Mr8-usb-pc Help Please!

ok,,i managed to highlight the first 10 seconds or so that i dont want,,then go to edit
then if i ask it to remove part,,it removes the bloody entire part that i wantto keep! WAAAAGHHHHH!
Actually, highlighting the part can be slightly difficult.

Have you zoomed in as manning advised? There are icons up in the top of your menu which control this option. Put you mouse pointer over them briefly and it should identify them with a "little drop down thingy".

once you find this elusive icon, zoom in. As manning said, find the flattest part of the wave(where it comes closest to the center of the wave, or "0"), put your pointer there, left click and slide to the right to the point at which you want the "cut" to end.

NOTE: I'm not on my computer with Ntracks right now, I"m on the wifes puter... sorry I can't be more descriptive...

lemme know how you're doing...

and now idiscover that the 2 tracks are now missing the ending all over again.
these are the tracks i saved to a new folder earlier,,,,,but NTRacks wont even let me drag them out to their full size now.
im losing the will to live here. and thi sis me simply trying to use 2 tracks,,left and right. imagine me tryin to actually MIX something?
That's very odd.

Are you sure that the parts are actually absent?
Find where manning detailed the thing you mentioned and try again...

They shouldn't have disappeared, especially to the exact point as before...

Have you tried playing them in mediaplayer?
This is bizarre!

hey Cd
Yeah,,when i highlight the part i DOMNT want,,then try to get rid of it,,it gets trid of the entire track instead! I closed it all down AGAIN,,and releoaded 7 and 8,,,and dragged them to their full length.
so im back at square one again! in the words of that great philosopher Homer,,,"

Now,,,,if i just want to slide the entire track to the left so that it starts without th blank 10 seconds,,how do i do that mate?
AND,,will it save that way,,without the blank bit,,if i havent cut it off?
what a bloody carry on,,,,,,,,you CAN see why some peopl ejust stick to the wee red box mate huh?

ive come to the conclusion that it cant be done mate. certainly not by me.
my NTracks is now playing the 2 tracks,,but the sounds is dropping out for wee tiny parts at a time,,,,and skipping bits too.
Also,,,,when i loaded the programme up one time,,,,the panel with the play,,record rewind buttons on it,,was all degraded,,,and now i dont have the proper buttons even
i have one and a half play buttons for example.its never been right since the time when i got an email telling me that an upgrade was available,,so i downloaded it,,only to discover thatit was a demo version of teh next full programme. i stupidly thought it woul djust upgrade itself over my old version,,but apparently not
it seems that it was just a waste of money for me,,,,and i will have to content myself with a bigger CF Card and be stuck inside the MR8 itself
ive come to this conclusion after having NTracks for over 6 months.
i relaly appreciate all the help from the guys on here,,but it seems obvious that i would need someone standing over me tp show me even the basics ifi was ever to get the benefit of just too stupid to figure it out im afraid
That wee red box is exactly that..."wee". It serves it's intended purpose, but as far as editing, or what I call "mixing" (lol), it does not serve any purpose.

If you're to do this, you will have many sessions like this.
I'm not sure why you are concerned with the blank 10 seconds at the beginning...

Keep plodding along. Trust me, you'll get it. There is quite a learning curve to all of these...
hi mate
i know you are right,,,but i just dont seem to be capable of taking in what i am supposed to be doing. id love to be able to get my head around it,,,but its just not happening for me. i even mad the bold,,,and BELATED move of opening up the help topics on Ntracks to have alook,,,but i find myself reading what it say,,,and its just not goinginto my head. so i get frustrated cos ive tried playing around with N track sso many times now,,with no success whatsoever.when i bought the Mr8 i had the good intentions of using it with the pc for greater possibilities,,but it certainly hasnt turned out that way. ive always had to do it by saving stuff onto mini disc then recording it back onto the Mr8,,therefore defeating the purpose i know

cellardweller said:
That wee red box is exactly that..."wee". It serves it's intended purpose, but as far as editing, or what I call "mixing" (lol), it does not serve any purpose.

If you're to do this, you will have many sessions like this.
I'm not sure why you are concerned with the blank 10 seconds at the beginning...

Keep plodding along. Trust me, you'll get it. There is quite a learning curve to all of these...

aaah,,,i think i may well have tried this for the last time mate.i find that its SO frustrating that i just get angry,,an dit puts me off even wanting to work on any music. that cant be a good thing. i just plkayed the tracks seperatley in WMPlayer,,and they are absolutely fine,,but on NTracks the sound drops out at seemingly random points. there are no spaces or anything on the files,,so i have no idea what is going on there. thats just one problem too far for me,,so im chiucking it,,for tonight at least.its 3.40 am here,,and ive been trying to simply get 2 tracks panned left and right and saved as a finished song,,and couldnt manage it for the last 3 hours.
i also tried it for a couple of hours last t night. its embarrassing!
i havent saw Little Nickie,,,but the Waterboy and Happy Gilore are 2 of my faves mate! :)
cellardweller said:
Tomorrow is a new day.

Don't give up!

Have you seen the movie "Little Nickie"?

pop. just took a session break. but your not here.
i tell you what. i got a deal for you to show you how good the pc is.
i'll step you through every step to get ntrack running properly,
and using a mic plugged into your mR8 - just using the mr8 as a mic pre. nothing more. IF your willing to follow my exact steps. youll be up and running. are you willing to follow every step ?
if so...heres step 1...of doing a song to help you.
step 1.
plug mic into MR8. and connect a cable from mr8 to line input of your sound card. (tell me what your sound card is please. now check your ntrack recording VU meter. do you see signal ?

more tomorrow...peace.
I WILL GET YOU UP AND RUNNING. using ntrack. just follow every step AND WRITE IT DOWN ! then it will become second nature.
manning1 said:
step 1.
plug mic into MR8. and connect a cable from mr8 to line input of your sound card. (tell me what your sound card is please. now check your ntrack recording VU meter. do you see signal ?
He's going to need a "Y" cable 1/4" to 1/8" for his sound card. The outputs on the MR8 are two 1/4" jacks. Just a hint, Manning. I have one of these. I do almost exactly what you are about to tell him to do with great success!
Peace to you. Have a great one!
rokket. then you cover the mr8 hookup. to pc. i'll talk him thru the n track side. between us we'll get him set up.
maybe if we get him all happy with pc recording, as this is gonna be a lot of explaining on my part ...he'll give a few bucks to my favorite charity ....
like helping old folks , or animals in distress or whatever.
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STEP 2...assuming you connected the mr8 to your pc sound card line in OK.
in n track before we start a session. we have to set up for it.
create a NEW FOLDER ON DESKTOP like before and rename it to ..
Nsong01. then in ntrack , we have to tell point Ntrack at it in
so working directory should now be...
and you want to click the second radio button down.
to put all files in this working directory.

STEP 3...
under PREFERENCES also ensure your set to 44100.
click OK.
now back in ntrack after setting preferences in the recording vu meter at the bottom you will see three little icons.
a green one , a red one, and a hammer. make sure the green one at extreme left IS IN FACT GREEN. so now you should see your incoming signal from for example you miciong a acoustic guitar being strummed. youll see the
vu meter MOVE. i also want you to click the HAMMER ICON at the bottom of the recording vu meter. and in the resulting dialogue ...
set CHANNELS to MONO at this time. untick live input box, and ensure on the right it says 16 bit is selected. click OK.
have you done that ???
you should now be set up to begin recording your first track.
do you see the recording level move ? when strumming a guitar ?
IF SO....
click the red recording button. you should see the vertical line move, and in the time box in the middle it will say RECORDING.
click STOP after a minute.
now - after STOP do you see a WAVEFORM ???
more next time. peace.
now we want to save a session. you can do this any time. in ntrack FILE>>>>save as..navigate to the desktop nsong01 folder
and at the top of the dialogue you will see "savein".
and file name new song. just click save.
now if you click X in the top of the ntrack dialogue. ntrack will exit.
heres a trick...when you have lots of songs with own folder. for example.
click on the nsog01 folder , and you should now see 3 files in it.
the orangey icon - if you click it ntrack will load and open. try it !!
the other two files. one is a pk file for drawing waveforms. and the other
is the actual audio recording.
did you get this far ???
right click over the track you just recorded ,and a menu appears.
select mixer...and a track slice appears with pan and volume on it.

i'll wait for you to catch up to me.
tell me if you reached this point OK.
then i'll move on with further details and tricks.peace.
read this monsterpop

go to this web site, they have a interactive toutorial that will tech you everything you need to know, step by step, do the getting started toutorial then move on to mixing, they even have practice files for you to work on

once you get the hang of it you will love it, it really only takes basic computer skills to use, i knwo everyone is at a different level but thats ok by the time you do this toutorial you will have learned alot
Very kind of you manning... :)

Sorry to distract from the lesson at hand, but what kind of soundcard would you recommend to an financially challenged individual like myself? What do you think of the audiophile 24/96?