Latency is tripping up the vocalist!

Hey I was appologizing. Now you're picking on me. Just because I don't know what a knowledgist is doesn't mean that I aren't stupid. Sheesh, we don't all do business in San Peco you know.

Slackmaster 2000

check the cables... I bet he's right about that one... I tried it... and NOPE , disconnected cables DO NOT work.

Your the winner hands down...


Ive been using pro tools and have had similar problems. I fixed my problem by decreasing the softwares buffer size. If possible do the same it should fix the problem.
Have you ever been to San Peco? I doubt it, so I wouldn't knock it. I'm sure San Mateo, CA is just rosey.
Actually Dajuan, my problem was essentially solved before you ever even came into the picture by some good advice by the TRUE experts of recording that posted before you so I can't settle you're little wager on who's advice works. But I do know one thing for sure and that is that "San Peco" has very little to do with anything we're all talking about here and the fact that you 'do business' there is frankly pretty questionable. I don't know man, I'm sorry to say this but I question your 'expertise'. Don't get me wrong, i'll definitely give you the benefit of the doubt and let you prove it to me. Maybe you could answer this pop quiz to prove yourself (no one else answer this, it's strictly a test for for Dajuan 'San peco' here)...
How many pins are on a male XLR cable?
Swindle, who in the blue hell are you to tell me what I do and don't know? I'm not one here posting questions about a simple latency trip. If you're such an expert, why'd you have to ask in the first place? Please, don't insult me. Don't insult my work. Don't insult my business. I take pride in what I do. It involves tech solutions all over. I travel a lot. I enjoy it. I get to visit beautiful locations all over North America like Vancouver, Sioux City, Kumkau, Pensacola, and San Peco. In fact, I invite you to the Inglewood Sound Expo on May 17-19. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. To answer your little "pop quiz" - How many pins are on a male XLR cable? It varies. It can be commonly anywhere from two to four, even seven. Happy? And don't tell me you didn't double check your cable connections. I know you did. At least once. You're even staring at your cables right now. You're very welcome.
Listen Dajuan, I never claimed to be an expert amd I'll be the first to admit I lack certain knowledge in the recording field which is why I turn to this board. But come on, you've displayed nothing but raw ignorance when it comes to digital recording or even general recording for that matter (4-7 pins on an XLR? Jesus man, you could've at least cheated by looking it up on the internet!)
Listen pal, you and your 7 pin XLRs can stay in Ingelwood, say hi to Snoop and Dre for me and that's all I have to say.
Always trying to bring the black man down. This is bull. Obviously my advice is not appreciated by you, swindle. I'll do us both a favor and head over to a different part of the forum where my advice IS appreciated. I've helped a lot of people through my years of expertise. If I offer it, it's wise to take it. Really, parsing the latency is not that difficult.

By the way, everyone else is invited to the Inglewood Sound Expo on May 17-19.