Masterlink errors

One more thing
The distributor doesn't make the margins they used to....all markets being as saturated as they are, the distributor is always giving discounts to the retailers, in order for them to buy.....
The manufacturer is where the money is made...........
prev said:
The manufacturer is where the money is made...........
If that were completely the case, then there wouldn't be such a disparity between US and Canadian prices, since the manufacturer would be over-pricing to all the distributors across North America.

Being this is not the case - there must be some additional money lining the pockets of the Canadian distributors that doesn't make it back to the manufacturers!
It's all in percentages
The manufacturer sells direct to the US
then they give the distributor an export price list
which is in most cases slightly cheaper then the US dealer cost.
Count the exchange, service , shipping, and yes the salesmen.
So the pocket lining isn't what it seems.....