I Want Your Crappy 4-track recordings!

Participant...Thx for the compliment. Yeah I have some old stuff I'd like to re do, but the fear is that it will sound really dated...even what I do now sounds dated lol.

I used to listen to a lot of early megadeth and 'tallica. I'd have to say the 2 main musical influences were Prong, and 'tallica. But hell, I listened to a ton of metal, hardcore and crossover styles.

just listened to tumor.....I like it. That's a kick ass bass line. A keeper if you ask me.

I gotta listen to more of these tunes from you guys. Lots of cool ideas I have heard so far. Great to see how so many have progressed.

participant said:


Dammit, these were supposed to be crappy!! :mad: like this!! :p


lol, right! That was very cool.

I was hoping to spare myself the torture, but I'm in...

The Rains

I'm going for the gold here lol, this is a few steps worse than the stuff I've heard on this thread. Recorded either direct in or through a crappy mic on the original fostex cassette recorder.

"I Don't Know"

Really moody.. in the best ways. Like Dylan/Springsteen/Knopfler/Talking Heads in a blender, or something. Cool dirge. :)


"The Rains" Wow... this is actually cool in the spacey, spacey hallucinatory way :D Damn... this is like the soundtrack to a hangover, man ... lol... yeah. I love it, actually... good changes, nice fingerpicking... what? No, this isn't embarrassing. (Not the music, anyway :)) Hey, didn't you do an updated version of this? With the flute-recorder? Yes, you did :)
too .....

many ....


can't download ... fast enough ....

Damn, these are really great! :D
participant : Kool tune guy, how old is this? Bass guitar got a bit heavy at times:D , but i digs tha tune!

Doug H Another good'un! I heard this one before (up-dated version) it didn't have those two lead guitar's going at it at the same time though did it?:D Just teasin ya...I like it!
Good lord people! There's a boatload O' tunes here. Suffice it to say we all seemed to have figured out how to use this stuff.:D
Track Rat said:
Good lord people! There's a boatload O' tunes here.

Yeah man, there is a lot of stuff here! I'll be here all night if I comment on every one, they are ALL cool in their own way because we can see (hear) where we've come from! :D

I was dying when I saw Blue bears 15 year old offering...then I really died when I listened. Great dynamic range there.

BTW, your tune rocked as well Track!
This is great thread. It has convinced me to do something I normally would never do. Allow someone other than folks working on my projects to hear me sing.

I normally will record an entire song and let the other players get the feel of what I am wanting. I have about 120 songs done over a 10 year period (1975-1984) on the 3340 with just me and friends doing the demos. I am always amazed how they finally end up once the whole band gets it.

This is a demo of a song I recorded on my Teac 3340 and my first home built mixer (12x4 all out of radio shack parts). I recorded it on 1978 in my spare bedroom in my house. I had a drummer friend come in and I played the keyboards to all 4 tracks then mixed down to 2 tracks the did 2 more etc. I did all the parts except the drums. There is some noise buildup and the level from the cassette I had it stored on is a little degraded over all these years.

I still like the song but you will hear why I never let anyone normally hear my voice.

Have fun and don't laugh to hard.

Heres the link:


I am uploading it now so it should be available in the next day or 2 (56k modem).


David Artis
lol, from back when yer stuff was only 90% radio ready. That rocked.

participant, freshears
Ya, it's the "original" from wayyyyyyy back.
OK...you asked for it. I still haven't listened to ther rest of y'all's stuff, but I'm betting this is the crappiest so far :D This was the first ever attempt at recording anything. I think it was in 1983.

Equipment list (from what I can remember)

Teac reel to reel 4 trk
Some crappy PA head with reverb
Peavy Horizon II elec. guitar (still have :D)
Peavy MX - VTX 130w amp w/ BW speaker (still have)
Carvin Bass (borrowed)
Very old (even then) Fargisa organ - some of the keys didn't work :D
Some crappy mic

I think this was the second song I ever wrote. The first was for my girlfriend at the time. This was the break up "she tore my heart out" song. :D

So here it is. It's called Running Out Of Time.

Oh BTW...I intend to hit every one of these. I listened to the first two and mine is defintely the crappiest by far so far :D.

Geeeezz I want to dl them all tonight, but I need to hit the sack. Maybe I'll get them all downloaded and listened to by the weekend :D

Awesome thread. 5 stars from me :D
Experience DAVEMANIA!

Okay, I had to hop on this thread now, after about 3-weeks' roadtrip vacation.

Can't tell if I'm really on topic, because these are recent Portastudio recordings that I'm proud of. The real embarrassing stuff, I'll keep in the can for now. YMMV.


The cassette-Porta-stuff is down the list, beginning with "Isolation, by John Lennon". All song dates and recording details below every title.

Some of my go-to 4-track cassette favorites would be:



Aw shit, that's practically the whole list! Heck, stay a while & listen to it all, if you can TAKE it! Ha.;) I have MORE 4-track 'wonders', as yet to post to the web, if you can believe THAT!;)

well not really,but I am very jealous
Hey I thought this was supposed to be a "crappy" song thread.These songs are better than my full blown stuff.
Oh well,never one to pass up a chance to make an ass of myself.....


This is four tracks,no bouncing,no talent.A song(?) I've been considering redoing.

I'm going to get some gas and matches and go burn my gear now:rolleyes: ....

acidrock said:
well not really,but I am very jealous
Hey I thought this was supposed to be a "crappy" song thread.These songs are better than my full blown stuff.
Oh well,never one to pass up a chance to make an ass of myself.....


This is four tracks,no bouncing,no talent.A song(?) I've been considering redoing.

I'm going to get some gas and matches and go burn my gear now:rolleyes: ....

You obviously haven't listened to mine yet :D:D:D:D

I actually have a worse version of it, bit it was actually recorded in a studio :D
Oh man, I found another one.

I think I remember some of the details about this...
3340 teac w/2A mixer
Korg DW8000
Semi hollow body > MXR distortion plus > Jazz chorus > direct out! lol
Hyper vocalist
Flagrant abuse of Micoverb

Yes fans: Note subliminal "Tales" rif :D

Jagular said:
OK...you asked for it. I still haven't listened to ther rest of y'all's stuff, but I'm betting this is the crappiest so far :D This was the first ever attempt at recording anything. I think it was in 1983.

Equipment list (from what I can remember)

Teac reel to reel 4 trk
Some crappy PA head with reverb
Peavy Horizon II elec. guitar (still have :D)
Peavy MX - VTX 130w amp w/ BW speaker (still have)
Carvin Bass (borrowed)
Very old (even then) Fargisa organ - some of the keys didn't work :D
Some crappy mic

I think this was the second song I ever wrote. The first was for my girlfriend at the time. This was the break up "she tore my heart out" song. :D

So here it is. It's called Running Out Of Time.

This was the break up "she tore my heart out" song.
Did you win her back with the tune Jag:D . Ahh those old "break up" song's...we can laugh at 'em now eh? Were'nt too damn funny at the time though huh?!:D 1983?:eek: your an old fart too!:D Good one Jag!