Looking for a trustworthy person to critique my upcoming EP

haha, well played sirs :D

Thanks for not adding to the fire
The music is hard to describe, it's definatley not going to be everyones cup o' tea. It's symphonic, ambient, melodic, filmscore-y? bahhh i don't know. It's just music in my eyes but it is the first project I have been proud of since taking up music 12 odd years ago. I used to just do Progressive Metal but I didn't want to limit myself so I decided to try something new and I decided to share what I have been working on. I apologise if it seemed like I was accusing everyone here of being the sort of people who would do such a thing, but now in retrospection I realise that I may not have worded my op very well. I just want to clear that up. I am in no way accusing every person on this forum of being a pirate, I just wanted to find someone who would dispel my fears about sharing on a forum. I have changed my mind now anyway and decided that I will work on it for the next few days to finalise it and release it anyway.
Cheers Jimmy and steenamaroo for lightening the mood xD
We weren't lightening the mood, man.
We genuinely are useless thread jackers who think we're funny. :p

Anyway, you're in good hands. Fire an mp3 our way, or even a soundcloud link when you're ready.

No doubt me and Jim will retort with a Monty Python skit. :)
We weren't lightening the mood, man.
We genuinely are useless thread jackers who think we're funny. :p

Anyway, you're in good hands. Fire an mp3 our way, or even a soundcloud link when you're ready.

No doubt me and Jim will retort with a Monty Python skit. :)

Yeah, guilty as charged.

Seriously ct, I would now really like to hear what you are doing. Symphonic, ambient, melodic, filmscore-y? bahhh/I used to just do Progressive Metal, now has me quite intrigued.

PM'ing you my email address now. :)

What is a Monty Python?
Hi guys and gals, I'm looking for someone to listen to and critique my upcoming EP. One prerequisite is that you must please respect me and my music and won't just throw it on rapidshare or torrents as soon as I send you the links. While this will be a free album it is not in a release ready state just yet so please do refrain from sending it unto the interwebs at this stage!

Basically, I just need someone (or more people if interested) to give me a second opinion about how the tracks sound, whether you think any tracks should change order or if there are any parts which may be too prominent in the mix.etc. It is around 30mins in length so please make sure you have that amount of time free to give it a proper listen.
I am aiming to get it released this month which may seem a little ambitious but it just feels like it's the right thing to do.

Please get in touch via PM or on this topic and I will then send you the private link to hear them.

Many thanks

Have you asked your mom yet?
STOP STOP STOP! Never send out a mix that is not ready! You need to get a set of balls and critique your own work. In the end if it sounds good to you and you followed good recording steps and mixing steps, then it should be great. Your ears are all that matters. That being said, try it on some young kids, on your friends and on another recording freak in your town. It never hurts to have someone else mi your work. TRy sharing chores with others for this. But never ever send anything unfinished out and ask people not to share it. Are you nuts? You KNOW they will! I'm sorry to be so blunt, but this is a really bad idea and you need to trust yourself more.
Rod Norman
I consider myself a friend of anyone who registers here. And no, I would never share it. And yes, I am an honest person, who would willingly give some time to a member when asked.

Did someone screw you over in the past? Likely wont happen around here, unless you are a bad person. Then, we release the dogs!!! lol!

STOP STOP STOP! Never send out a mix that is not ready! You need to get a set of balls and critique your own work. In the end if it sounds good to you and you followed good recording steps and mixing steps, then it should be great. Your ears are all that matters. That being said, try it on some young kids, on your friends and on another recording freak in your town. It never hurts to have someone else mi your work. TRy sharing chores with others for this. But never ever send anything unfinished out and ask people not to share it. Are you nuts? You KNOW they will! I'm sorry to be so blunt, but this is a really bad idea and you need to trust yourself more.
Rod Norman

What!? That's absolutely ridiculous.

Nobody here knows this guy. We don't care about his music, as blunt as that may sound. We just don't.
Thought I should add a second post for clarification.

I care about the music released by some members here. I even bought one member's album. But this person is no popular guy and the rest of the internet doesn't care about him. We would have nothing to gain by putting it on the internet and having such high suspicions is borderline conceited.

If it's good music, hey, I like your music. But I'm not going to put it on the internet. And even if you were John Frusciante (my favorite musician), I would never do that anyway. The community here simply does not do that.
thought i should add a second post for clarification.

I care about the music released by some members here. I even bought one member's album. But this person is no popular guy and the rest of the internet doesn't care about him. We would have nothing to gain by putting it on the internet and having such high suspicions is borderline conceited.

If it's good music, hey, i like your music. But i'm not going to put it on the internet. And even if you were john frusciante (my favorite musician), i would never do that anyway. The community here simply does not do that.

word! :)
STOP STOP STOP! Never send out a mix that is not ready! You need to get a set of balls and critique your own work. In the end if it sounds good to you and you followed good recording steps and mixing steps, then it should be great. Your ears are all that matters. That being said, try it on some young kids, on your friends and on another recording freak in your town. It never hurts to have someone else mi your work. TRy sharing chores with others for this. But never ever send anything unfinished out and ask people not to share it. Are you nuts? You KNOW they will! I'm sorry to be so blunt, but this is a really bad idea and you need to trust yourself more.
Rod Norman

This is so funny. That's the entire purpose of this forum. Sharing tunes for critique :-)