Jan 6 ratings dud

I'm not a Trump supporter.
I don't want him for president.
Is a straw man the best you can do?
This is how you and your compadres justify your obsolete world-view -- with personal character attacks?
You guys are DINOs, and your Republican/Democrat paradign is an anachronism out of an old history book.
If I do indeed vote again, it will be for an outsider, possibly including Bernie Sanders.
Maybe he can restore democracy again.
I think I'm getting more like Crowes.
You guys are truly CLUELESS.
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but it's acceptable for someone to take power this way. So what's the diff?
You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
It’s not in dispute that Russia helped Trump. The investigation was looking for the smoking gun that Trump was complicit in working with them, because it sure seemed like there was cooperation. Didn’t find it. Whether or not anything here is acceptable, the question was “was the election process fair”, which it was.
I'm going to wrap it up here.
If you want people to vote the party line, then give them another choice besides a Clinton, Biden, Bush, McCain, Romney, Obama, or any other candidates from the ruling class.
The american people want a country that works, not a political theater.
That's why Trump won an election as an outsider.
Was it because people thought he was some kind of saint? R U kidding?
As evangelist Franklin Graham once said about Trump: "Hold your nose and vote".

Don’t you get tired from constantly moving the goalpost?
The problem is that you have two goal posts, and one has to go.
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.
You are hereby "refined".
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Tea Party turn coat, John McCain, was the beginning of the end for my "republican support".
I did NOT vote for the azz hat, and I'm glad the sum beech is gone.
"Tea Party" was all we heard about for years, and I was accused over and over of being a "tea party supporter".
Teas Party, my freaken azz...
So here we go again with Jan 6.
I'm now a "Trump Supporter" according to the next round of facist label toting azz hats.
I'm sorry folks, I just can NOT be a democrat if that's what it does to you.
Meanwhile, our fearless leader who won fair and square and got more votes than even Obama ( ‘he’s just that popular and loved’ )
I'm going to wrap it up here.
If you want people to vote the party line, then give them another choice besides a Clinton, Biden, Bush, McCain, Romney, Obama, or any other candidates from the ruling class.

You slobber all over Trump's nuts - a guy who was born an elitist billionaire and has been bribing politicians for decades, while describing Obama - who was born into a middle class household - as part of the ruling class.

You truly are brainwashed beyond repair.
Amazing how many people we have in this forum who say they aren't Trump supporters, yet are constantly arguing in favor of Trump and fully subscribing to the evidence-free anti-democracy propaganda Trump spews.
This. I can name 5 people on this forum that say and do that shit.
This. I can name 5 people on this forum that say and do that shit.

There actually was life before Trump, believe it or not, so what was I then?
Do you think I was a "tea party guy" according to the DNC-handbook of smashmouth diatribes?
I can think of 4 or 5 people on this forum that live in a democrat-vs-republican time-capsule.
The world is a bigger place than somebody's Trump-hating obsession.
I don't need Trump for anything, but they do.
The wife says it's a mental thing. I agree.
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There actually was life before Trump, believe it or not, so what was I then?
a tea party guy? or did I exist at all?
Somebody needs to grow up a little.
The world is a bigger place than somebody's Trump-hating obsession.
It's also bigger than your constant, never ending Democrat hating bullshit! :-)