I'm ready for some football.

man ...... down to the wire.

looks like our defense has taken a step backwards ...... just one game but they don't look good at all.
And what's with all the diving at runners? I saw at least two of those where if our defender had just stayed on his feet he'd have closed with the runner and been able to make the tackle ..... but instead they dove at them from 4 yards away and missed.

OK .... got the lead and just have to stop At-fucking-lanta
Saints D looked like the 2012 D today. Missed assignments, missed tackles, guys out of position, general suckage. The fucking missed tackles were unreal. You score 34 on the road, you should win. But it's hard when the D gives up almost 500 yards in passing alone and can't tackle anyone.
Saints D looked like the 2012 D today. Missed assignments, missed tackles, guys out of position, general suckage. The fucking missed tackles were unreal. You score 34 on the road, you should win. But it's hard when the D gives up almost 500 yards in passing alone and can't tackle anyone.
Did they lose like my Patsies did? I was at the county fair, hemorrhaging money! :mad:
Lots of strange happenings and outcomes yesterday. Andrew Luck never stops impressing me. That kid is the next big thing for QBs.
Hokies beating the fuckeyes was definitely the best football thing that happened this weekend. Sounds like they actually have a QB for the first time in a long time.
I'm really not trying to rain on your parade because I'm always glad to see Ohio St lose, but they are playing with a backup QB. ;)
I'm really not trying to rain on your parade because I'm always glad to see Ohio St lose, but they are playing with a backup QB. ;)

This is true, but the kid was a pretty good fill-in if I say so myself. I'm sure Miller would have done better, but honestly the backup played the same style of game he did so I'm not sure it would have amounted to anything! We were crushing their O-line so fast by the end that I don't think much would have changed.
This is true, but the kid was a pretty good fill-in if I say so myself. I'm sure Miller would have done better, but honestly the backup played the same style of game he did so I'm not sure it would have amounted to anything! We were crushing their O-line so fast by the end that I don't think much would have changed.

Except they might have played harder knowing they have something to play for. But I'm really not knocking VT. Yall always have a solid defense and I'm glad they got the win. I usually pull for VaTech in games that don't affect me one way or the other.
ESPN - employer of Ray Ray Lewis (Murder suspect who plead guilty to obstruction of justice) - getting all righteous about how the Ravens had to fire Ray Rice.
Woah. Did he get penalized for that? I can't imagine that a blatant flying karate kick to the head fits within the player safety framework!
ESPN - employer of Ray Ray Lewis (Murder suspect who plead guilty to obstruction of justice) - getting all righteous about how the Ravens had to fire Ray Rice.

I know, it's hilarious. NFL players kill people, commit gun crimes, drive drunk constantly, cheat, do drugs, etc, and Ray Rice is the worst guy ever? His career needs to be ruined for this? Domestic violence is a disgusting act, but the soapbox preaching from the talking heads and media personalities is almost just as disgusting. Ray Rice did a despicable thing, and everyone is on suicide watch over it, but shit, what did they think happened? The new video didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. He clobbered his wife and drug her out of an elevator. We knew that already! He admitted to it. He never denied it. There is no news. This is a knee-jerk reaction under overwhelming pressure from the general public. The outcry needs to be directed towards the judicial system for doing nothing to this guy, and to the NFL for sweeping it under the rug.
Exactly. It's almost as if the outrage is over the media having to watch it rather than what actually happened. I still don't understand why they didn't charge him with anything.