Need a few sets of ears on this.

Im headed in to master this and the rest of the record tommorow night.
I just want a second opinion on the mix. Ty guys.

As usual, you suck, and I hate you. :)

First thing I heard was a lack of most anything below about 50Hz except kick...Not much arse in the bass. It creates a space between the kick drum and the rest of the soundfield. But, it may be a genre thing, or design gimmick, and since this is about as far from my preferred genre as it gets, I may not know what the hell I'm talking about. :)

I don't know how you're able to get separation and clarity out of such a wall of sound, but you do. Kudos to you.'re able to get separation and clarity out of... a wall of sound... Kudos to you.

An artistic mix.:)

I can hear the low-mid thing at 1:57 that NL5 mentioned but wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.

The guitars have bite but don't sound harsh.
Just got back from the Mhouse.
Here's the final.

Did you sit in on the session?
Any cool stuff he did that you would like to share? :)

I noticed he didn't bother to take out the click just after 2:45
I've had similar issues working with MEs.

The master sounds good, there are issues in the low mids at times though.
For example at 3:19 the low mids are too boomy.

I also would have expected a punchier kick from the Master.

Not digging the toms at the very end of the song. I would have expected the ME to do a fade out to get less boom and a shorter resonance.

The highs are good.

Big ups on the volume!! -11 dB RMS at the loud parts. I would have expected this style of music to be a bit louder say -9 or higher even! But I respect you for not choosing to have your mix look like a square wave. Sounds a lot clearer than it probably would have at -9.

Heres my master if anyone wants to critique it.

FWIW, I prefer the pre mastered version in its spectrum balance and clarity of the drumset, though it sounded a bit less glued-together than the master.

Since the master has gone through limiting its bound to loose some quality.
Did you take a listen to the master I did in my post above?

Rocks! Sounds pretty cool. The muted hits sound like some of the guitars I have occassionally managed to record (in terms of sound). So definitely good to know that others get that sounds also and make it work nicely.
I like it. I'd say generally the drums seem a bit too far in the back though. I like a song where the drums are punching their way through though.
I like it. I'd say generally the drums seem a bit too far in the back though. I like a song where the drums are punching their way through though.

I think one of the problems with metal mixes these days is people boosting the drums too much, especially the kick.
Yeah some songs suit blasting drums, but this mix suits this volume of drums, it leaves more power for the guitars and vocals, which are IMO the focal point of this mix.

Huh??? Where'd you get that one????:eek:

Was just trying to say that masters can actually come back sounding worse than the original mix due to boosting the level.
I know my bands album was squashed to death at points, taking it to like -8.5dB RMS Average at one point! Sounded very flat.
So came back EQ wise a tad better, the compression added to it adding nice analogue smoothness and gelled it together more but the clipping and limiting killed it. :(

Just to check if you got time to listen to my master.

Hope I' not pestering you. :)
I like the clarity your version got in the articulation of the snare/toms. I thought that the "official" mastered version had a bit too much lower midrange at times (the orig mix was well balanced that way), and that was tending to mask some of the clarity. On my monitors your mastered version comes across as just a little lower-mid shy. Not that it sounds bad, it sounds very good. But a little more meat in the 300-600 Hz range would fill it out.
Listen to the master Chris put up - should tell you a lot....... :)

BTW - Really diggin' the song! :D

Yeah I did listen to the master Chris had done.
What should it tell me?

I wouldn't be totally happy paying money for that.
There are issues in the low mids. Boomynesss at the palm mutes and other parts where the guitars do stabs.

Heres my post on his master.

Finster would you mind sharing which mastering engineer you used?
