How important is it to record in a soundproofish room?

Intentional clipping?

Just looking at the waveform of that mp3, it's pegged for all intents. If you're artificially applying the clipping, you might try hard limiting first. That sort of distorted sound is clipping IMO. You can get the same basic result without the distortion by hard limiting. If that's how it actually recorded, then your levels are too high at the point of capture.
Intentional clipping?

Just looking at the waveform of that mp3, it's pegged for all intents. If you're artificially applying the clipping, you might try hard limiting first. That sort of distorted sound is clipping IMO. You can get the same basic result without the distortion by hard limiting. If that's how it actually recorded, then your levels are too high at the point of capture.

hmm hard limiting should i just use one of the -1, 3 or 6 dbs? Also just to be sure when you say clipping you mean when the lines are going over the little line that they have at the top of the program correct?

what do i do if sometimes the vocals sound hallow?

sometimes when i remove excess noise or hiss reduction from the track it becomes hallow all of a sudden.

also do you have to "master" a track once your done with all the mixing
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