Our band an opening act?

Awesome dude - you will have a blast! Don't worry about screwing it up just have fun - 99% of the people there will have no idea if you screwed up or not :p

If it were me I would try to get two video's going - one from the stage looking into the crowd and one from the crowd looking into the stage - then edit them together to make a killer video... :D

you guys are definitely helpin with the "oh shit" factor.
Thanks. ;)

what's gonna be funny is if they tell us "Hell no :mad: you ain't jammin here ya bunch of inbreds!"


all this shittin myself for nothin....:D
In addition to rodies, GET YOURSELF A ROAD/sTAGE MANAGER. Does not have to be a pro at it, but it does need to be someone who is mondo-organized, someone who eats, drinks and breathes checklists, the kind of person who has to periodically have a clip-board surgically removed from his or her hand, 'cause it's been there so long. Then, have ALL the members of the band pledge to do whatever that person tells them to do, from 9:00 pm the evening before, until two hours after the gig is over.

Have every band member make a check list of EVERY piece of gear they will need, including spares whenever possible- all the way down to their freakin' UNDERWEAR! These lists need to be typed, and four copies made- one for the band member, one for a buddy (each buddy's job is to help his buddy make sure he has everything on the list,) one for file, and one for the Road Manager. These lists need to be OBSESSIVE, and include things like:
Fingernail clippers,
Spare socks,
Bottle of water.
Allergy meds (non-drowsy stuff like Zertec.)
Tylenol or such.
'Scrip meds, in original bottles (cops often authority to arrest someone for having meds they can't prove are really theirs.)
Spare glasses if you wear 'em.
Sun screen.
Hat or cap.
Spare strings or sticks.
inst. Cable and TWO spares.
Pedal board
Sheet music/charts/crib sheets/lyric sheets.
Set list.
Back-up transportation (even a new car can break down- best to drive to the gig in two cars, each big enough to carry everyone and all their gear.)
Designated Driver (who has no outstanding warrants, and is 100% sure of that.)
Cab fare, in cash.
Proper I.D.
etc. etc.

Oh, and have fun. Nervousness and stage fright are signs that you care about what you are doing. Embrace them.

most of that didn't even occur to me. I figured I'd be doin good to put my pants on over the underwear :p
Good stuff tho man...thanks.

As to the mondo-organized dude. He's our drummer. He's good at this stuff (even has a clip board :) ) savvy dude with about 25 years experience at this very stuff.
I'm comfortable with him takin the reigns.

And yeah, I do care about this. Not only cuz I don't wanna look like a dork in front of a few thousand people :D but because these guys are counting on me.

oh....and cuz maybe I'll see some bewbies.
I want to tell you, from the perspective of having done approx. 15,000 gigs, the single most important piece of advice you're gonna get
........... have ......... FUN!


This is the very thing you want to do if you're a musician ........ play in front of lots of people.

Go out there with confidence in what you know you can do and don't give even the slightest thought to any mistakes that may pop up.
If you're confident they will love you and you get to enjoy the energy of a thousand people focused on you.

It's the best ....... as blase' as I've gotten to music after making my living at it for over 40 years ..... I STILL get psyched by big crowds .......... there's nothing better.
15,000 gigs! :eek:
Holy shit man! I knew ya jammed for a living but I guess I never figured how many that would actually be.

this must seem like see-spot-run to you. :p

But yeah, I get ya.
And I've still got a couple months to get my shit together so I'm sure the confidence will come.
Much thanks LT...:drunk:
15,000 gigs! :eek:
Holy shit man! I knew ya jammed for a living but I guess I never figured how many that would actually be.
15,000 is as near as I've been able to figure .... that's give or take say, ...... 500 gigs. Used to do a LOT of doubles in La. so I might squeeze in 10 gigs a week for substantial periods of time.
I was like a session player except I did it live with lots of bands .....
And that's strictly paying gigs ...... doesn't count jams or sit-ins.

But I still get excited about playing good gigs and it sounds like you're gonna have one I wish I could do.
Take pics .........

I think expectations are kind of low for opening bands, so that should take some of the pressure off.

Personally, I'd be shitting bricks at the prospect, but you've been in bands and stuff, so you should be fine.

I really hope you get to do this and that it goes well.

Just don't blow it :p!
Have fun, rock out! Know your tunes, have the set list printed up and taped in everyone's view. Spare guitars, strings to replace busted ones (someone on the side to replace a string).
Remember that the audience paid to see the other bands, so keep it short and fast, talking between songs to a minimum.
As the opener you do your soundcheck last, so pay attention to the other band's checks to get an idea of the sound balance and volume for the venue.
15,000 is as near as I've been able to figure .... that's give or take say, ...... 500 gigs. Used to do a LOT of doubles in La. so I might squeeze in 10 gigs a week for substantial periods of time.
I was like a session player except I did it live with lots of bands .....
And that's strictly paying gigs ...... doesn't count jams or sit-ins.

But I still get excited about playing good gigs and it sounds like you're gonna have one I wish I could do.
Take pics .........


You can't count HR Jamfest as 1000 gigs no matter how long they felt. :D
Don't do what I did at my last gig and drink two bottles of kiwi maddog before you go on stage. (I was 21 at the time) - anyway - some of the audience helped put me back on stage during the performance... punk rock!!!!

oh and get a haircut :D
Don't do what I did at my last gig and drink two bottles of kiwi maddog before you go on stage. (I was 21 at the time) - anyway - some of the audience helped put me back on stage during the performance... punk rock!!!!

oh and get a haircut :D


I can't play worth a shit when I'm drunk. Accuracy is out da window.
A little herb, on the other hand....:)

not only am I not getting a haircut :mad: , I'm letting my goatee grow out long too. Maybe some beads and braids. :D
Oh yeah! And be sure to let us know how many bras and panties you catch on the end of your bass!

It's gonna be an 80's revival!

Big hair bands in spandex ........... You still have your leopard print spandex and extra small leather jacket that can't be dune up to show off your six pack abs and hairy chest - Right?

The guitars, bassist and vocalist in your band better start that classic move of head banging in unison downstage center. :guitar:

I'm going to have to agree with moresound on this one.