Need pics of a SP B1!!!

At first I was like WTF???????? then I looked at the pic again and just feel lik ea dumbass. Good thing I had put my credit card away before I took that pic huh *L*..
also. according to your switch theory it is a b3, but it only has one wire o the center and one gold side. I am nearly 100% sure it said b1 on it before I cleaned it. I emailed the studio projects office allan but they did not get back to me.
Definitely sounds like the original series B1 but a late production model with switching. What email addy did you use......actually, Alan did suggest CALLING and from memory they do have a toll free number listed on their website.

I was at work when I got that message so I sent out an email. I will call one day when I am not at work during everyone's business hours.

By the way . I really like this mic. I use it for almost everything now. It really sounds good on acoustic guitars and mic'ing my guitar amp. It has good high frquency responsee without sounding brittle. Just a very smooth accurate sound from the mic. good job on thes SP!!!!
You are WRONG kid klash! :mad: Read the whole thread and believe Alan Hyatt, who should know. You are not familiar with the current product. Mine has 3-position switches on both sides, and a silk-screened black logo, and it is a B1, as described above.

I see. I apologize. My point of reference are my SP B1's (I own two of them) and my SP B3 (I own one of them); they are the "first versions", with the silkscreened logo, not the latest version with the applied logo badge. The first version of the B1 has no switches (at least mine don't). My SP B3 is also one of the "first versions" with silkscreened logo; it has two three-position switches.

In new2mix's photo, the logo appeared to be the silkscreened version (first version). Perhaps there are more than two versions of the SP B1? I don't know; I've only seen the first version (no switches) and the applied logo badge version (with switches)... maybe there were some "transition" versions of the SP B1 made that had switches AND silkscreened logo... maybe that's what pinknoise has, but I don't know.

Alan or someone at his company would be the best source to find out.

Ultimately, I think the "two gold diaphragms with two wires on a B1; one gold diaphragm with one wire on a B1" is probably the easiest way to tell them apart, regardless of the cosmetics and switches... but that's just my guess.

Enjoy your SP mic. Peace.
new2mix. There is an easy way to tell which mic it is. Test the switch on the logo side. If you talk into the mic and flip the switch and you get less signal as you pull down each notch then it is a B1. If you flip the switch and the sound of your voice changes and the signal stay pretty well the same then it is a B3. Once you fine out let us know and then we can help you out from there.:)
That is good to know. So from top to bottom it is normal, -10dB and -20dB pad for the logo side. The other side from top to bottom is normal, 75Hz and 150Hz filter.:D
silly to point out this far along, but just for the record, I own a pair of B1s and they are the same as the one this guy bought. switches on front and back with black silk screened writing and logo.

Very good mics. Really similar to my Cad M179 mics that I love so much, although of course the B1 is single pattern, but in cardoid they, at least to my ears, sound like they use the same capsule. Wouldn't be surprised.

Very very good mics those B1s. And probably the B3s as well (never tried one).

I was definately a little hesitant to just purchase one of those when i already had an MXL 909 and I figured they weren't that much different. On the acoustic guitar there is a natural smoothness with clear treble that just isn't there in the MXL mic. And I could be wrong about this but they don't seem to be as picky about placement as my EV CO4 dynamic mic for my guitar amps. I love this mic. I realize there are better ones out there but this mic for the 65$s I paid for it with shipping is fantastic.. I have a second one on the way.
I was definately a little hesitant to just purchase one of those when i already had an MXL 909 and I figured they weren't that much different. On the acoustic guitar there is a natural smoothness with clear treble that just isn't there in the MXL mic. And I could be wrong about this but they don't seem to be as picky about placement as my EV CO4 dynamic mic for my guitar amps. I love this mic. I realize there are better ones out there but this mic for the 65$s I paid for it with shipping is fantastic.. I have a second one on the way.

Great! I love mine too.

Just be careful cleaning the next one! ;)
I thought i was being careful cleaning the last one. I used very very little windex on the towl and did not spray it on the mic first. those screened on letters came of with one swipe.