I Make Cables for you!

jkokura said:
Why does it matter to you so much?


It matters because this is an amateur site, filled with people who may not have enough knowledge to avoid paying too much for things, even those people claiming to be "just doing everyone a favor" or whatever. Sorry my first post was a little tongue in cheek. Maybe I should have just asked my questions then, because it seems you may be paying too much as well, which is just an innocent mistake on your part.

My hackles didn't get raised until I got told to butt out and stop asking questions. Like it or not, you are running a business. You provide a service and a product, for which you charge a fee. The fact that you don't charge much doesn't change that. You posted your price list for new product in a forum who's spirit is to provide a place for board members to place ads for their used gear. People can ask what they want for used gear, but given you were pushing the spirit of this forum (as I see it), and in my eyes screwing people as well, you asked for it. This is a public forum, you can do what you wish. So can I, including pointing out to people (including you) they can have the same product you offer for less. Because at those prices, you really aren't doing anyone any favors, not even yourself. You deserve to know that, so does everyone else.

As far as the costs- unless Canare has a product they don't advertise, L-4E6S is their top-line star quad mic cable. It's about .39/foot or less than $1.50US/meter. It's available from a lot of supply houses in the US, many of them ship to Canada. Mogami's premier quad offering is W2534 at .60/foot or less than $2US/meter. Exchange rate or not, something's up with your prices if you pay $4/meter. You may want to investigate.

jkokura said:
From what I understand, a Mogami Gold cable is pretty comparitive to the Canare Starquad I use. Here's a link for Mogami Gold cable (http://www.music123.com/Mogami-Gold...le-i31204.music) - that's $45 for 15'...If I charge $22 for 15', I think that's a lot of savings actually...

That cable you linked to- Mogami Gold is their in-house assembled cables, using the W2534 I mentioned before and Neutrik gold-pin XLR connectors.

I can build that same cable for $16 in parts. If I use Canare cable and standard Neutrik XLRs, like you do, my cost drops to $10. Or I could have Redco make it for $17. For which you charge $22, and claim to make only $3.

I hope you can see why I questioned your pricing, wondering whether you are paying too much or are just full of crap or whether there is indeed something special about your cables.

As far as the "mentally challenged" thing- I was actually sort of serious. I buy all my light bulbs from a kid who lives next to my brother-in-law. He is pretty bad off, in a wheelchair and mildly retarded. No family except his grandmother. They live in a shitty little apartment, and they get basically nothing in the form of help. The kid sells light bulbs on the street. For $3 apiece. I pay it gladly. My brother-in-law is a web designer, and is making a site for the kid explaining his situation and giving him a place to sell his artwork. If you were in a similar situation, I would gladly help you out in the same fashion.

I like and respect Kenny as well, he has some good knowledge and experience. Perhaps if he had used some of it in this thread instead of being a bully he could have helped.
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My pleasure!!! Always looking for a good value and have your email saved, I may need some more!
