than providing one.

Don't get me wrong. I think seeing the history of each thread would be nice too, in an ideal world.

I guess it all depends on the user base and how this is encouraged or not by the moderators and administrators. The forum is called a mixing clinic and is functioning very similar to a masterclass -- suggestive that although there is a subject being scrutinized, that it is the audience that is equally sharing the experience. I would just encourage folks to consider the benefit to others at leaving the threads intact for as long as they can only because I found so much value in it.

I would suggest further that naming conventions for mix submissions might help --- as I've read through the threads I've seen lots of instances where folks were talking about different mixes without knowing it --- something like [song title_HR01] where HR01 might mean Home Recording Mix #1..... I know there are lots of challenges with this because of the various places mixes get posts etc so that it may not be possible or feasible as has been pointed out --- but at least you get the spirit of what I'm suggesting -- I know that this is probably not universally feasible so it is a very "light" suggestion....

Anyway -- thanks guys for considering this stuff - have been happy to learn from you.

Having somewhere to post them long term is an issue as well.
Soundcloud has a limit prior to paying for it.
Soundclick is OK but lo fi.
Dropbox etc means using doenloads rather than steamers.
There are complications.
I also like to keep things tidy & current.

Actually you can stream off of dropbox. it was a pain in the ass to figure this out, but give this a try (and this has changed in the last month, so hopefully I've re-figured it correctly):
- once you have your song uploaded, find it on the dropbox website, and right-click on the file
- select "share link" from the pop-up menu and then on the "get link" button
- now that the link is copied to your clipboard, paste it wherever
- in the url, replace "www" with "dl", and replace "dropbox" with "dropboxusercontent"
- now your url should look like "". When people click on that, it should automagically open the file in the browser instead of downloading it.

Like I said, this changed recently and was a pain in the first place. You used to be able to right-click on the "download" button, copy link address, and delete everything after the question mark in the url. Now it's just a matter of hacking up the domain and sub-domain in the url. I'm not sure that it got any easier, but at least it's a way to stream your full-quality mp3 instead of having a streaming service smash it to smithereens for you.
I would just encourage folks to consider the benefit to others at leaving the threads intact for as long as they can only because I found so much value in it.

Well, you can encourage all you like, but until allows you to edit your clinic posts so you can continue to add mp3s whenever you like, it ain't gonna happen.

I've tried to do what you're suggesting, but haven't figured out how to do it. I'd like to upload all mp3s to and add them to the thread in edited posts. My workaround is to post the original mix as a attachment and subsequent mixes on soundcloud. But my space on soundcloud is limited, so I clear it out regularly. Let's lobby HR and see what they say.
Well, you can encourage all you like, but until allows you to edit your clinic posts so you can continue to add mp3s whenever you like, it ain't gonna happen.

I've tried to do what you're suggesting, but haven't figured out how to do it. I'd like to upload all mp3s to and add them to the thread in edited posts. My workaround is to post the original mix as a attachment and subsequent mixes on soundcloud. But my space on soundcloud is limited, so I clear it out regularly. Let's lobby HR and see what they say.

HR could learn a bit from RP in that respect. It's easy to post of various versions in the OP, AND the ability to edit is never turned off.