New Amp

Dude.... you don't have a Tele??? :eek:
Jus kiddin', of course.
Yep.... I'm doubting it really does get to honest to goodness recto territory, (even though that's what Mesa's site says) but I am going to take it over to me buddies house and compare it to his Road King. He's got an Ibanez with humbuckers too, so I can really tell what it's high gain sound like.



Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time at this point... :/ :D

Seriously though, you got a great sound out of that amp in this clip, and you have some excellent but musical chops going to back it up as well. I'd totally buy an album of this stuff.
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time at this point... :/ :D

Seriously though, you got a great sound out of that amp in this clip, and you have some excellent but musical chops going to back it up as well. I'd totally buy an album of this stuff.

I'm truly humbled, Drew. :o
Thank you very much.

The only problem I'm having so far is the fact that the knob's positions really do make a HUGE difference on this amp, ( and they are extremely inter-active, making things worse)

I think that's because the tone controls on this amp are PRE gain..... meaning if you turn the tone knobs all off, there will be no sound even if you turn the gain and volume up.
not bad gtr plyr he. my ear trainign prof busted my balls, 'He is too diatonic" oh wel. great plying nonetheless. sounds good. No offence intended to all.
Can you be a bit more specific?? I just got this same amp and I'd love to recreate this lead sound you have. Sounds great!! Thanks!

Well.... this is the ball park.... unfortunately I didn't write the settings down...
gain 10:30, treble 10:30, mid 9:00, bass 7:00, reverb off, master 2:00, contour off.... EDIT: This amp was also set for 25w mode

Lemme know how you come out...

By the way... are you finding any useful setups with the class A 5w setting? I'm not.... :(
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Here's a little something with more gain.
I took the amp outside the studio in a great big live room and recorded this clip with a close SM57 and a At4033 at about 3 feet up and back, and off axis.


SHAWN - are you manufacturing jocular exchanges in regard to the string & tin can internet we have? They told me it was world class - not world class what - just world class.
I really like the 1st clip - the higher gain one sounds too naked without a backing so I won't comment on it. Diatonic, ginntonic, justthetonic I'd say rhapsophonic myself.
Well.... this is the ball park.... unfortunately I didn't write the settings down...
gain 10:30, treble 10:30, mid 9:00, bass 7:00, reverb off, master 2:00, contour off.... EDIT: This amp was also set for 25w mode

Lemme know how you come out...

By the way... are you finding any useful setups with the class A 5w setting? I'm not.... :(

Thanks for the details.....I will try it tomorrow night. I'm also running a EHX Black Finger compressor and MXR 10 band eq into the thing, with a chorus in the loop. But I'm willing to experiment.....

I tried the 5w setting for about 10 seconds, then switched it back right away....and have never tried it again since.

I hooked up a couple of 2x10 alnico cabs, Blue Pups and Tone Tubbys......WOW!! :D
Thanks for the details.....I will try it tomorrow night. I'm also running a EHX Black Finger compressor and MXR 10 band eq into the thing, with a chorus in the loop. But I'm willing to experiment.....

I tried the 5w setting for about 10 seconds, then switched it back right away....and have never tried it again since.

I hooked up a couple of 2x10 alnico cabs, Blue Pups and Tone Tubbys......WOW!! :D

Oh man..... I want a compressor like that.... bad!!

I spent quite a while last night working with the 5w setting... got some decent sounds out of it....

So, you think that the extention cabs make that big of difference in the sound, eh?

Just on my way to work and stopped in for a fix...glad I did :). Sounds amazing. I prefer the sound of the first clip.

I generally am not overly fond of the fender sound - plucky, bright - but this is so clear and well-defined that it more than counters my anti-fender tone bias. Really nice technique and a nice, classic sound.

Less than half way through the clip, in a blend of envy and depression, I decided to quit playing guitar. Not to worry though, I'm sure in a few days once I forget what this sounds like I will be back at it...;)
So, you think that the extention cabs make that big of difference in the sound, eh?

Not that the stock speaker in there is bad. I think it's a 50 or 60 watt custom Black Shadow, a Celestion made to Mesa specs for Mesa. It's nice, but it's still a stock ceramic speaker, nothing dazzling.

Me thinks this kind of amp really starts to shine when you give it a great guitar speaker. I grew up classic rock, so I really relate to the creamy alnico tone. For the money it is very very hard to beat the alnico Weber Blue Dog (12 inch) and Blue Pup (10 inch). But I also learned from playing an old red knob Twin thru Emi C.Rex that I really like the sound of the hemp cone. The CRex is hemp-impregnated cone, but the Tone Tubbys are 100% hemp fiber cones. For alnico speakers under $300 bucks, the Tone Tubby is the best sound I've ever achieved with any of my amps, and they really make this Mesa sing. For under $200 bucks, you cant beat the alnico Webers. I suppose part of it is the cab, too.......I got a birch cab from Griffiths Sound Works in Des Moines, closed back 2x12 ported, sounds awesome with the Express.

My experience has been that the 12's always sound better than the 10's, and the alnicos always sound better to me than the ceramics. And now I'm fumed because Mesa came out with the 1x12 5.25 Express, and I been saying all along that they shoudla put a 12 inch speaker in this thing. The EL84's sound way better to me than the 6V6 based 5.50 but the amp was only available in 1x10 when I bought it. So I plugged in both my 2x10 cabs, oneis Weber, one is Tone Tubbys, and the sound freaked me out! I 'bout wet my pants!
SHAWN - are you manufacturing jocular exchanges in regard to the string & tin can internet we have? They told me it was world class - not world class what - just world class.
I really like the 1st clip - the higher gain one sounds too naked without a backing so I won't comment on it. Diatonic, ginntonic, justthetonic I'd say rhapsophonic myself.

HA!.... rhapsophonic.... You da man Ray....

Just on my way to work and stopped in for a fix...glad I did :). Sounds amazing. I prefer the sound of the first clip.

I generally am not overly fond of the fender sound - plucky, bright - but this is so clear and well-defined that it more than counters my anti-fender tone bias. Really nice technique and a nice, classic sound.

Less than half way through the clip, in a blend of envy and depression, I decided to quit playing guitar. Not to worry though, I'm sure in a few days once I forget what this sounds like I will be back at it...;)

Heatmiser, you are much too dramatic for your own good!!..... I'm used to it though.... my wife majored in drama in grad school!! Thanks for the kind words!!

So I plugged in both my 2x10 cabs, oneis Weber, one is Tone Tubbys, and the sound freaked me out! I 'bout wet my pants!
I feel GAS comming on.... and it's at least partially your fault!!! Matter of fact, if the wife asks, I'm gonna blame it all on you! :p

The first track sounds really amazing. Congrats on the purchase, man !
Thanks Mish!!!