Panning different EQ ranges of 1 instrument

I dont believe I am, why would you mix a song and have your drums be in mono?

I may start in mono, reference in mono and check in mono... but i'd never mix layers of a song and start EQing and sculpting the song with the drums in mono.

people can tell me i'm wrong all they want but when all they do is say "you're wrong, ha ha ha" then i tend to disregard it... so what is OFF about what i just said?
It's not so much about being right or wrong. If you don't like mono drums, that's fine. I don't like them either, for my stuff anyway. But when you think of it, even stereo drums aren't that far from being mono drums. The kik and snare are usually up the middle, and that's about 80-100% of most drum tracks.If, just for example, you have a song that has no drum fills, then other than the hi-hat being panned a bit to the left or right, you pretty much have a mono drum track. I think there are more mono-mixed drum tracks out there than we may realize. I don't see what the big deal is.
It's not so much about being right or wrong. If you don't like mono drums, that's fine. I don't like them either, for my stuff anyway. But when you think of it, even stereo drums aren't that far from being mono drums. The kik and snare are usually up the middle, and that's about 80-100% of most drum tracks.If, just for example, you have a song that has no drum fills, then other than the hi-hat being panned a bit to the left or right, you pretty much have a mono drum track. I think there are more mono-mixed drum tracks out there than we may realize. I don't see what the big deal is.

I'm not sure what the big deal is either, and you make some good points. but the OH's for me area always panned and in Stereo and drums set the stage.

The point i was making from the start, and maybe i should have been clearer about it... is im not a fan of mixing everything in mono and then being satisfied with it and then you knock it to stereo and are left with a different mix.

My never mix in mono... was in that regard.

I tried to give up on this a while ago... but if you look at some of the threads i've posted in the last couple of days... this snus guy REALLY has it out for me and its kind of annoying.
maybe i should have been clearer about it...

Yes, you should have. Now that you've explained, I don't really disagree with you.

But as for mono drums....nothing wrong with them. I don't do it myself, but I don't hate them. If you use one overhead, wtf else you gonna do with it? And really, the casual music listener doesn't know about OH stereo spread, nor do they care. They just hear the beat and listen to the vocals.
Yes, you should have. Now that you've explained, I don't really disagree with you.

But as for mono drums....nothing wrong with them. I don't do it myself, but I don't hate them. If you use one overhead, wtf else you gonna do with it? And really, the casual music listener doesn't know about OH stereo spread, nor do they care. They just hear the beat and listen to the vocals.

i think its noticed on a subconscious level. i'd be a fun experiment to ask the general public "which version is better" version a or b... (a being in mono... b being in stereo)
i think its noticed on a subconscious level. i'd be a fun experiment to ask the general public "which version is better" version a or b... (a being in mono... b being in stereo)

I don't think they notice. Regular people don't know anything about anything. The don't know a ride cymbal from a splash, or whether the drums are mixed from the audience or drummer's perspective. As long as there's kick and snare, they're happy.

For your experiment, how would you have them listen? If they're listening on actual speakers in an actual room, I'd bet they don't notice a difference at all. Cram some earbuds in their ears, then maybe they'd notice stereo drums.
I don't think they notice. Regular people don't know anything about anything. The don't know a ride cymbal from a splash, or whether the drums are mixed from the audience or drummer's perspective. As long as there's kick and snare, they're happy.

For your experiment, how would you have them listen? If they're listening on actual speakers in an actual room, I'd bet they don't notice a difference at all. Cram some earbuds in their ears, then maybe they'd notice stereo drums.

multi conditional experiments ALWAYS yield the best results anyways
Fair enough, but if you're not willing to back up your hard-lined black/white claims with effort and proof, then they don't hold much water, do they?

?? me thinking that it'd be neat to try an experiment and see if the public would notice drums in mono or stereo is not a hard-lined black/white claim my friend.

if this is still about my opinion on thinking its foolish to mix layers of a song over mono drums and then kick it to stereo then we've digressed a shmidgen and i'd say you're tryin to give me the ol' reach around :P
?? me thinking that it'd be neat to try an experiment and see if the public would notice drums in mono or stereo is not a hard-lined black/white claim my friend.

if this is still about my opinion on thinking its foolish to mix layers of a song over mono drums and then kick it to stereo then we've digressed a shmidgen and i'd say you're tryin to give me the ol' reach around :P

Nope. No reach around. You made some pretty bold claims. I'm just suggesting you back them up if you want to be taken seriously. Or don't, it really doesn't matter. Merry Christmas. :)
Nope. No reach around. You made some pretty bold claims. I'm just suggesting you back them up if you want to be taken seriously. Or don't, it really doesn't matter. Merry Christmas. :)

i dont care if people take me seriously ... i lose all motivation to attempt to back myself up when i recognize that regardless of what i say im going to be told im wrong ... which is what i sensed would happen and lost all interest and just gave up lol.

If people are here to argue rather than share opinions then frankly... i dont give a damn if that person takes me seriously or not.