Mixing vs. Mastering

I often post from my iPhone.
I also get quick timeouts from the iPhone, and was getting quick timeouts from the b.l.ack.be.rr.y as well. It may be a cookie support issue on mobile devices.

I hardly ever have logout/timeout issues from my computer. Plus, at home I have it on "remember me", so I hardly ever need to login.
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Chili is even a super mod! You would be like the ace face in London during the 60s! Maybe noisedude would know this.

Hey Tom, I'm not sure what you mean by 'ace face'. Is that a good thing?? :D

What's involved in becoming a mod here? If the mastering section opens up I would think that John, Tom W. and I would be a good team for this if they are up for it. I don't have copious time for this, but between the three of us possibly it could be covered. .

Being a mod around here is more for deleting spam and calming the few hot heads once in a while. I'm not sure you'd enjoy it so much. :p But for mentoring, giving great advice, coaching and telling it like it is, you guys already do that and your input is invaluable here. I learn a lot from you guys and appreciate having you around. If you're still interested in being a mod, I can pass along a note to the admins.

I just have my CP page bookmarked, and I go right in without ever actually having to go through a login page, and no session timeouts.I'd offer myself the same way for the mixing forum. But I'm not sure if they are even in the market for any more mods or not. I'll leave gecko or chili or msh or one of the others to answer that one.


I do it the same way, bookmarked my CP page and never have to log in. I don't know if they are looking for more mods or not. Though we have 7 or so, only about 3 of us are active.

About the Mixing/Mastering forums. I like the idea of having them separated, it makes sense, not sure if the traffic warrants it or not. I'm no expert there. I seriously doubt newbies are coming to an internet forum and getting the idea that mixing and mastering are the same thing simply because that is how a forum title is worded. My guess is they come here with the prenotion that that is the way it is. However, GZ is following up on the suggestion.

Cool guys, thanks much!!!
I've been connected and idle for several hours at a time and have not timed out.

Must be an iPhone thing then ...

Hey Tom, I'm not sure what you mean by 'ace face'. Is that a good thing?? :D

It a great thing. You need to check out the Who's Quadrophenia, basically the ace face is the coolest guy in a group of mods who are cool to start with.

Hate to use this as a reference but quickest thing that I could find:
Hate to use this as a reference but quickest thing that I could find:

Ya know, I never listened to Quadrophenia all the way through, so I missed the reference. (But I did catch a Deep Purple reference yesterday... does that count?)

Here's what I can relate to in the link:

Another factor was that the original mods of the early 1960s were getting into the age of marriage and child-rearing, which meant that they no longer had the time or money for their youthful pastimes of club-going, record-shopping and scooter rallies.

Except my scooter has a 1200cc V-twin with Screamin Eagle pipes!!!!
I seriously doubt newbies are coming to an internet forum and getting the idea that mixing and mastering are the same thing simply because that is how a forum title is worded. My guess is they come here with the prenotion that that is the way it is.
I tend to agree with this. There is definitely a newb culture out there (I don't mean that in any derogatory way) that shies away from doing a whole lot in the way of actual mixing of multiple tracks, and tends to look at mastering as where most of the "mixing" takes place, in a much more sophisticated version of what they are used to doing with their graphic EQs to their MP3s or CDs on their home playback systems.

Add to that the HUGE number of ersatz "mastering" services that are basically newbs with PTLE and Ozone hanging their shingles out on the InterThing selling the idea that "mastering" is all about making their bad mixes sound "better" (which more often than not only means "louder"), the comparatively almost non-existent number of folks offering any kind real mixing services in a similar way, and the piles of cowchip marketing from the software companies selling supposed "mastering tools", and it's almost understandable why the newbies to this racket think it's all about "mastering".

But there is little doubt that once they do come here, there are plenty of folks who correct those misconceptions pretty damn quickly ;)

Still, I'd love to see separate forums, if for no other reason than it may provide an opening to put more emphasis on the techniques of mixing. (yes, I'm biased ;) )

I 35th or so that sentiment.

I also agree, a forum specific to mastering would be great, though I think some sort of read me in both forums at the top that explained the difference between mastering and mixing might also be in order.

Happy New year Everyone!
Another vote for yes (splitting). When I joined, that was one of the only things I noticed as being a bit odd and compressed.
Well, and the cave. :p