Just wanna see where you guys stand on stuff.

Becoming well known is a combo of years here and magnitude of post...there used to be another thing call rep "points" if people liked you you got positive rep, if they hated you you got negative points...the higher your points the cooler you were///the lower your points the bigger loser you were... silly shit Yesterday is history, Tomorrows a mystery and right now, this instant is a gift.....that's why it's called the present...fahgetabout all the rest of the hyperbole ALL YOU HAVE IS NOW!

I don't know about all that, dude. Everybody and I mean everybody hated me and I still had high rep. No matter how hard I tried to the contrary, and believe me I tried, I guess I'm just a naturally likable & lovable guy. :wtf:
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Becoming well known is a combo of years here and magnitude of post...there used to be another thing call rep "points" if people liked you you got positive rep, if they hated you you got negative points...the higher your points the cooler you were///the lower your points the bigger loser you were... silly shit Yesterday is history, Tomorrows a mystery and right now, this instant is a gift.....that's why it's called the present...fahgetabout all the rest of the hyperbole ALL YOU HAVE IS NOW!
Oh thanks TAE, (just to add on a side note, I completed a Masters in photography about 3 yrs back. But it was critical thinking conversations. We had a group conversation one afternoon with our course leader, he was pretty cool and well read and thought he was a bit of an expert on philosophy. He presented the group one afternoon with a critical thinking conversation about 'Time'....lol I said exactly what your avatar is 'We only have the now' and he completely freaked out lol)
Becoming well known is a combo of years here and magnitude of post...there used to be another thing call rep "points" if people liked you you got positive rep, if they hated you you got negative points...the higher your points the cooler you were///the lower your points the bigger loser you were... silly shit Yesterday is history, Tomorrows a mystery and right now, this instant is a gift.....that's why it's called the present...fahgetabout all the rest of the hyperbole ALL YOU HAVE IS NOW!
I was usually in the negative.
If I was the president of Earth, I'd introduce a mandatory life sentence without parole for anyone, and I mean anyone, using the phrase "Greatest of all time."
As for chuckberry, you'd get a special life sentence of life without parole and 17 hours a day of listening to Rush.
And your recreation period would be 2 hours of marimba lessons ~ 2112 of course !
Enjoy your 4 hours sleep {man's got to eat, y'know}.
Not trying to say in any way that this is any more than my subjective viewpoint, please remember this.
Then what is there to discuss ?
What if everyone else has artists in their top echelons that don't reflect yours and none of yours would even make it to their 13th echelon ?
And no offence, but you committed the cardinal crime in your OP of just listing blindly and blandly and with no context. You never said why any of those artists were where they were in your estimation. So we have no idea if you're talking about the entirety of those people's careers or just parts of them. Me, I hold many artists in the highest regard, on the basis of an album, or a few songs or a couple of/few albums or even just a song.
Threads like this can be fun, but they almost always hide a secret agenda, which inevitably raises its head when someone speaks of their own choices, to which comes the inevitable slagging off of said artist.
Chart sales were/are by their nature, competitive, but music making in itself isn't a competition, even if some artists got really competitive.
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Who is famous and genuinely awful?
Yoko Ono and Sid Vicious would be in there at joint no.1 ~ were it not for the fact that neither is actually famous for their music.
If you went on a street tour, offering people £10 or $10 for every song of either they could name, your money would be pretty safe.
Even among the meth heads.
Then what is there to discuss ?

well it's like a parlour game. I say mine and then everybody chimes in with theirs. I think there's no better way of getting to know someone than to know their musical tastes but that's just an opinion too. If I annoy you by saying often that it's just my opinion, there was a board I posted on where they thought no matter how often I said that that I was somehow claiming my opinion was superior to theirs.
If I was the president of Earth, I'd introduce a mandatory life sentence without parole for anyone, and I mean anyone, using the phrase "Greatest of all time."
As for chuckberry, you'd get a special life sentence of life without parole and 17 hours a day of listening to Rush.
And your recreation period would be 2 hours of marimba lessons ~ 2112 of course !
Enjoy your 4 hours sleep {man's got to eat, y'know}.

you might be a little hung up. :ROFLMAO:
This thread is no better than political threads.
Almost like it was designed to create division.

The music you like thread is much better. :LOL:

Everyone gets to share and possibly expose people to new stuff.

A happy thread.
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