My Garage Live Room Build.

How old are you? I thought your profile always used to say 17? I only ask because I want to know where the hell I can get a garage and father in law!

Looking good.
17?? Weird, I haven't touched anything and it doesn't specify either way now.

I'm 23 (24 in October). The woman and I have made some decent moves early in life, had some help getting going, and are lucky enough to own our own house...where there is a garage.

The father in law part, I'm sure, is pretty self explanatory.

Working with him is slower than I'd like, but it's because he's very good at it. Using experience from anything else I've done in the past, I bought some extra sheetrock as there's always a cut or two where you're bound to fuck it up. We didn't make a single mistake and I had to throw up 3 boards of 5/8" sheetrock on craigs list! luckily 50 people responded to the ad hehe...
I think you need to be careful about too much absorption, especially for a live room. 7 boxes is a heck of a lot of rigid fiberglass. You might want to pull some of that into your control room.

Anyway, Ethan's design here should be close to your situation:

The way that is done is as an absorptive front for mixing, and a diffused, more live rear for tracking. The ceiling is most absorptive, but Ethan points out to ensure that the borders of the ceiling are reflective.
the 7 boxes certainly weren't all going to be affixed. Since I couldn't get my hands on 4", a bunch of it is going to go towards the bass traps in the live room and mix room, as I have to double up.

Also, I plan on making some movable baffles and stuff for quick adjusting thing that need to be deader or more alive.
Idea 1, for the long walls. This idea would be flopped on the other wall (so where the treatment is up on the wall, opposite it would be down, helping to kill the paralells and still leaving some of the room sound...


Idea 2, for the short walls. Basically same thing..


Idea 3. This is the ceiling. As shown, the black is the MDF frame of the clouds (which are already built, have lights built into the corners). The red is going to be 2" rigid, wrapped of course...


Aside from the floor to ceiling 4" bass traps in the corners...That's what I have so far as my idea of treatment.
I thought this was for your "Live Room"...

What you mapped out looks perfect for a control room, but I thought a Live space was setup different for treatment. But then again my Live space is not even 7 x 7 so maybe thats why I envisioned something different ;)

Either way, it looks good man and keep the pics coming...
Great work so far orksnork. I can't wait to see the finished product. I feel your enthusiasm, I love working on my studio. :)
orksnork said:
well's not too big, so i'm really gonna have to control it a bit.

You could frame the back of some of the panels with lauan, or even just slats of it (for partial coverage), and make them reversible, when desired. still in the thought process of certain aspects...

I'm definitely going to make some movable baffles to adjust things according to certain needs, and I'm thinking of making them double sided. one side to absorb, one side to reflect/diffuse...
I've been getting some very useful help from Ethan Winer and some other people elsewhere...but there's still an issue to attend to...

Anyways... I think the last thing I have left to worry about here is the type of fabric I'm going to be using.

What sort of fabrics are good, what are bad...what what what.

I'd much much rather stay away from grays, whites, etc. I'm looking to find some red fabric. A friend of mine has told me of a place that sells fabric around here, and usually has bolts for very cheap of older fabric they are looking to get rid of.

What should I look for? What should I stay away from?

Any thoughts, ideas, or links to fabrics would be helfpul, or if this is really just not that important, phew.
From what I have read, you should be able to breathe through the fabric if you cover your mouth with it :) You'll look real cool testing out all the fabrics in the shop hehe.

I can do this with the weed control stuff I use and its really cheap, but only comes in black where I buy it.
yah, that's pretty much what Ethan said.

anyways...little update...

Yesterday I got the last of the rock hung and got the room caulked and the first coat of spackle is up. Today or tomorrow, I'll sand it and give it a skim coat where necessary and then it's time to boogie...

Didn't get to take any pictures because it was starting to rain and I had to get a bunch of stuff back inside of the room from the yard.
spent yesterday building the treatments

time to get em hung! (the ones you see on the wall are just like dangling from the mounting hardware...we wanted to see what the staggered effect looked like

my nikon's battery charger is MIA so i'm using a point and shoot of my fiance''s really not doing the colors's really nice and smooth looking in there....definitely not overbearing at all
It's like a tangerine committed suicide via a shotgun in there man. Record something in it when you get the treatment all up!