New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!


Hello everyone at Home Recording. My name is Rob Thacker. I have been playing guitar for 26 years and recording for 22. I am currently playing guitar for the band Agression in L.A. even though I live in San Jose. I am working on new album material on my own and with that band. I am also into synthesis, sampling, and sequencing. I am always wanting to improve my recording skills because of all the trial and error I have been through which has been a lot of error and the way I learned not having any formal training. Nice to be here and look forward to meeting everyone!
Hey guys, just introducing myself.
I've been into the production side of music since about 1999 or around there. I've found myself progressively more interested in mixing and mastering as the years passed. Now days, I get more enjoyment out of mixing and mastering than I do with actually making music. And when I feel lazy (which is often), I like talking about it even more. I ended up here because the couple of forums I frequent don't really offer the kind of stimulation in this regard than I'd like.

So, nice to be here. Seems like a solid place.
I look forward to chatting with you all!
You all are welcome here.

Look forward to hearing more from you. If have any questions about the forum, feel free to PM me.


Hello everyone!

So I registered a while ago but never got a chance to say hello or look at much of the board really (stupid life why do you have to be in the way so much...)

Anyway I love music and have been trying to write and record of late and figured what better place to find help or tips and tricks then a forum! I'm super new at the whole home recording thing so go easy on me if I ask super dumb question... I tend to do that alot...

Cool now that we have that done it is time to go looking for topics.

Anyone got recommendations?

p.s. If anyone has a good thread concerning Mixcraft I would love to view it! also any to do with recording with a snowball.

Ok I'm done now.

Hello fellow musicians and recordineers! My name is Mickail. I've been playing drums on and off for 11 years now. I just picked up a Roland TD-12 and can't wait to set it up and start playing again. I also picked up Superior Drummer and hope to learn some of the ins and outs of recording music :thumbs up:
Hey.. My name is Chris, but you can call me Spaz! I'm slightly retarded and I like long walks on the beach! I'm new to recording... Haven't even started yet, actually. I'll be recording hiphop/rap mainly... Here's my equipment list, and dilemma regarding an interface.
Computer = Imac.
Mic = Shure SM7B.
Moniters = Krk Rokit 8's.
My interface dilemma = I was going to go with the Apogee Duet 2, but it was recommended to me by a person who "works in and helps build" recording studios, that I'd be better off going with a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, along with an ART Prochannel II Channel Strip as a standalone preamp.
Can I get a 2nd, 3rd and 7th opinion, please?!
Hello all. I've read through this forum for a long time whenever I've been stuck. Decided I might as well join. This has been a great resource for me. After working in a few studios, I've decided there's no place like home.

Running an old MacBook (2GHz Core 2 Duo)
Interface: MOTU 8pre w/ Behringer ADA8000 via ADAT (16 ins for $500!)
Monitors: KRK Rokit 5's
Hi everyone!

Ran across this forum while doing research on audio interface equipment. Looks like there are a lot of very knowledgeable and friendly folks here.
Yo All, Al from Oz, where I love to live down under.... have been trying to make music now for a few years and just moved up from a boss900cd to a mac with logic, big change. Now I want to get the spare room fitted out and learn at least to play music. Catch you all around
Ayup, I'm Mark, from the UK, up North. I'm getting grey and I'm mostly confused. I'm in the process of building my playroom for a second time, after a 10 year hiatus. I'm a guitarist with a huge love of synths. What a lot of new toys there are, and what a lot of old toys there aren't! Donations gratefully accepted.
Ayup, I'm Mark, from the UK, up North. I'm getting grey and I'm mostly confused. I'm in the process of building my playroom for a second time, after a 10 year hiatus. I'm a guitarist with a huge love of synths. What a lot of new toys there are, and what a lot of old toys there aren't! Donations gratefully accepted.

Welcome to HR Mark! :D
Ayup, I'm Mark, from the UK, up North. I'm getting grey and I'm mostly confused. I'm in the process of building my playroom for a second time, after a 10 year hiatus. I'm a guitarist with a huge love of synths. What a lot of new toys there are, and what a lot of old toys there aren't! Donations gratefully accepted.

YAY! ANOTHER DERBYITE AT LAST! :) Welcome to the funhouse man
Hi guys, My name is James and i come from south east Australia. Im and oldschool guitarist, some bass and drum skills. I have been the sound tech by default for 20 years or so. After a 8 year break, im back in the game. i was multitracking guitar n vocals with cakewalk and a tascam us144. I upgraded last year to and old protools mix 24 rig i built myself (lots of hair pulling fun). 6 months later i think im good enough to track our band, spent the last 6 months doing that. Now trying to build enough skills to get my mix right. And for the crap i will get about using an ancient tools rig, i just say, how many of your favorite albums were recorded on an old protools mix rig :listeningmusic:
Yo James.
Welcome to the fold.
:drunk: to the old skool goodz.
I still don't use a computer for my tunes. Probably not so much I don't like em, but more that I'm a pooter boob. :p

stick around man. Good folks abound.
yo! hi guys, I'm here to learn how to have podcast of my own! But for that i need mixing of tracks... so its a start from scratch! Hope I get all needy information here!!:listeningmusic:

I'm Shock, looking forward to getting involved this site. Play in a band and currently working on an album. Hope to find advice and tips as well a give the same ")
Hey guys! My name is Emma I am saving for a small set up and need lots of help with my purchases, so this site is great!.....
I am a technology-phobe but I need to learn if I want to record my songs...This will be difficult....yeah lol :)