Mic Pre's for drums

jonrusso99 said:
Great mixing suggestions! I'll definitely try compressing the bus instead of individual tracks. Would you comp it like you would an indivual drum? What are the numbers approximately? I usually use about .15ms attack, 50ms release with a ratio of about 3-4. Does that sound about right in general?

Nah, just turn the peak reduction a few numbers to the right, and adjust the makeup gain. :D That LA2A is stupid simple.

The Fairchild.......not so much.
mic pres

Here's another option for you, though I agree completely with API 312's for drums. If your wallet aint too thin then go for API's definitley!

If money is a factor try some MP20's from Presonus. I have 2 units, for a total of 4 pre's. They have the Jensen Transformers in them and I upgraded the Op amps to Burr Brown OPA 134's available from Texas Instruments.

I recently bought a UA M610 mic pre and a distressor compressor. I can tell you that the MP20's stand up to the M610 for sonic clarity. I think they may be cleaner. The M610 is a tube pre, I have not really worked with it as much as I'd like but what I have done I like.
Getting back to the MP20's, I use them on my drums, a pair of overheads thru 2 condensers of some sort, usually 2 AT 4033's thru a pair of DBX 160's.
My kick I run thru a Beta 52 or Sennheiser 421 thru an MP20 and a DBx 160.
I will use a room mic like an SM 57 thru the UA M610 and the Distressor and compress the heck out of it. So far this fits my recording needs, kinda of pop rock sometimes some cool country stuff. I do alot of commercial jingles too, but usually use loops for that stuff.
Listen to the MP20's you might like what you here.

Best of luck,

House of Loud Recording Nashville TN
I ain't mad at my MP20's at all either. Mine have the BurrBrowns, but I haven't done the Jensen mod yet. Like you, I use them on drum overheads through some Josephson C42's. Nice and clear. Probably similar to the Sytek, although that doesn't have transformers.
I think the UA610 would sound warmer and perhaps bigger than the MP20, but I don't imagine it would be quite as clear. Depends on what you are going for really.
The ISA 428 should kick the pants off the Presonus stuff as should the API stuff. MP20 is nice for the price though (look used).

Anyone mention that JLM 8-channel yet? I might would get that over the API 3124 if I needed 8 great pres.