how do you clean pots

The Caig DeOxIt stuff works well-- used it for years on mixers, synths, and Italian car electrics. Usually buy mine online from electronic parts supply houses. Most recently got some from for a reasonable price.

If it's just oxidation, this stuff will help. Depending on the type of pot, you may have worn it out, in which case you need a replacement. Some newer pedals may use an optical sensor instead of a variable resistance component like a potentiometer or rheostat, in which case the deoxit type cleaner won't help. There too-- you'd just wanna replace the component.

Good luck!
punkin said:
Exersize the pedal...all the way up...all the way down...over and over again. No need to get virorous with it.

Just pull out your old Hendrix collection and play along for a few hours :D
I will re-emphasize the correct answer of spraying DeOxit directly on the pot... Can be had off the accessories wall at GC.
stonepiano said:
I will re-emphasize the correct answer of spraying DeOxit directly on the pot... Can be had off the accessories wall at GC.

That will clean the outside :) ..there are no holes on a Crybaby pot, it's sealed.
my experience is pot cleaner of any type is a temporary fix. I would replace the pot, it is an easy fix
homestudioguy said:
Is this like the song-no stems no seeds that you dont need, Acapulco Gold is bad ass weed?

I always found a shoe box lid to be pretty handy for this. Kind of like panning for gold, the seeds roll down to the low end, and the good stuff stays at the "high" end. :cool:
I had a crybaby do simular things, the pot never got better.
Bought a replacement for $15 soldered it in and was happy as-wah!

just buy a new one and forget the sprays and never drill a hole in a pot the small shards can and will destroy it.

I pulled the back off with a flat head screw driver and dushed it with electronic
parts cleaner. It worked ok but I put the back on wrong so I fixed that then I had to adjust the pot .man adjusting the pot is every thing . thing sounds fuhukin sweet. even adjusted the on off switch. that was the best 20 bucks ive spent plus I got a good lesson . see what buying junk can teach you.
I kinda think It will stay clean for Awhile. the stuff that was making all the noise
was the used up contact.the guy who had it before must of used that thing alot. plus I had to solder up a couple conections on the circute board.
thing plays like new.