let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 962 75.5%

  • Total voters
Sorry Wannaknow, I don't know a lot of details on the boards. I do own a M-audio axiom 49 and it is pretty good quality. Weighted keys variable velocity etc. I think the oxygen is a wireless unit where as the Axiom is usb or midi.
As far as using it for a controller for your DAW software (faders, EQ, etc.) they are not worth much because the faders are not motorized and do not sync up. You actually get better use out of the round dials because they do not have a stop (you can spin them round and round) so in a way they do not need to sync up. They can take over from any position and you don't have to worry about bottoming out on the controller before you hit the bottom of the fader on your daw.

Just realized, this is the wrong forum for this conversation. I would just say that most of the time I peck out my midi with a mouse and I OWN a controller. Take that for what it's worth ;) Need more info, I would post the question on a more on topic forum. Good luck.

Thanks Slip,
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Sorry Wannaknow, I don't know a lot of details on the boards. I do own a M-audio axiom 49 and it is pretty good quality. Weighted keys variable velocity etc. I think the oxygen is a wireless unit where as the Axiom is usb or midi.
As far as using it for a controller for your DAW software (faders, EQ, etc.) they are not worth much because the faders are not motorized and do not sync up. You actually get better use out of the round dials because they do not have a stop (you can spin them round and round) so in a way they do not need to sync up. They can take over from any position and you don't have to worry about bottoming out on the controller before you hit the bottom of the fader on your daw.

Just realized, this is the wrong forum for this conversation. I would just say that most of the time I peck out my midi with a mouse and I OWN a controller. Take that for what it's worth ;) Need more info, I would post the question on a more on topic forum. Good luck.

Thanks for all your help
The Long and Winding Road to Studio Construction

Four years on and there's still some of the same junk sitting in the same place :eek: We are however finally getting close to doing some of the inside work on the house and relocating the "organ loft" is high on the list combined with using the set-up of the bedroom space at the piano end of the house as a practice/recording space.

Are there some good threads to follow on studio construction; an as built anthology?
Just got a Monotron the other day myself, smatter o' fact.

Where did you find the MG1? I thought those only existed in legend. :D

I got it on eBay a few years ago for super cheap as it was broken, got some new sliders and knobs, and had someone fix it up. It's a mean little punk and I really dig the polyphony. The only thing that could make it better would be to replace the thin-sounding (relatively speaking) Italian oscillators with genuine Moog oscillators.

A friend of mine picked one up for $10 at a garage sale a year ago. perfect working condition. mmm.
I just turned my mix position around. There are very heavy curtains behind me to minimize reflections. So whatever. Still wiring everything up and tidying the desk, but there was some nice sunlight this morning.

Keyboards are now in two banks on either side of the mix desk. 1937 Hammond Model A, Model M2 and M3. Rhodes suitcase 73, Wurlitzer, Moog/Realistic Concertmate MG1, Yamaha Keyboard.

I can now spin records and listen in nice stereo from the B&W's rather than being stuck over on the side of the room.

The rehearsal space is more cohesive and intimate now. Micing the drums will be easier-- I won't have to use the snake. Most recently they were over by the vibraphone.

from outside:




I'm rearranging the whole mess around a 424/238 core. The space wasn't very well organized for any kind of workflow before, tape nor DAW. I've set a hard deadline of April 1 to have everything set up and all the room treatment done so we can start recording acoustic guitar and vocals. Here's what it looks like so far.


EDIT: Leave it to goddamned vBulletin to make a simple thing difficult. :mad:
Setups like this are my favorite. Tape keeps the focus on honest creativity and performance rather than access to infinite digital doodads. I truly wish the rewind button on my Yamaha 4 track had never broken.

Access to all those digital doodads is okay if you can access them without a lot of software, interface, and control surface hassles. I eventually learned that if I was ever going to actually record something, I'd have to use gear that does what it's supposed to do without a lot of rigmarole.
My setup

Here's my home setup, not finished but its a start.


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