My computer is now useless (Includes: excerpts my letter to Toshiba)

Simple thing: if you want to edit HD video (and not take hours to process a few minutes of video), or want to work with 30 tracks of audio with lots of plug-ins, you need a computer made to handle it - a $400 Walmart special will not do it.

To echo the Dell comments from a few others - the documented motherboard issue soured me to Dell, after losing 2 of them at home. Work still uses them for some stupid reason - I had one of those die, too!

One reason a lot of companies use Dell is their support services. You can actually purchase on site support with Dell.

Dell used to be a top brand computer (I think Alienware still is) , they built most of their components or directly sourced them. Now, I think with Laptops and Desktops taking such a hit, they focus more on servers. Most people are going with blade servers, Dell and HP are moving in this direction. With blade servers you can have multi CPUs, divide the cores up for applications, how swap motherboards, do redundant spill over. There is still money there in that area (companies will pay for high end servers for reliability). With Laptops and desktops (I am probably one of the few who still use a desktop) they have to really start using low grade parts to just to get any kind of margins out of it.

You are so right, a $400 Walmart Laptop is just what it is. Slow hard drives, main board probably has leftover parts from several years back. Great for email, word processing and maybe movie watching, past that, hey, you get what you pay for.

For me, the range of a decent laptop is around $1,100-1,300 for good up to date technology. Once you drop from there, (within reason) you are looking at probably older architecture.
After you call thier product a piece of shit, the possiblity you'll hear back are pretty non-existant.
Insulting someone's product, or service is not 'a little fun'.

Your music is a rancid, maggot infest piece of warm horse shit. You have less talent than a rapper. You and your 'music' should never be hear from again.

Yeah.. that was fun.

I kind of wish you weren't just making a point. I'd love to quote that on promotional material!
My Toshiba, 17 inch screen, Walmart laptop has been great for over a year for me. How do we know you haven't abused your laptop? The hinges on mine are perfect after thousands of closings and openings, never a problem with hardware at all. I am typing on it now, I adore this Toshiba. I just moved my screen back and forth and it is nice and tight. It is funny to read your post because I was just thinking the other day that my Toshiba is a rock of stability, a Walmart wonder that I am so glad I bought.

My first laptop was a Toshiba, I bought it in 1995 for $2500 for my company you could kill a moose with it.
Since then I have used Acer without any real problems, desktops I use whatever Futureshop or BestBuy are flogging and haven't had any problems etc a couple of burned out USB ports. Really the cost of stuff now is so cheap its nuts, I paid $400 in the eighties for 64K or RAM, thats 64k not 64meg.