let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 963 75.5%

  • Total voters
A few updates in the last month or so ... some Event powered monitors and a Kawai digital piano ...





My "modest" mic collection: MD421, Beyer MC740, (2)SM58, EV ND267, (2)ATM33R

next purchases include a Great River ME1NV & an Audio Technica 4060, hopefully by end of summer
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Cool hang out...how are you likin' that B52 combo amp? Can't tell which one it is...is it the tuber or the tranny?
dalley said:
A few updates in the last month or so ... some Event powered
did i remember you saying you got that table for less than $200?? i can't find one even close to that for less than $400.

is it possible for you to do some research for me and let me know where you can get one?? i would greatly appreciate it!
lil_shorty said:
In general how much will it cost me for all the things i need for a home studio.
Hi and welcome to the forums.
Your question might seem simple, but it aint.
Well the basics you will need is a computer, a soundcard, a microphone and a sequencer or recording software.
From there on, the possibilities are endless.
I started out with just some newcomer gear back in the 80¨s.
Today I walked home with a Røde NT 2000 microphone for 1000 USD.
I guess that says it all. You can start out with cheap gear - maybe as low as 100usd as some guys claim here (if you allready got a computer).
But as your experience with tracking grows the first thing you will run into is hardware limitations, making trouble for you. Read=slow PC, too little RAM.
You might upgrade to a monster PC and continue to master tracking, arranging and mixing - just to find out that you want better sound. Off to the shop again. And so the story goes.
My current setup is around 35 000 USD now and havent bought my last piece of hardware/software. For sure.
Good luck.
Could a laptop be use for everything. Also to learn about using all this equipment is it just like buying and in the way u just start learning about them or taking classes.
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is it just like buying and in the way u just start learning about them or taking classes.
:eek: Oh oh...I suggest you quit before you get addicted like us :D All kidding aside, home recording is a great hobby. The trouble is, you NEVER get satisfied :rolleyes: There is ALWAYS something better you need to round out the studio..especially once you start recording other people. And thats not even counting the studio ROOM...once you fall into the acoustics rabbit hole....well, good luck finding your way back to reality! :p
lil_shorty said:
Could a laptop be use for everything. Also to learn about using all this equipment is it just like buying and in the way u just start learning about them or taking classes.
You could use a laptop. My suggestion would then be a DEDICATED laptop that you do not a) connect to the internet with (never) b)no antivirus software c) no gaming (ever).
You will also need lots of ram (512/768 MB ram or above).
But if you just started with recording you might as well start off with recording on your internet/gaming machine, just as we all did way back then. But staying off gaming/internet often saves you some trouble, especially on PC´s.
Mac´s seems to be a tad less vulnerable for interference from the same reason. At least thats my opinion.
Just get started. Buy a cheap sequencer software (most of them are great) and off you go.
And the two best ways to learn? Work and fail. Find solutions, Learn from friends or people that has come just a tad more into it. Buy a good book.
Again; good luck.
stray411 said:

If you look at my studio pics you'll see my sound treatment, grey carpet pad from Home Depot. I figured you guys would just laugh at something like that.


Heck no, it works. Why pay more to do the same thing.
these pics are a little bit outdated now, i will try to take some updated shots this weekend perhaps.. i don't have all my gear pictured here because its older pics, and my webcam is limited. but you get an idea.. also, that's cheap packing foam i'm using for sound treatments.. i'd be lying if i said it didn't make a difference, maybe not as much as a thicker pad would, but it helped at least with cutting down echo and room verb. the foam came from computer equipment boxes.


Man i'd rip down that foam as soon as you can. It's a serious fire hazard, especially near all that electrical equipment!!