Losing Sticks


New member
Does anybody else lose sticks? I play more high enerygy rock/punk, so i usually have a stick or two slip out of my hand, but it is not too bad until i have played for about an hour or two and my hands start getting sweaty, then they start to fly (out of my hand that is). Anyways does anybody else do this or at least have a solution? Thanks.
Proper grip is the ley and I agree sweat bands can help.

If you are using sticks with a finish, you could sand them to expose the wood and allow for a little more friction.
Same advice here. Anoher thing is to keep a towel handy to wipe your hands. Also in the sporting goods dept. get a rosin bag in the bowling section. These will help keep your hands dryer, but a good grip is the answer.
I´ve been using this white powder used by sportsmen a while and it works great. Forgot the name though.
Our drummer decided to try wrapping the handle portion of his sticks with tennis raquet tape. It changed the balance of his sticks a little bit, but it wasn't hard for him to get used to it, and he doesn't have any problem hanging on to them now. The tape is extremely light, and was made for exactly that purpose...helping sweaty hands hold on to something that's being swung around.
F_cksia said:
I´ve been using this white powder used by sportsmen a while and it works great. Forgot the name though.

Uh.. you're supposed to use THAT on your FEET...and...other places. :) :) :)
yeah, i have a problem with losing sticks. nothing really seems to help me.

of course, since i'm a sysadmin, i sit behind a computer all day and carpal tunnel tends to be an issue. it really manifests itself in playing drums--my thumbs, especially, get stiff. sometimes when i hit a rimshot or hit the bell of the ride just a little wrong, i get a shooting pain through my hands and wrists. :eek makes it REAL hard to play drums.

the solution? play guitar instead. :D

Well, I tried learning some guitar, but I wasnt too good, I didnt like having to remember all of the notes, so I decided to stick with the drums. :D
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Promkingdrummer said:
Well, I tried learning some guitar, but I wasnt too good, I didnt like having to remember all of the notes, so I decided to stick with the drums. :D

Yeah I ran the iron man once....didn't win so i quit
I usually throw at least two sticks per show :D
More often than not at the audience. I don't know, when playing grind / crust I think the safest bet is to stock up on a few sticks and tape them up between the toms. Works for me.
sometimes im a bit sloppy and my right hand stick get caught between the floor tom and the ride cymbal and i drop it. when you start to get sweaty on your hands you should thighten your grip like theres no tomorrow and let the adrenaline take over. be careful not to pass out though..
Someone mentioned tennis tape... they actually make stick wrapping tape, just for that purpose. I used to use it, and it does make the sticks more comfy, although it's a little on the expensive side if you go through sticks pretty quickly. That, and it might get nasty if you start sweating all over it... just a thought.
Good grip.

But even then you always lose a few, to overcome this just have a few stick holders placed around your kit, so you always have access to some sticks.
PhilGood said:
Worst than a poke in the eye? Durning a gig I was really getting into it. Really slaming the snare. Guess the stick slipped a bit, missed the snare and I hit myself right in the nuts. AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGh
I used to do the Tommy Lee trick were you bounce the stick of the snare drum let it spin and then catch it. I cant tell you how many timy times I hit myself in the face or nuts!