OK, Fender vs Squier. . .What's the REAL difference??


OK, so where do I get these components for a good price. I've checked a few places on the web; I'm not impressed with Musicians Friend. Anyone know where I can get tuners and a good bridge (any suggestions on the bridge?) for a decent price from a place you've checked out before? Thanx.
Hello all

Now for my few cents worth

1954 to 1964 were the fender GOLDEN YEARS 1965 TO 1974 before
pole piece pickups became flatpole

you could gamble on what was going to be ok it was pretty hit and miss but from 74 to 77 in my opionion it seems many many
B I G companies lost the plot an manufactured pretty average instruments78 to 80 some ok instruments again there was also a short time in the early to mid 80,s were alot of junk came out as well the begining of the custom shop and fender making guitars in japan was one of their high points in my opionion but customshop guitars come at a price

And fender stopped making guitars in japan i wonder why ?? :-)
Seems the japanese Fenders were better then alot of the us fenders around the same period dont believe me just ask the shops who know the facts they will tell you heres a site you might want to do some reading at


The best value for money fenders in my opionion were the japanese built stratocasters the ones you want are the ones with made in japan printed under the clear coat finish this is located at the end of the skunk tail rear of the neck just above four bolt neck plate wear the neck joins the body

Play it safe want a decent fender if you got the dollars 54 to 64 are the years one wants

Custom shop guitars purchased on ebay as long as they check out should be a good deal also considering all that cash you save not buying it new.

The early Tokai and Fernandes guitars are the real bargins some were alder basswood and some even ash the ones you want are the guitars they got taken to court for when they were replicating Fenders guitars it would seem way to close

One of the cheapest guitars i own is a Fernandes ST7 it is a dakota red 58 stratocaster copy with correct eary headstock basswood body with yes a birdeye maple neck all i changed was as follows i fitted fender 54 custom shop pickups clothwired the guitar fitted a gotoh steel bridge and block replaced the cast one that was in it. changed the 5 way switch to a genuine crl 5 way both tone and volume pot are the genuine us item the jack plug is switchcraft i run ghs nickle rocker strings on the guitar 9/46 and the bridge floats i tell you this guitar gives any fender ive owned a run for its money it cost me 90usd for the guitar add on the mods and your still under 500usd show me any other new guitar as good as this for the price.

the guitar is also rare to drop out of tune as well

Another consideration is 60,s epiphone solid body guitars original
olympics,coronets,wilshires, crestwood customs or if your real lucky a three pickup large batwing headstock crestwood deluxe way cool but hard to find i own one of these and it took me many years to track this guitar down it has patent applied for mini humbuckers and it screams :-) 1961 to 1969 for these beauties look on ebay or guitarbase just enter in the model and brand into guitar base and in ebay just type in epiphone then search

heres the tip on these epiphones Kalamazoo made them same people who made those expensive early les pauls the same attention to detail went in all you got to do with early epiphones is have them set up right and please leave them all original dont butcher original factory instruments by what you think is improving them believe me on this they are worth more left alone. with the right guitar tech setting the guitar up you will be more then happy second hand epiphones early us ones can set you back from anything from 200 to 1650 plus but 300 to 600 should get you a nice one a good starter might be a coronet with a p 90 onboard run through a little ampeg jet or reverb rocket these lil amps rock very underrated.

Final word on fender want a good one ditch korea mexico china or any of those countries early japanese models as described above are the go usa stratocasters well as long as they are customshop or are from fenders earlier years you should be ok though i hear recently fender are lifting their game again :-))

OHHH FORGOT my country Australia has some dam fine guitar makers and with the state of our currency you are set to get a real bargin i can even assist you with good sound contacts here if anyone is intrested :-)

o well thats what i think i rushed this a bit and probably made a few gramatic and spelling errors along the way im sure you all will forgive me :-)

have fun

kind regards wayne

Melbourne Australia

:) :) :)
2000 American Fender vs 1969 Mexican Squire

I have both and the playability of the Squire with a rosewood neck is in my opinion is far better and most importantly faster than my Fender I woust add this when I first bought the Squire the pickups, tuning pegs and bridge were not the best. so i replaced them with noiseless pickups and 1 meg pods new bridge rollerball nut new 5 position switch and locking tuning pegs for about 200 dollars put them in myself and now i find when i a not playing with the band I always chose the Squire. when playing I use both. my opinion i'll take the rebuilt Squire

Maybe he typed that answer 7 years ago but forgot to hit the "Submit Reply" button. He just walked by his computer on the way to the pantry to grab some Cheetos and looks at the monitor and says "Crap--I forgot to post that answer."

Just a theory...
Nah he's on an older version of windows. ME was notoriously slow and always dropping connections. It's just been hanging about in the ether for a few years.
OK, I just got a mid-nineties Fender Squier Stratocaster that I was not too impressed with. Somebody give me some real stuff that's different between the real Fenders and the Squiers (even the Rogues). I'm looking for a good strat, but the Fenders are just too damn expensive. Give me some thoughts. . .anybody.

Only a few differences: BODY, NECK, PICKGUARD, POTS, PICKUPS, DECALS, WHAMMY, NUT, STRAP BUTTONS, WIRING. The strings may be the same.
Korean made 1988 Squier

Just to add my own personal experiences to this discussion....

I bought a new Squier Strat in 1988. I tried 18 different ones before settling on this. The frets were a little rough at the edges but it seemed dandy otherwise.

So here's the thing: after a little (a lot actually) of playing and breaking in, this guitar has turned out to be an amazing instrument, both in sound and playability. It has been played by a lot of guitarists over the years and many have said it is the best Strat they have ever played. A friend of mine who collects/plays/trades guitars has said, to this day, his goal is to find another one like it.

So if there is one conclusion to be made from all of the discussions in this thread, I think it's this: There has been a great deal of inconsistency in the quality of Strats, both Squier and Fender, over the last several decades. And I think it's fair to say, the cheaper you go, the more inconsistencies you will find. But if you're lucky--I know I certainly was--you can find a guitar that is a better instrument for you than one costing two or three times as much.

Maybe this hasn't been helpful. I just wanted to share my experiences and say that there are some great guitars out there, but it can be difficult to make generalizations based on year or country of origin. Like so many other things in music, it takes work (i.e. trying out a ton of guitars) to get results.

Remember the old joke....."How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, practice...."
Maybe he typed that answer 7 years ago but forgot to hit the "Submit Reply" button. He just walked by his computer on the way to the pantry to grab some Cheetos and looks at the monitor and says "Crap--I forgot to post that answer."

Just a theory...
:D:D:D..good theory Holmes!!!

I went into the pawn shop in town and they have a squire and a mexican strat...I need to go check them out again...the squire is white and the Mexican one is an ugly blue...:eek:
OK....I got a hot one!!! 1985-1986 number A035973 Japanese Fender Stratocaster. ALL BLACK... I mean ALL black! floating bridge with the bar!
one humbucker pickup. The more I go on about it the more I dont want to sell it :(:( this is a real Gem!!! I am the second owner as far as I know... The guy before me didn't play it alot and sold it.. I myself have had it for about three years and pluged it in once. no messin around... I'm asking A fair $700.00 w/case for this Beaut. take it or leave it.
thank you.
I went into the pawn shop in town and they have a squire and a mexican strat...I need to go check them out again...the squire is white and the Mexican one is an ugly blue...:eek:

Hmm. I thought Squires were white (european/caucasian) and Mexicans were brown...
I've come to realize (for what it's worth) that the type of wood doesn't make enough difference for the average listener to catch as far as sound goes, the electronics (except for the pickups) don't make enough difference for the average listener to catch...
This is just plain incorrect.
Ok, the dude is on a budget (even considering ... Rogue) and nobody mentions:


shame on yous :D

seriously, though, Rondo's SX line makes excellent copies of Fender strats/teles/basses, which are quite playable and way better than squier (and IMHO even better than many MIM Fenders) out of the box, but with upgraded pickups could even participate in blind tests with MIA fenders.

If you want to find more people who have those guitars try:


And don't be spooked by the low prices - they really are good guitars with much better wood than squiers and Kurt - the guy behind the store offers OUTSTANDING customer service and very accomodating return policy.