Okay... Give me dirt on Alesis and Behringer.

Teacher said:
looks like someone needs to plan a trip state side....ur Euro dollars would go farther here too
Yeah... and Norway is not even part of the EU (that's actually a good thing).

But the trip is expensive too, though. Maybe next vacation, and I could join the jamfest! :)
My Tannoy Reveal passives got delivered yesterday for 230,- euros shipped. Ordered them from www.musikproduktiv.de in Germany. Still using my 10 years old Sony hifi amp, I'll leave that upgrade for later but the new combo is already a big improvement over what I used before.
Maybe I would have liked KRK's better, or Yorkies.. I don't know. This is what I could afford, Tannoys are actually cheaper in Europe than in the US (one of the very few things), and it's working for me at this point on my learning curve. My biggest concern now is room treatment to make them really shine...

Anyway... Just sharing options here.
I would recommend doing everything you can to find a place that you can listen to the monitors. I read reviews, posts, etc for 6 months and decided on a certain monitor...I was prepared to spend $600.... at the last minute, I decided to travel 1 1/2 hours to the nearest music store that carried a bunch of different brands to listen to them. What an eye opener! I wound up spending $300 on some Samson resolv 65a's. I brought in some of my mixes on CD and tried every pair they had and discovered the monitors I was ready to buy blindly sounded far worse than these. I was REALLY glad I made the trip. Write ups, reviews and other's opinions only mean so much. Let your ears be the judge!Good Luck!
I'm a bit late on this one, but I just wanted to share my experience. I've also had the opportunity to go to a shop with some known material, and to listen to several monitors. I also have budget constraint, so I can't afford the big guys (e.g. Mackie). After reading several reviews and advices on several forums, I listened particularly to the Behringer truth, alesis M1 MkII and Samson resolv65a. The alesis sounded the worst to me. Total lack of presence in the mid range (again, to my ears). The behringer were a bit better, and had also more bass end. But the samson were the best of the three, and 2 friends who were with me had the same opinion without knowing mine. The best of it is that the resolv are the cheaper of ther three...
So, listen to your ears, and try to test the monitors you think to buy with known material.
Please please please DO NOT buy Behringer Truth speakers. It'd be a huge mistake. I dont know if you've read my thread about my experience with these speakers. I'm still going through the hassle of it all. They are simply not reliable. I'm just about to send the faulty one back to the suppliers in Germany for the second time. Behringer actually returned the speaker to me (via suppliers)in the same condition I sent it out in! Unbelievable but true. I only had it for a few weeks.

A friend of my bought Alesis speakers and seemed pretty happy with them. Best to talkto someone that has used them or better still, try them out yourself.

Good Luck.