Learning your room/monitors

NL5, Great job on the CR build! Looks great! I'm envious...

If I can pull off-topic for a bit, I'm wondering about heat issues, if any, with that setup. A combination of having powered monitors enclosed within unventerlated enclosures, a similar situation with the flush-mount equipment raks, and a Trident80 at the wheel. I'd think it would get extremely hot in there real quick, including perhaps problematic circulation problems for some of the gear.

Am I just stirring up a tempest in a teacup here, or have you addressed this issue with any special HVAC design?



The original design did not include the Trident, so heat was not as major of a concern. The monitors are just fine, the soffits are open in the back and are about six inches from the actual wall, and connect with the "machine room" that is behind the wall rack. That room exhausts into another room via a ducted vent system, and the whole CR has a pretty big HVAC pipe running to it.

That being said, the Trident puts out a LOT of heat. So, it has become somewhat of an issue, so I have a fan running whenever I am not recording blowing cool air from the great room into the CR. It doesn't get real hot in here, but I like it to be about 68 degrees, and this room is anywhere from 70-74 degrees normally. The only time it's a real problem is when the whole band crams in here with me, then it gets real warm.....

The original design did not include the Trident, so heat was not as major of a concern. The monitors are just fine, the soffits are open in the back and are about six inches from the actual wall, and connect with the "machine room" that is behind the wall rack. That room exhausts into another room via a ducted vent system, and the whole CR has a pretty big HVAC pipe running to it.
Ah, OK, I missed the open back feature of the soffits and the whole machine room thing (even though I did see that room in the original floor plan.) Excellent; glad that was already taken care of.
That being said, the Trident puts out a LOT of heat. So, it has become somewhat of an issue, so I have a fan running whenever I am not recording blowing cool air from the great room into the CR. It doesn't get real hot in here, but I like it to be about 68 degrees, and this room is anywhere from 70-74 degrees normally. The only time it's a real problem is when the whole band crams in here with me, then it gets real warm.....
Yeah, people will be an issue with heat regardless of whether you have a Trident in there or not; just one of those things. But the Trident raising the room temp some 5 degrees itself doesn't seem so bad, I could deal with that. For me, anyway, 68° gets kinda chilly after a while when I'm just sitting in a chair; I can deal with a couple of extra degrees.

All in all, very nice job and setup! Congrats and have fun with it! :).

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damn thats an awesome post, thanks...the pictures are encouraging

frkjn 5 star on the outcome too! wow..fhkn sweeeeeeeeeet HR room.

(had to add a couple pics... but the full build is better)


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