New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

Hey all. My name is Erik. Just joined up today. Glad to be here. Looks like a great community. I am trying to get started on an industrial metal project similar to the likes of Fear Factory, Godflesh, KMFDM etc.. So far I have just been practising with my Line6 Spider IV amp and 7 sting Ibanez. Looking into getting a Alesis SR-18 drum machine. I am trying to stay away from using a PC for recording. I find it kills my creativity and I get too distracted with other things like video games. I just want to get some riffs and ideas down and maybe make a few demo tracks to start. Anyways, I am going to make a post asking for suggestions so I will leave it at that for now.

Just registered, hello from Mesa AZ
I have a question about an AKG P220 when I bought it from Guitar Center I hooked it up and got nothing out of it I set it aside for two months I pulled it out to use it and got nothing when I hooked it up knowing it void my warranty I took it apart to find a broken wire the wire is the one attached to the center plate of the diaphragm not knowing I wasn't supposed to I disconnected the wire from the diaphragm and soldered it is my microphone damaged/QUOTE]
I've visited the site many times past looking for various clues to tech issues,
but this is the first time actually registering and posting.
I'm into Tape and have a collection of machines (Sony, Akai, Tascam, Revox, Pioneer, Fostex)
and various domestic analog hifi. I Play and record so i use the old stuff as another character tool
and in pursuit of the Old-School sound.
Hi I'm Mayega from kenya. I just ventured in on cubase 5 and its giving me very peculiar problems and doesn't export. The markers are rightly placed. Anyone with an idea. I'm really desperate.
Hey Guys
Justin from Isle of Man...
New to the forum. Been in band before and now setting up home studio to start recording some tracks and generally inspire me to play more.
Hi every one! Registered here as need some specialist help and don't have any one to get help from. My life and reletionship is in doubt because of one recording. There is some noise involved and can't work out if my partner cheated on me or not. Weird I know but never the less want to get to bottom of it.If any of you could help me am happy to send that recording or put it online for someone whos willing to help. Please msg me or answer to my post. Any help (but not life advise) welcome.
Hi every one! Registered here as need some specialist help and don't have any one to get help from. My life and reletionship is in doubt because of one recording. There is some noise involved and can't work out if my partner cheated on me or not. Weird I know but never the less want to get to bottom of it.If any of you could help me am happy to send that recording or put it online for someone whos willing to help. Please msg me or answer to my post. Any help (but not life advise) welcome.

Alrighty then. No life advice to give but you haven't given anything for anyone to supply advice on for the other.

I see you have 8 posts. I'll look.
Me: My name is Drew and I am a recording-aholic.
Crowd: Hello Drew.
I play drums, love playing live but find recording very satisfying because you have so much more control over the outcome.
I hate canned drums unless done really well, which I find is rare. There is so much more expression possible on a real kit.
I use Logic Pro on an iMac to capture the raw drum tracks and edit and mix on Logic pro on a MacBook Pro laptop. If you need drum tracks maybe message me or find me at Drews drum tracks – Custom drum tracks written & recorded for your songs.
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Hey all!

Guitarist of around 16 years or so here. My roots are metal but I enjoy all sorts of music. I used to sketch out rough ideas with some crappy gear 10 years ago or so. After a long hiatus of no recording and not much playing I'm getting back into things. I still don't have great gear, but I'm trying not to let that get in the way of writing some quality demo tracks. I've been learning a lot over the past month and refining my mixes as best I can with what I've got.

So I'm here to continue learning and maybe get some feedback and help.
Hi All,

I'm 39 and fell in love with recording in the 90s. I heard bands like Archers of Loaf on the radio and realized that things don't have to be as produced as a Red Hot Chili Peppers single to resonate with people.

A lot of my high school and college friends went on to do music for real. I studied writing and SF State and got into working with startups by proximity since I grew up in Silicon Valley.

I learned on 4-tracks and a Tascam 388 I bought from Marty at Sound Techniques Los Gatos in 1997. Still own it, along with a MSR-16S and some Otaris. But also tracking a lot with RME/Focusrite Clarett straight to Sonar or Garageband.

I actually interned briefly at a professional studio, and I've known a lot of famous producers and self-made artists, so I wouldn't say I'm a N00B, but the vibe on forums like Electrical Audio rub me the wrong way.

Hi Guys

I am new to the forum, but I have been recording at home for some time now, using Cubase.

Really looking forward to reading through the threads and getting involved in the community.
Hey guys,

I'm new here and my name is Shah Rah. I am from India and I produce some edm. I am of course a newbie. I have a soundcloud and YT account.

Alright lemme browse some forum...