I got a job!

Charge normal fees and all will be good....

I don't wanna charge normal fees when I'm just an amateur though. What if i mess up and give back something awful in return. I mean, I don't think im that bad or anything, but you know, I'm green, as far as professional goes.
Don't think that way! If you believe in your self and you know what your doing then there you go. I'm sure if you get stuck in any way Scott may lend you a helping hand if anything other than a helpful suggestion.

good luck with everything...at best you earn some money at worse you'll get experience...either ones a win :)
Don't think that way! If you believe in your self and you know what your doing then there you go. I'm sure if you get stuck in any way Scott may lend you a helping hand if anything other than a helpful suggestion.

Agreed. Plus, if you get in a bind, but are charging the going rate, you can afford to throw Scott some green in exchange for helping you out. If you go cheap, there won't be any green to throw.

Besides, you go cheap, you communicate the perception that that is what you are worth. You don't need that noise...
Agreed. Plus, if you get in a bind, but are charging the going rate, you can afford to throw Scott some green in exchange for helping you out. If you go cheap, there won't be any green to throw.

Besides, you go cheap, you communicate the perception that that is what you are worth. You don't need that noise...

I've even seen where southsideglen said to create a buzz and to set yourself apart from everyone else is to charge more than anyone else, And when asked why....you tell them that you listen to the music and care.

Don't get hung up on the low cost for friend thing either - that will be a losing game when your first starting out, Your time right now is worth money! Do that when you can afford it.

I pay 450 a month (400 for the room, and 50 for the gear rental, thats per month, not week)

So, I need 113 a week to break even, not baaaaad.

You did say $50 week for the gear originally so this is even better, you can't even rent an empty office for that so Go for it. 5 months = $2250, 2 good $1200 demo projects will pay for the lot. You never know you may be able to rent time and space from them in the future even after he returns.

Do you have photos and a gear list?

Hell, run an ad in Craigslist and rent it out for for some gambling operation, or even just for people to crash... rent it to hookers. Air mattress on the console... get creative!
Or put your monitors on the floor like Howard Steerns did then turn the bass way up and.............................

Hell, run an ad in Craigslist and rent it out for for some gambling operation, or even just for people to crash... rent it to hookers. Air mattress on the console... get creative!

True Story, Up to 6 months ago the building next door to the studio was actually hookers, and they made a ton more money than my studio.

And no I did not use the services or get any free services. We however have lots of funny stories about little old blokes knocking on the studio door late at night (coz they had the wrong number) trying not to be seen and us asking what they wanted, and half naked women out back having a cigarette, some guys fixing my roof nearly fell off when they saw that.

The police eventually shut them down, so back to normal (whatever that is).

It's in Edmonton, Alberta. That's Canada!

Scott may not have the worlds most expensive gear for a pro studio, but his chops are incomparable. He can engineer circles around these other "gearheads" in town. So yeah, I'm happy to be learning under whom I consider a seasoned pro. I'll be contributing some of my own gear to this equasion also, a traynor spring verb, a roland space echo tape echo, and some sony c38b mics, as well as some other odds and ends.