
yep, these ones. color yes, but maybe the wrong one for this track ;-)
i would just remove them, only the short ones from 3:58 - 4:04.


i think your drumsound improved. you are doing very well in hushing up that you don't use real drums. it sounds quite realistic.

btw, i think parallel (upward) compression is overrated. i used it a lot before, but found out, that you can achieve *nearly* the same effect with conventional downward compression. i've examined this in detail on (german forum):
Forum - Mixing - parallel compression demystified -

...and later i saw on GS, that someone found that out before:
Parallel compression under microscope -

Yes, I'll be removing those stabs. I wanted that part to sound bombastic, but the stabs were the wrong choice. The GT2 is almost like playing thru a real amp, definitely one of the best modellers around! Greg helps me a lot with his comments on the drums and he should know, he records real drums that sound pristine. I think in the meantime I've managed to find good tones, I just have to make them sound more human. Downward compression? I'll have to read up about that, no idea how to do it.....
Thanx for the help, Jan!
Don't worry daddy loved me.:D ....

Lol!! I'm glad :D. Am I crazy though? Don't answer that! Do you hear the cymbals swishing/swirling? Sounds like your 8-track tape got worn out. :confused: Hmmm...maybe this month long sinus infection really did me in :eek:
Real nice sounding guitars. Bass was a little too strong for me during the big power sections, but most people will probably like it that way. lol

Good vocals and vocal tone.

My only other complaint is the verb on the snare. Sounds too 80's hair metal to me. Personal opinion - I hate 80's hair metal.

edit - I thought the kick might be a little too slappy. Too much attack and click to it. Just a bit.

Yep, the drums are gonna be revisited again, Triple. I like the slappy kick though and for this style the bass has to be a little prominent too, I think.
Thanx for the comments!
Dude, I absolutely love this tune. At first when the vocals kicked in I thought it had a little Mad Season sound to it. All I can say is that this is one bad ass song. I love everything about it. That Chris is definitely pretty badass too. Great tune.
Dude, I absolutely love this tune. At first when the vocals kicked in I thought it had a little Mad Season sound to it. All I can say is that this is one bad ass song. I love everything about it. That Chris is definitely pretty badass too. Great tune.

Thanx a lot, Trump!
Needs a little bit of tweaking, but it's almost there. Chris is someone I really love to work with.
Yo! That was the best fit for your voice and style I ever heard.
I really like the arrangement....up, down, thick, thin. A lot of power in the lines...unison and divergence; texture and dynamics......musical sentences. Great.

One nit: the sky-kissing guitar solo feature near the end is kinda buried by the other guys in the band. I think it could come out fronter with a little beef in the mids....and some widening ambience and level-up to put it front and center where it's the big doin's!

My fave, so far. Well crafted.
Fantastic work and great singing Joey. I think your voice should be mixed a bit louder in parts, occasionally it’s hard to hear. Overall mix-wise I think it lacks some “air”.
Yo! That was the best fit for your voice and style I ever heard.
I really like the arrangement....up, down, thick, thin. A lot of power in the lines...unison and divergence; texture and dynamics......musical sentences. Great.

One nit: the sky-kissing guitar solo feature near the end is kinda buried by the other guys in the band. I think it could come out fronter with a little beef in the mids....and some widening ambience and level-up to put it front and center where it's the big doin's!

My fave, so far. Well crafted.

Hey Jeff!
Do you mean the main shredding solo that could come up? This is a first mix so definitely I'll be checking the levels and EQs better for the final version. Thanx for the great comments, I really do try hard to make my arrangements interesting.
Fantastic work and great singing Joey. I think your voice should be mixed a bit louder in parts, occasionally it’s hard to hear. Overall mix-wise I think it lacks some “air”.

Thanx Tobe!
Mix 2 will soon be in the works!
Hey joey - this sounds very nice. A big full sound with more bass than I remember hearing on past tracks which I think is a plus here.

Guitars sound great and the vocals are pristine.

The only thing that stood out to me was the snare. I'm not sure if it's the chosen sound or the treatment of that sound, but maybe it has too much verb or the wrong kind of verb on it? It just had a bit more of a tail to it than the rest of the drums.

Overall really solid and I think you struck a nice balance here with plenty of variation in the arrangement without seeming overblown or anything.
Hey joey - this sounds very nice. A big full sound with more bass than I remember hearing on past tracks which I think is a plus here.

Guitars sound great and the vocals are pristine.

The only thing that stood out to me was the snare. I'm not sure if it's the chosen sound or the treatment of that sound, but maybe it has too much verb or the wrong kind of verb on it? It just had a bit more of a tail to it than the rest of the drums.

Overall really solid and I think you struck a nice balance here with plenty of variation in the arrangement without seeming overblown or anything.

Yep, gonna fix that snare, Pete.
Thanx for the great comments!
Yeah much improved from what I remember. All the youngster metal dorks that post their scratchy screamo bass-lite bullshit in here need to take some lessons from this mix. Bass is strong while not stomping on anything else. This mix sounds thick and heavy but everything is there in it's own space. I'd say it's probably, to my ears, your best yet. Well done.
Yeah much improved from what I remember. All the youngster metal dorks that post their scratchy screamo bass-lite bullshit in here need to take some lessons from this mix. Bass is strong while not stomping on anything else. This mix sounds thick and heavy but everything is there in it's own space. I'd say it's probably, to my ears, your best yet. Well done.

Thanx Greg!
I'm learning....
Did you recognize the snare....?;):D
Hey Joey,

I missed this earlier somehow, so I only listened to the mix called master 2. Holy's seriously awesome. Loved it...great song, great vox, great guitar work. I always try to offer some type of constructive criticism if I'm going to comment, but I'm having trouble finding something to nit in this mix. If I have to pick something, it would be a really, really minor nit that may just be a preference me, the closed hat is a little too loud. There you go, a nit :)

Excellent work on this!


SoundClick artist: Dave DeWhitt - page with MP3 music downloads
Hey Joey,

I missed this earlier somehow, so I only listened to the mix called master 2. Holy's seriously awesome. Loved it...great song, great vox, great guitar work. I always try to offer some type of constructive criticism if I'm going to comment, but I'm having trouble finding something to nit in this mix. If I have to pick something, it would be a really, really minor nit that may just be a preference me, the closed hat is a little too loud. There you go, a nit :)

Excellent work on this!


SoundClick artist: Dave DeWhitt - page with MP3 music downloads

Thanx Dave, really appreciate it!:)