New Song - Live cut


Hey gang, I have this new song that I wanna bounce off you. This is a live cut after about a week of rehearsing the song so its sloppy etc.

Spin the Prism

Any thoughts on the:
or anything at all.

Thanks for the (honest) feedback! :cool:
Well, I think it's mixed pretty well...drums seem present, and the guitar and bass come through well. Good bass tone. Not sure about teh vocals...they might need to come up just a bit. When the music is quiet, I can hear them, but when the music comes on more, they seem too quiet. I hear most of the words correctly, but it's just a bit difficult to make some of them out. (in the chorus).

Tune structure overall is pretty cool...just a straight up rock song. Fun listen man.
VSpaceBoy said:
Hey gang, I have this new song that I wanna bounce off you. This is a live cut after about a week of rehearsing the song so its sloppy etc.

Spin the Prism

Any thoughts on the:
or anything at all.

Thanks for the (honest) feedback! :cool:

I'm having trouble at the moment getting it to play??????????????

I'll get it!!! :confused:
First off, I love the title....Spin The Prism. It fits the song perfectly.

A little wah in there and this could be close to a punky-surf-rock. :D

I love the live recording Space...all that raw energy !!!

I think the instruments need more of their own space. The song gets cluttered sounding...especially during the chorus. That is due to live recording ?

You are really improving fast on those vocals Space !! Good job...:cool: I like the vox at the volume level you have with this song. I love the way they are inter-weaved within the instruments, rather than standing out on their own. But the hi-hat is really mucking them up in the chorus. I would bring the hi-hat down in volume or get some control over them. In fact, I am not quite sure if it is open hats or a ride..but sounds like hats to my ear....maybe both? Or is it a splash being hit over and over? :confused: I think you will find if you bring those down, the vox will be setting good volume wise...even with the loud guitars.

That your gal on the backup vox?

I love little guitar solo at that laid back feel. The guitar volumes are really loud, but sound good I think...Axe tones are good and 70's likey.

The hi-hat/ride is distracting to me. I'd like to hear the kick bass more too.

The bass sounds good...perhaps bring it up just a tad...except after 1:48..then it has volume....until 2:00, and there, the volume of the bass sits perfect in the mix.

Amazing...your vox and Snake's have a very similar tone and word emphasis. I would love to hear a collab with you two singing on it.

I know my critic sounds conflictive of itself...but hey, I am conflictive. :D

I really like your new tune Space and it is only an opinion and we know what those are like... :eek:
Wow true, thanks a bunch for the great feedback!!

Thanks on my vox, they are getting there, still shaky though.

Yes thats my GF singing.. she sings back up (and lead sometimes) vox and throws down some key for the band.

Thanks again for listening.

Overall I'm not sure if I really like the song or not. Its ok but doesn't really grab me anywhere. Maybe I'll try and spice up the melodies some.
i'm no expert on mixes, but it sounds like you can hear everything, but i think Dog is right they're a bit low.

the song is very raw and that lends it a punkish air. i wasn't so sure i liked that, but then i listened to it about 15 times and then realized that i'd been listening to it for a half hour so must be i like it :) lol

well done Space :) :D :D :D :D :D :D
I like the punk-thrashiness of it-and for a live cuts it is very damned good! The vocal seems to fit the song well in my opinion-I think you are doing well with them. Congrats on this new tune!
I dig the overall vibe and the psychadelia. Very good players all. Some very ambitious drumming yielding only a couple of timing issues. Vocals are a bit pitchy in spots and the kick and snare maybe a little boxy in my $30 headphones but this is overall a kickass product.

The first time you go into the half time psychadelic part maybe it could either be longer or pause for a moment before you launch into the chorus. It just feels spurious and rushed imho. The second time it is a little longer but again, it could develop into a nice groove. The instrumentation is interesting enough to warrant it.

YMMV, IMHO, etc..
Nicole, Tony, and Super.. thanks a bunch for taking the time!! Glad it didn't cause ear bleedage.

Super, interesting point about the small break before the chorus. We've played that part different I don't know how many times. I think we may just use your recommendation on that! :)

Thanks again!!

I think we are going to record this song "proper" this week so I'll put up a re-recorded version when we do.
Good tune - it rocks and also has a mellow part to it....Mix is pretty nice for live.
Your indecision about the song may stem simply from the fact that it is relatively new. Once you play it enough it will be as comfortable as an old pair of jeans I'm sure. It's definitely a keeper so "keep at it".
VSpaceBoy said:
Hey gang, I have this new song that I wanna bounce off you. This is a live cut after about a week of rehearsing the song so its sloppy etc.

Spin the Prism

Any thoughts on the:
or anything at all.

Thanks for the (honest) feedback! :cool:

Hey Space,

The musicianship is great, the drumming is very active, nice work. I liked the very quirky guitar solo you threw in there, a very unique guitar tone as well in my honest opinion.
I agree with Dogman on the vocals needing a slight boost in volume a db or two. Your vocals sound reminiscent of the "Clash" and your girls back up vocals sound great also, maybe even a slight boost in her volume as well.

Well done Space!

I would like to hear this when you re-record with a little more production! :)

Thanx for sharing Space!! :) :)
Great vocal and guitar sound. The song and arrangement really holds the listener's interest. The gtr and vox sounds to me like they could have just a little more in the 300-500 Hz range.
VSpaceBoy said:
I think we are going to record this song "proper" this week so I'll put up a re-recorded version when we do.
Space, when you re-record the tune, I hope you keep that raw feeling in there !! :cool:
ido1957: Your prob right, thanks!

Gort: Yea that guitar tone is my Laney (woot! :) ) with some dirt and the lead part was some phaser before the dirt. The solo wasn't really planned. I hadn't done that before on that song but didn't want traditional shredding. Although, a buddy of mine was saying I should go half quirky wankin', and then finish with some shreddin'.

Timbo! Thanks for the listen man.. yea you caught me. I was cuttin' a little much trying to compensate for the 'busy' that true was referring to. Thanks for the complement on vox/guitar n stuff

true, I will! :)
Sweet love the energy on this tune. Gets you moving. Reminds me of incubus and pearl jam at times. Has a great raw vibe though. If I were you I wouldn't polish it too much. Vox are wild :cool: Just an idea, to add to the psychedelic aspect it might be cool in the break parts like at 0:10 where you have those single hanging notes to alternate those from left to right channel each time.
I read up above that you're not sure you're happy with the tune. Maybe jam it around with the band some, not afraid to mess with it and see what it becomes.. Definitely rocks as is though IMO :D