My new setup-

So you ordered the KSM-27? Hopefully it works out for you. Worst case, you should be able to sell it without too much of a hit. I think Shure is discontinuing them, which may explain the current pricing.

[now's the time to start saying things like "nothing sounds like my old KSM27 - what a lot of Mojo -- so much more warmth than today's mics, etc. :D ]

If you spot a MK-319 at a good price, those can be nice, too. I have much more experience with mine (more than with my KSM27, that is), and tend to use them often (mainly the one modified by, but also two others that I tweaked a little).

I agree about that ART preamp -- I would avoid it. It's a lot more, but many of us have the MPA Gold (or Digital MPA):

It's quite a bit more than the one you mentioned, but it can run the tubes at a high enough voltage to get them to act the way they're supposed to. It would also help you get your order above $400 :D -- I've got the Digital MPA (same thing with A/D conversion), and along wtih the rest of us, I think it's a good piece of equipment for the money. You also pretty much have to plan on buying two new tubes for it, because we've all been unhappy with the stock ones. That's another $15-$150, depending on how fancy you get.