Jan 6 ratings dud

It's also bigger than your constant, never ending Democrat hating bullshit! :-)
I love democrats.
I'm from a family of democrats, producing two governors for my state.
I don't see any real democrats here except maybe Crowes.
I don't know what to call the rest of you.
You want an authoritarian ruling political class.
an aristocracy is what you want and I despise that.
Whatever happened to the party of JFK?
THAT is the party I liked. THAT is the party I would vote for.
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You all are out of your minds judgmental and blaming each other for shit that is not proven. What I hear is 'someone said this and therefore it must be true'. From both sides it is the same bullshit. Posting biased 'supposed' facts that are disputed by other 'supposed' facts. It is a circle of bullshit that has no end.

Sorry, but this whole vague argument is futile for either side. Not many here have proven anything, because there is no actual proof. Yet you all place your judgments anyway? Stating that all Dems or Repubs are lumped into the same mold is not only idiotic, but outright borderline hateful. None of us are the same.

Has anyone tried to take a step back and wonder why we spend the time arguing points in politics? Ever think that we are pawns in a game that drives us against each other by the system we pretend to be in control of? If it is truly a grand plan, it is working perfectly to divide us all.

Just throwing it out there. I am obviously done being judged by others that can't possibly take anything I say or do with any respect. Not worth trying here.

Oh, and I just made some awesome chili tonight. Wish you all could come over and have an honest conversation. 8-)

You slobber all over Trump's nuts - a guy who was born an elitist billionaire and has been bribing politicians for decades, while describing Obama - who was born into a middle class household - as part of the ruling class.

You truly are brainwashed beyond repair.
The billionaire who takes millions of dollars in contributions from people over a complete lie is somehow looking out for the little guy? Brainwashed covers it pretty well. I wonder if the contributors know that their money is going towards $10 bottled waters at Mar A Lago.
The billionaire who takes millions of dollars in contributions from people over a complete lie is somehow looking out for the little guy? Brainwashed covers it pretty well. I wonder if the contributors know that their money is going towards $10 bottled waters at Mar A Lago.
Fire the prosecutor so Burisma-Hunter can wash his brain with crack!
You're okay with that, are you? :facepalm:
Trump-hate does NOT make you a democrat, dude.
You can say the same for the Taliban.

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They call themselves "democrats".
I don't think so.
Crows might have an inkling.
I have three generations of public servants including a US Senator, Kerr Scott, in my family.
All dyed in the wool democrats.
This forum crew don't cut it.
They want a ruling class over us.
Say, wasn't the tea party an insurrection against the government-overlords?
My grandfather's brother, Kerr Scott, shown here with Harry Truman.
You guys that claim to be democrats, are just nobodies, especially the dude from Canada.
You so-called "democrats" are zeros..
I went to Governor Bob's inaugeration as invited family and stood in the Governor's Mansion.
You're NOTHING to them and you're NOTHING to me.

Wrong. When you pick and choose what's real and what's true - delusion becomes a way of life. You don't get to insist that unicorns are real to the point that you destabilize our society.

You're dangerous. Literally. Gloves are off Trumper.
Uh huh. This coming from the guy who with a straight face ignores all the leftist violence, the Mueller shamvestigation and all the other dishonest Dem obstructionist garbage, the disastrous clown show of the Brandon administration for which senile, corrupt, profiteer Brandon is just a puppet who says what he's told to say - and insists Trump and those who voted for him are tearing the country apart.
So I'm destabilizing society by holding to the values of my democrat family.
Trump-hate-obsessed losers claim to be "democrats".
One of them a Canadian loser. a complete nobody from another country. Imagine that.

Here is my great uncle: a decent man that cared about the average person.
NC Governor Bob Scott, a REAL democrat

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1964, them voting machines, I tell ya. :ROFLMAO:
My great uncle, a democrat running for governor, had a problem with them too.

As Scott had not earned a 50 percent majority to be declared the victor outright, Blue called for a runoff, criticising the role of machines in Scott's performance. [6] When Blue attempted to draw attention to voting irregularities in Madison County, Scott retorted that Blue had received aide from courthouse machines in Durham and Buncombe counties. As the two competed in the runoff, Scott secured the support of organized labor and criticized private power companies in an attempt to gain the sympathies of members of rural electric cooperatives.[7]

You hate Trump
Is there anything else to you, or is that it?
I feel the same way with my mother. Love her with all my heart but... Her face literally turns red at the mere mention of Trump. I just don't get the raw hatred. I mean yeah, the guy is not necessarily someone you want to hang out with and is obviously a businessman with his own interests. Hell, so am I. But the media has portrayed him into a complete monster that some seem to dwell on so intensely, that they seem blinded by anything productive from anything other than the blame and attacking anyone who even suggests something positive about the guy. Its really creepy/disturbing to me and obviously leads to getting nothing done. Things stated in this thread are a prime examples.
I mean seriously, how can anyone hope to improve their lives when they are stuck in a place of hatred so deep that they can't even rationalize with a different opinion. When a knee jerk response or blame is a volatile blame like 'racist, greed, Trump, hate' , how the hell are is one able to open their mind to alternate possibilities and expect to have a fair and equal society for themselves or others? Isn't the base supposed to be about acceptance of alternate ideals and personal freedom? Obviously not if it is against what you believe. Then you are subject to the condemnation and all the fairness is thrown out the window because orange man bad.

That is in fact 'the most infantile shit' I have ever seen/heard.

And here we are with the grumpy old man who can't even finish his sentences - if he is even aware of what he is saying or reading. It only recently that some are getting off their horse to admit our new POTUS is not cognitively up for his job at hand. But still, throw out the rock to avoid the reality that is staring them in the face. That is truly just arrogant stupidity at it's worst. Good luck with that...
I feel the same way with my mother. Love her with all my heart but... Her face literally turns red at the mere mention of Trump. I just don't get the raw hatred. I mean yeah, the guy is not necessarily someone you want to hang out with and is obviously a businessman with his own interests. Hell, so am I. But the media has portrayed him into a complete monster that some seem to dwell on so intensely, that they seem blinded by anything productive from anything other than the blame and attacking anyone who even suggests something positive about the guy. Its really creepy/disturbing to me and obviously leads to getting nothing done. Things stated in this thread are a prime examples.
I mean seriously, how can anyone hope to improve their lives when they are stuck in a place of hatred so deep that they can't even rationalize with a different opinion. When a knee jerk response or blame is a volatile blame like 'racist, greed, Trump, hate' , how the hell are is one able to open their mind to alternate possibilities and expect to have a fair and equal society for themselves or others? Isn't the base supposed to be about acceptance of alternate ideals and personal freedom? Obviously not if it is against what you believe. Then you are subject to the condemnation and all the fairness is thrown out the window because orange man bad.

That is in fact 'the most infantile shit' I have ever seen/heard.

And here we are with the grumpy old man who can't even finish his sentences - if he is even aware of what he is saying or reading. It only recently that some are getting off their horse to admit our new POTUS is not cognitively up for his job at hand. But still, throw out the rock to avoid the reality that is staring them in the face. That is truly just arrogant stupidity at it's worst. Good luck with that...

At least you didn't physically threaten anyone this time.

That's a step in the right direction for a fascist like yourself who openly supports Trump overruling America's elections.