no more demos, now the real stuff

Not really, no. After recording we were just looking at the screen amazed how every HH accent was in complete allignment with the click, from beginning to end.
Also, having worked with Aynsley regularly over the last 30 years, he is one of the very, very few drummers capable of actually doubling tracks, 'beefing-up' beats without anyone being able to tell. He's simply icely accurate - and well known for it.
So, in this song, the snare and HH are played like a metronome, while is is playing the tom rolls slightly behind the beat
who is the Kramer dude anyhow. I suspect he has some prior beef with sjoko2.

I got a chance to listen before you pulled it, an I must say, the recording sounds GOOD. I did not like the sharpness of the guitars and the fact that the oohs were not spacey, but everything else was spot on.

I do think that the talent is relying more on vocal abilites rather than melody-writing knowledge to carry her, and for this reason, I dont really dig the song, but there is a huge market for people who buy these genre of songs.

I also agree with some of the others on her vocals. I think she has really worldclass vocal timbre, but she needs coaching on breathsupport, annunciation, emotion etc.
CyanJaguar said:
who is the Kramer dude anyhow. I suspect he has some prior beef with sjoko2.

Thats funny dude.I dont have a clue who sjoko2 is.I've just listened to a couple of songs that he posted and they sucked and I said so.I dont try to make people feel good for the sake of their ego.

Who are you?
Hey Cy ......... you gotta give kramer his dues, at least he almost identified my recording gear. He really knows his shit!!:D
Sure, line it up.

Sounds good to me.

Still sounds out of time to me, nothing will change that.

Who is this Cyan guy, what a wildcard!
that was quick.

Hey, at least sjoko2 has your attention. I bet that you'll listen to (and comment on)the next song he puts out.
CyanJaguar said:
that was quick.

Hey, at least sjoko2 has your attention. I bet that you'll listen to (and comment on)the next song he puts out.

I sure will listen,and if it sounds good I will give him much love and praise...I dont hold back credit where it is due......I very rarely tell someone that their music is terrible ,but in this situation it seemed appropriate since he is "supposed" to be a "Pro".

But wtf do I know anyway?
Now that my cable is back online...I'd like to make some comments.

First off...whatever is said, it appears that you don't really care about the feedback, and with the cocky attitude, you're bound to get some "cocky" replies. I think many people, myself included, are excited when a "pro" puts something up for a listen, as we ALL can learn something from time to However, much of your stuff has been a disappoint for one reason or another...mainly just the songwriting and the lack of direction of the [seemingly]decent vocalist you are working with. Usually, there is nothing too much to complain about sonically, but supposedly you have far superior equipment than most of us peons would ever hope to have... But we(I) never really gain anything on improving our own recordings, because nothing is really provided or included in your posts to help others...or general ideas of how thing were really done...just a "this is just a raw mix.."...or whatever. Even in this post, you advertise this to be the "real deal"..but yet, the bass line (which is a very dominant instrument in this particular piece), is just a scratch track....and a very generic, if not a sucky sound too.

that said...(like you probably really give a shit>>>:rolleyes: )

again..cheezy song writing... What is this?...the Ventures.."Walk, don't Run" from the 60's with a crappy minimoog bass sound. Ura seems to have talant, but begs bigtime for a producer to tell her how and when to sing. Otherwise, it sounds like she is just improvising...with no climaxes, etc...just all off the top of her head. The drums do sound decent...but imo, lack a real groove...but certainly acceptable for this kind of music. ..and I don't care if it IS "mr drummer". A guy at my church has been playing guitar for 30 years..and he still sucks. Certainly not saying Ansley does...quite the opposite, but time doesn't = quality. We all know that. I liked the guitar "scratches"...but they do give the "cut and paste" feel, with them so similar...if not the same. Besides that..the bass, drums, Ura and some guitar riffies...that appeared to be it. With weak songwriting and poor SONG production (not audio...thank you), this sucker wanks. You need to post some GOOD stuff with some "ROCKIN" musicians that LET LOOSE...and not jam. I feel that a song like this is an evenings worth of work, at the most. I don't see the effort anywhere else.

Now..I'm slammin' this because your expected to have the BEST around here, and it just doesn't seem to be happening. High standards deserve nit-picky critiques...and it seems like people are jumping on the wagon to give them. Again...I'm sure you don't give a rats ass about any of this, and maybe will even offer up a retort of..."get a life, Mixmkr"...and "go play your shitty Jesus music"...or something to that effect. ...but I additionally thought I'd comment for the benefit of all in the clinic. I like to hear others opinions on stuff as much as I would assume people like reading mine.

Have a goodin'.....btw...I'd be interested in some "final" pics of the studio, if you have them. Got any??
:) Thanks for the comments

First - I used to post some stuff with pretty detailed explanations of how and why it was done, but that was quite a while ago.
The response was normally one like - oh yeah, with that gear we could do blah blah blah. In other words, nobody gave a shit.
You're quite right - neither do I.
However, I still post what I think are some worthwhile things now and again, with details. (or at least thing I think of as worthwhile), like in the recent one on African Percussion.
Lots of nice comments on that one I think, but nobody asked anything about the recording technique or anything else technical??

Second, I'll never post finished product. Simple. The Uru song I posted was on the way to being....... But, Uru is my "hobby" project. Everything I do is for labels / record companies, and I would never be allowed to post anything, period.

Third, you are right, I really don't care about the feedback, as I have absolutely nothing to prove. I just hope that somewhere along the way someone picks something up about recording - isn't that what it is about?

Final - as I can't post anything finished, I can post some live stuff, so I've posted a couple of songs the "bones" of Uru's band did on their own, for fun, locally. Jams - as in the ones you didn't want to hear :) Its Uru's bands drummer, keys, guitar (with both the latter attempting vocals) and a guest bass. Hey - used the house system to record through, so I lost my advantage there. Hell it must suck!!

Thanks for the comments mix
QUOTE:.........."I thought the singer was horrible......................................I know you just record her but damn.....she's horrendous."

OK Kramer, after that wonderful criticism, how about showing some intelligence and explain exactly how you came to that conclusion. I'm sure we could all learn something.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
sjoko2 said:
Third, you are right, I really don't care about the feedback, as I have absolutely nothing to prove. I just hope that somewhere along the way someone picks something up about recording - isn't that what it is about?

so am i the only one who feels stupid now for listening and critiquing? are you saying I was supposed to learn something from this?

hey, no hard feelings, but next time please indicate that this is just for my enlightenment and you really don't want to hear any of my feedback. it'll save me some time.
ausrock said:
QUOTE:.........."I thought the singer was horrible......................................I know you just record her but damn.....she's horrendous."

OK Kramer, after that wonderful criticism, how about showing some intelligence and explain exactly how you came to that conclusion. I'm sure we could all learn something.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

bark up another tree dude.
erichenryus, those comments were ment for people who know me and what I do, so don't take offence.

Kramer, thanks for your constructive input once again. Stick around here, you'll learn a lot
I cant seem to DL it as I'm not a member of "nowere" it seems to only give the option to members.......

I cant play hi fi on my modem and pent I.

Can you release it from the lock? That way I can DL it and hopefully by tommrow after 3 hours :) I'll actully get it on my computer.
Done Shai.

for what its worth, the band recordings were done live, with normal live set-up, as a try-out, sample, test, call it what you like.

recorded direct to disk.

Mics used:

Drums, small DW kit with one floor and one rack tom, hat, snare ride plus one other cymbal.

AKG D112 on kick, C418's on toms, C451B on hat.
Sennheisser E604 on snare top and bottem.
2 x AT4050 as overheads.
Bass - Simons DI
Guitar - line out from THD UniValve.
Keys - 2 Simons DI's.
Vocals - 2 x Shure SM58.
Was expecting to hear a wooly, phasy, clipped piece o crap after all the negativity :) No, this mix is very clean. sjoko2, it sounds like you did your job (if all you were doing was recording/mixing) well. If producing as well... hmmmmm.....

Several things were just irritating about the song/performance. She swallows her words... she has no breathing technique... those short bursts of air, one syllable at a time things just aren't sexy (to me, anyway). Those squeals? Not endearing. Is her goal to disguise the lyrics?

I was ready for something new 3mins into it. She was WAY off on that wail at 3:47. (Listen to the reverb trail! WAY flat)

What did she do well? Her held notes are good, and she seems to have charisma. What was good about the song? The L & R guits were nice, but got repetetive after about 3mins. The panning/reverb thing at 2:10 was cool. And that outro kicked ass.

And I agree... if you're just posting this to laugh at all the people's responses, disagreeing that there's any improvement necessary, you've wasted our time. No hard feelings. If that's the case, I'll avoid the stuff in the future. It's more fun for me to try and lend ears to people when they need help :)

Nice mix, though.

Kramer, (and anyone else that this may apply to)..........

It is SO easy to say something "sucks"............something that appears to almost be the "norm" around here.

BUT a reply that qualifies (i.e;explains) why something may or may not suck is always going to have more credence with others who read it.

ausrock said:
Kramer, (and anyone else that this may apply to)..........

It is SO easy to say something "sucks"............something that appears to almost be the "norm" around here.

BUT a reply that qualifies (i.e;explains) why something may or may not suck is always going to have more credence with others who read it.

and how would you qualify your opinion of that?:D

in seriousness, I don't really believe that "sucks" is the norm around here. However, I do place different standards on the different levels of expertise around here. This particular thread doesn't deserve to be critiqued as with someone who is just starting out. The same with many others here too. Therefore, the bar is raised significantly higher to escape "sucking-dom"...and deservedly so.

Aus...I don't believe I've heard any of your stuff either....maybe an ommision on my part. I give that (listening to others' work) a shit load of credence when taking into consideration the viewpoints of others. As an example, if Sabbath where to say a guitar sound "sucks", I would consider the source, as he has one of the better guitar sounds around (for heavy metal), imo. If Sjoko were to say that the audio quality suffers, I'd take his word, as even though there "appears" to be some other areas that don't get all thumbs up, you can't argue with his sound quality. Maybe Kramer had that in mind, but ommited to clearly spell that out. After a loooong day at the MP3 clinic, I too will say, "it sucks"...just to break the boredom!!:rolleyes: ;)

Your points are taken and appreciated:) .

Two reasons why you haven't heard anything from me in here;

1....This thread is almost the only time I have bothered to enter the mp3 Forum, in the past it has been of no interest to me, partly due to the time it takes for me to d/load on my 56k connection.

2....I don't have a PC patched into our recording setup, (although this will change), consequently it isn't possible for me to d/load mixes to NWR, or anywhere else.
