How to use link in your signature?

I guess there is a post limit then, huh?
Have a chat with someone then try again after 50 posts. :)

There isn't supposed to be. That is key to keeping members from posting direct links to there businesses.

Something got messed up.

Will it be you or I who posts in the moddy forum?

---------- Update ----------

Yeah, I think I will, Steen...thx a lot for the help.

Only 8 more to test this.

How are you bart?
Doing pretty well, Jimmy, how about you? Still haven't gotten around to building my home studio yet, but started up working on mixes again a little while back. Btw, thx to you and some others here, I've decided to use a US-1800 interface when I do finally get around to building my studio.:)
yeah, awesome...I saw you and others post great reviews of the interface, plus its fairly cheap and has plenty of inputs for what I'd need. I'd really like a Presonus Studio Live 32, but its seriously too expensive for me, like $4,000 expensive lol
yeah, awesome...I saw you and others post great reviews of the interface, plus its fairly cheap and has plenty of inputs for what I'd need. I'd really like a Presonus Studio Live 32, but its seriously too expensive for me, like $4,000 expensive lol

It is a great entry level interface. I upgraded myself though I still had great results from the 1800.

Blah blah.. How are the kids? lol
lmao no kids, no wife...which in some ways in our field, is a good thing hahahaha. But yea, now that I'm working full time again, I can afford to get the gear I need...main thing stopping me atm is that I don't currently have my own space to build my studio, although at some point soon, I'll prolly get just the interface and some monitors so I can work on my mixes better.

Although, the headphones I've been using aren't too bad...they were pretty cheap, but they sound fairly flat, so they seem to work fairly well on my mixes...the "imalright" song on my soundcloud I mixed completely using these headphones.

Oh, and my profile says I have 42 posts in now lol...I should be up to 50 shortly.
HERE is a thread that was used before the post limit was 'supposedly' changed. Rack em up so we can test the theory that sig links are now subject to post limitations.

Admin/techs are on vacation for the weekend so we have no recourse other than to use you as a guinea pig. lol!

lol used that thread when i first got here to get my 10 post...tried it again...seems i have to wait a couple minutes between posts or it doesnt register, so ill do 44 now

make that 46 lol
lol Jimmy, I've been here quite awhile, just mostly read posts and didn't comment much for awhile. I've always loved everything audio, though my main area is mixing. Hope to someday build my own home studio and maybe start tracking and mixing for paying clients once I get better.

So, I'm at 50 posts...tried to edit my signature and still no go...get the url bb error still.

Here's what it says for my signature permissions:
Allow Basic BB Code
Allow Color BB Code
Allow Size BB Code
Allow Font BB Code
Allow Alignment BB Code
Allow List BB Code
Allow Link BB Code
Allow HTML
Allow Image BB Code
Allow Video BB Code
Allow Code BB Code
Allow PHP BB Code
Allow HTML BB Code
Allow Quote BB Code
Allow Smilies
Can Upload Images for Signature
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature

and I don't know how to change them
no, it shows no option for that...i can see that soundcloud thing that was mentioned earlier but no option to post a link and when i use the URL tag it gives me an error, altho from my permissions it looks like that is turned off somehow and i dont know how to turn it on...I can post links in here, just not in my sig.
This is a permissions issue, fixable only through the admin CP. The user permissions are just not set to allow it.

I know I'm new around here, but I've spent a long ass time on forums (admin/moderator etc), if there's one thing I know, it's the admin CP on a vBulletin powered forum lol.

A mod may be able to fix it, but only if the relevant permissions have been set.
Yeah, the mods don't have access to edit permissions. We'll notify the admin for help.

Thanks for the insight comotosed.