More e-bait bullshit!!!!!!

Stop whining.

What are you people complaining about? Ebay's one of the best thing's ever!

I bought an Avalon Preamp for $405 NIB. Find a deal like that anywhere else.

I bought two JBL eon 1500s with canvas/foam covers for $350. Slightly used, but in perfect working order.

My friend bought a TC G major with Gminor for $420 shipped and sold it later for $460.

I had a Behringer MX802A and sold it later on for $5 less than what I bought it for. Same deal with a Digitech Hot Rod distortion pedal, and a similar case with a Art TPS preamp.

I had a bunch of stuff from old hobbies such as radio controlled airplanes/cars, old mountain bikes that I didn't ride anymore, an old muffler, etc... I gathered it all together and made $2500. I wouldn't have been able to sell all that stuff without Ebay.

I bought a used Ridgid Planer for $250. These things usually go for $400. With tax at a local home depot, the price is brought up to around $425, or with out of state shipping, up to $450+. I picked mine up from a local seller.

I got a two-way A/B monitor switch with cables for $9.

I got a 4-port USB card for $10 shipped.

I got 15 high quality router bits for $11... they usually go for $7-15 each at home depot.

Just recently, I bought 24 AAA Nimh batteries and 24 AAs too, for $40. Go to best buy or something and you'll be paying that much for less than 16 batteries.

Note: everything I bought was new unless otherwise stated.

I love ebay. Just research before you buy. Look at the completed items list, and see what other people paid for the same product during the last 3 weeks, and try not to be the sucker that pays the most out of all of them.
I picked up an ART SGX2000 (Yuck!) and X-15 for $150 and sold it for $325 a week later. There are idiots out there that are going to throw thier money away to someone...may as well throw it to me. I hope you people aren't bitching about being ripped of on
E-bay and then going out and paying $20 for a CD and feeling like you got a bargin??? People need to focus on the real enemy to the artist....the RECORD COMPANIES!