New Guitar - Martin 000-15

That's interesting. I studied architecture for a while, and still have my proper drawing board, and my full set of technical pens, pencils, blue lead etc. I never studied it for our equivalent of the A levels, so it was a steep learning curve when I got to college.

I figured that was a bass because of the extended top horn. There's a nice curve to it.

Are the f-holes you're working on radically different from the traditional ones?

Finally, the string thing - yeah, I like the sound so far, but I will try out some different brands. I played one with elixirs on it, and, despite what some people say about them, it sounded great.
There's no trick to it for us guitar makers, not like architecture where you need to be cock on with everything. I'm no draftsman but I know how to do a workshop drawing. Your skills are probably better than mine on that one.

The top horn on that is quite long stops at the octave and the initial outline was done with the guy it's for in close attendance. I'm not a bass guru at all and only agreed to do it because the guy said he would input at all stages, he's pro and I've built guitars for him before. The outline we've come up with does look nice to my eye but as I say I'm not a bass expert. I can spot nice guitar lines anywhere but not bass.

The F holes are quite different yeh, I've been given a breif that it's got to be deco and feminine...:eek: So far they like the way it's going. Both projects are going to hit the bench next week so I'm using half term to make drawings and templates which I can do in my small workshop here at home. No need to go to work and I get to be bugged by the kids all day.

But wait were talking about your new box, go record it mate, get aquainted with it...:)
I tried to get one of those last year, but was sent 1 damaged and 1 defective, so I opted for the D-15. I am thinking of a 000 sized Martin, but am wondering if the 000-15 would be too close in timbre to the D-15. I may go for an OM-21.

I like the 000 size a lot. Good for recording too. I have a 1970 Martin 00016C(classical; nylon strings).