is something wrong with these?

Is there a non fucky way to take measurements? I've got a few days to kill before i start building. I'm definitely interested in actually seeing what's what in the room before and after.

I'm going to get the fabric tomorrow :D
I would make all the panels with 2 sheets of insulation (eg 6" thick total).

You should able to take a measurement with REW, then set the graph to 1/3 octave smoothing - that should give you a general idea of the room at that listening position.

Also, write down all the settings, where you set the mic, the gain, level, etc. So when you do your "after" you have the exact same settings.

When you run the test set your DAW to record also, this will give you a visual waveform to look at which can be more helpful than the graph in REW IMO.

See ideally every tone coming out of that test should be recorded at the exact same volume. So you would have a perfectly flat wave form (and a flat graph in REW).
The peaks and dips show the problem frequencies, which hopefully your traps will compensate for.
I would make all the panels with 2 sheets of insulation (eg 6" thick total).

You should able to take a measurement with REW, then set the graph to 1/3 octave smoothing - that should give you a general idea of the room at that listening position.

Also, write down all the settings, where you set the mic, the gain, level, etc. So when you do your "after" you have the exact same settings.

When you run the test set your DAW to record also, this will give you a visual waveform to look at which can be more helpful than the graph in REW IMO.

See ideally every tone coming out of that test should be recorded at the exact same volume. So you would have a perfectly flat wave form (and a flat graph in REW).
The peaks and dips show the problem frequencies, which hopefully your traps will compensate for.


Yeah, I'll get back on on after everyone is at work. Those weird sounds make 'em think im breaking something :eek:

I may have to make a REW for more indepth help if I run into problems :o
You know... I ain't g-g-got a good brain
That foam on the wall and the blankets do nothing.

Use Auralex panels, or make your own with some ultratouch insulation and cloth. Don't hang it directly on the wall. Hang it some distance off the wall, such as 16", to maximize the sound absorption. Auralex provides a free room analysis, showing which Auralex products to use and where to place them. You can then substitute home made (DIY) products with similar or better sound characteristics. The DIY products are also cheaper.
Man, I would love to have an Auralex budget.
I do have some MoPads that rule though
To my ears, the foam definitely did cut out echo. Unfortunately it also messed with my highs. Now that I've taken it all of the room sounds alot... cleaner (?) So it didn't do anything worth while :laughings:
The only thing I've ever used a blanket for is to make a "drum tunnel" for the kick. It used to sound really thin and "farty". It minimized the other drums bleed in to the mic, and made the SM57 on the kick sound awesome. I would without a doubt say it was the best recorded sound ive ever got actually
I wish I could get it to sound that awesome on my voice :p

I sometimes just listen to that kick sound and tell myself "hey, the kick used to sound like shit. you fixed it. you can fix the other stuff too."
That foam on the wall and the blankets do nothing.

Use Auralex panels, or make your own with some ultratouch insulation and cloth. Don't hang it directly on the wall. Hang it some distance off the wall, such as 16", to maximize the sound absorption. Auralex provides a free room analysis, showing which Auralex products to use and where to place them. You can then substitute home made (DIY) products with similar or better sound characteristics. The DIY products are also cheaper.

What these? Holy f***n shi*! Who pays that kind of money for no reason!??

I should have started a company named Auralmax, and sell stuff at 4X the cost. I'd be like 1X more rich that the guy that started ripping off people at less than adequate levels of hype.
Those panel tests actually hang the panels 16" from the wall. Seems like a waste of space for not that much more benefit.

In a small room like cage's that would be a huge waste of space. From what I have understood from my research, the ideal air gap between the wall and a panel is pretty much equal to it's thickness. Though a lesser gap is still beneficial, 16" seems absolutely ridiculous in a real world situation. I really hate seeing specs and propaganda that don't represent reality. I myself have a hard time believing anything any manufacturer of sound absorption gear says these days. No one product can do everything. There are so many variables. Trial and error via DIY/testing seems to be the best bet to me.
Guys... I think...
My mom...
she told me...
for the corner traps.
They have to be purple to match the walls :eek: :facepalm:

I think I can make the window traps and free standing panels different. But she wants the corners to match. Which makes sense I guess. She is kind enough to let me do all this crazyness in her guest bedroom :p

Just for clarification. Window traps- for both windows won't be a problem right?
six inches?
Well, the smaller the trap, the lower the performance. An inch or so is not that big of deal I suppose compared to nothing. Curious, why the window frame matters? Are you planning straddling the corner, or doing 'superchunks'?

BTW, Purple is the new manly cool! :D
Well, the smaller the trap, the lower the performance. An inch or so is not that big of deal I suppose compared to nothing. Curious, why the window frame matters? Are you planning straddling the corner, or doing 'superchunks'?

BTW, Purple is the new manly cool! :D

Yeah that's what I thought. I thought since I'm going to be building a trap to fit in/block that window anyway (along with 3 other corner panels and 4 free standing ones) it wouldn't be too big of an issue. Am I wrong in thinking that?
Never enough broadband traps right? :guitar:

Uhhh... whatever building one of these and pushing it in the corner is called :confused: arcadeko 2.webp
Is there a substantial difference between the two?

And I dont have to go with purple after all :D. I'm going to go with this stuff Natural Burlap Fabric

30 yards for $45 :D

The prices in the local places were dumb and I didnt find anything appealing. 4.95 a yard? fock that.
Well, never enough bass traps. Too many broadband traps in a small room can effectively make the room lifeless. The main problem is with standing waves in a small square room with even dimensions. Working at stopping the peaks and nulls with corner traps seems to be the best 'first' task. Adjust the need of further bb panels by what the room sounds like after getting the low end under control.

Man, I was looking forward to seeing purple traps!:(
Well, never enough bass traps. Too many broadband traps in a small room can effectively make the room lifeless. The main problem is with standing waves in a small square room with even dimensions. Working at stopping the peaks and nulls with corner traps seems to be the best 'first' task. Adjust the need of further bb panels by what the room sounds like after getting the low end under control.

Man, I was looking forward to seeing purple traps!:(

Is what I'm (planning on) doing teh overkill?

How about if for that corner's trap I shape the frame a little differently?
Oh, shit.
How about this, does it matter, acoustically, if the frame isn't a tight fit in the corner? if it comes over the window juuust a little?
Naw man, you on the right track. Actually, an air-gap between a bass trap and wall, is beneficial. No worries there.

Have you tried just doing the sine-wave that arcadeko recommended, and listening to the volume of frequencies that need help? You should be able to hear frequencies that get louder or softer than others. Treatments will even these out. Just your ear can work to a degree, as long as drums and crystal meth haven't fried your ears yet. lol! About the meth thing. Not funny really, my step son is in jail for that shit again. Worst drug ever. Anyway, keep your nose clean dood. Music is the best drug.

Did I just do a big brother/dad thing there? Sorry, I'm pissed at my kid.
Naw man, you on the right track. Actually, an air-gap between a bass trap and wall, is beneficial. No worries there.

Have you tried just doing the sine-wave that arcadeko recommended, and listening to the volume of frequencies that need help? You should be able to hear frequencies that get louder or softer than others. Treatments will even these out. Just your ear can work to a degree, as long as drums and crystal meth haven't fried your ears yet. lol! About the meth thing. Not funny really, my step son is in jail for that shit again. Worst drug ever. Anyway, keep your nose clean dood. Music is the best drug.

Did I just do a big brother/dad thing there? Sorry, I'm pissed at my kid.

Oh, really? Well that's great then.
REW is weird for me. How is this stuff Quick Home Studio Monitor Tests - Hometracked ?

I think that ride cymbal has kind of wrecked my right ear :laughings:

I stay away from drugs, and hope I always can. I've seen it run people in to the ground. Unfortunate situation with your stepson. Hope he gets things together.
And yeah, the music high is the best for me!
Even if its a "watching youtube tutorial high" :p

I'll take all the advice I can get- music, life it's all the same after all :)