Is having a mic pre unit compulsary for vocal?

Just a wee Tony Abbot thing going on there.
Had never heard of budgie smugglers until Monday.
Lived in Burwood, back in the Seventies (for four years) when it was the Western Suburbs.
Apparently it's grown so much that they call it Western Sydney now.
Ah well.

One of Australia's great fashion exports, the smuggler..! :laughings:

Burwood is about 5 minutes from where I live - head out the door, turn left, drive through Summer Hilll and Ashfield and I'm there...

It's now considered (by some) the Inner West, however I maintain that the Inner West stops at my door and only heathens live further out!

Of course when I lived further out I was far more sympathetic...:)

Back in the 70s I was in Brisbane, however... didn't get to Sydney until '85.

You can say what you like about Tony Abbot (or the Mad Monk) as he's known, but for a guy in his 50s to be able to get away with budgie smugglers, well that's not bad for a politician, is it!

His opponent in the upcoming election, Julia Gillard, the current PM, has been nicknamed the Orange Roughie (which is a fish) because of her red hair and "uncultured" accent...

Interesting times ahead!

I'll put your name down as an honorary Aussie in case you wish to return! :drunk:
I'll be voting Tony Abbot not because I like him only because Julia Gillard, I think she is a back stabber! I was a Labor but not sure who to stand for.. interesting I dont know how polictics caught up with mic preamp. :) Proud to be Australian..sometime I do write like US English cause I been brought up in India where we learn American English.

Anyway back to the subject, I got (thinks) a really sweet deal for ( Joe Meek Q DUAL MIC PRE/DI/EQ/COMPR​ESSOR for $950 with a JM37 and JM27 microphone for free!, that kept me thinking. What do you guys think, oh sorry, I mean reckon?:)
I'm for Tony Abbott but more for his honesty about so called "Global Warming". He is not prepared to spend one penny on it.
As for Julia Gillard. A lot like Margaret Thatcher but without the "Cute" factor.
I'm hoping she's peaked early.
Back to the preamp thing.
One of the local salesmen has suggested that I rent a really good one sometime, as opposed to the really low end stuff that most of us are exposed to.
I may do that. I've lost my studio for a couple of weeks. (visitors)
He has suggested the AEA Ribbon Preamp. 83dB of gain and renowned for its quality.
If I go the mic route and still want to stay under $350 (where the good mics are) then the best reviews I can find are for the Rode NT1A.
Flat response and really, really quiet.
If I do well at the market today, I may get one.

Missed this:
Anyway back to the subject, I got (thinks) a really sweet deal for ( Joe Meek Q DUAL MIC PRE/DI/EQ/COMPR​ESSOR for $950 with a JM37 and JM27 microphone for free!, that kept me thinking. What do you guys think, oh sorry, I mean reckon?
Just off the top of my head. I think it's about 66dB of gain and a fair bit of colour. I like the 3Q, mind you.
My suggestion. Go with the salesman's advice. Rent one. The rental cost should come off the total price.

I have used a lot of the gear you mention with the same intention to get that famous warm thick vocal sound!

I have a Rode NT1a, Golden Age Projects PRE73 and used to own an ART MPA Gold with upgraded NOS Telefunken tubes!

From my experience the mic made more of a difference than the preamp!

I found that the Shure SM7b and Oktava MK-319 got me much closer to this sound than a different preamp! The Rode NT1a will not give you that big warm punchy sound! I tried mine through my PRE73 and it still sounded reasonably clean compared to my Oktava MK-319 through the PRE73!
The Shure SM7b is not suited to the PRE73 from my experience. For some reason I get some hum when using the SM7b with the PRE73 at higher gains which I don't get with other mics at similar gain!
However my SM7b sounds great through my Focusrite ISA One!
The ART MPA Gold had a nice tone but suffered from higher noise levels than any other preamp I have owned or tried!

My recommendation would be to check out the following mics :-

Oktava MK-319
ADK Hamburg

Then if you have any money left you could add the PRE73.
Also plugins help colour and thicken the sound such as compression, eq and saturation!

If I want something to sound warm and thick then I use IK's Fairchild Compressor with Stillwells Vibe Eq and finish with 112db's Redline Preamp!
Guys thanks for all your recommendation that's gave me a lotta ideas, I stuff my audio interface (Tascam FW 1884) while updaitng the firmware so I dont how much I'm gonna spend money on it, for that I'll have to stay low for now. :( Thanks Dicke, I will check out your recommendation. I also hear AKG mics are warm..

Yes Jim, I think the so called "Global Warming" is a fraud!
I've heard good things about the electro-harmonix mic pre. I'm going to be buying one soon and I'll try to post some sound samples.

A friend of mine got one and had a really bad hum with it and we couldn't get rid of it, even sent it to the factory to have it fixed but came back in the same condition.
You may want to rethink this.

One of Australia's great fashion exports, the smuggler..! :laughings:

Burwood is about 5 minutes from where I live - head out the door, turn left, drive through Summer Hilll and Ashfield and I'm there...

It's now considered (by some) the Inner West, however I maintain that the Inner West stops at my door and only heathens live further out!

Of course when I lived further out I was far more sympathetic...:)

Back in the 70s I was in Brisbane, however... didn't get to Sydney until '85.

You can say what you like about Tony Abbot (or the Mad Monk) as he's known, but for a guy in his 50s to be able to get away with budgie smugglers, well that's not bad for a politician, is it!

His opponent in the upcoming election, Julia Gillard, the current PM, has been nicknamed the Orange Roughie (which is a fish) because of her red hair and "uncultured" accent...

Interesting times ahead!

I'll put your name down as an honorary Aussie in case you wish to return! :drunk:

But one has to have the JUNK for the smuggler! :eek:
All the super heroes have been wearing them for years.

I would go for the Joe Meek duel Q.
