Higher end preamp decisions

Strave said:
Looking to upgrade my pres with my best being the brick and I'm willing to spend maybe $1500... do you think it'd be worth it to blow it all on the neve portico or better to split up the price of the neve($1500 or so) and go with a joe meek twinQ($700-800) and the sytek 4 channel deal($700-800).

You're going to ask me what I need... I want to take my pres to the next level... if the neve is so beautiful sounding that it's worth using the firepod pres as my cleans, so be it... otherwise I'd rather split it up and have some versatility (some outboard eq and compression is considered more versatility here...). Basically I'm asking... are two channels of portico preamp most certainly better and more likely to contribute to professional results than two channels of meek preamp, eq, compressor, and converters and 4 channels of sweet sytek cleanness.


Get the Neve. It will do everything. Neve is the best pre-amp ever in the history of the World.
ozraves said:
I like the Sebatron. It's interesting. It'd be fun to own one. But, I wouldn't call it high end.

Out of those who have heard it and used it, you would be in the very small minority.
man i agree...i used a Sebatron on room mics on a drum set about a year ago...it held up with my Hardys (OH's) and Dakings (K/S) and got the job done very well and i had reservations as i'd never heard of it. it seems to do what it does really well...just like any other piece of high end gear.

"Two channels of preamps for $1,500 is probably as low as you should go if you are looking for truly outstanding performance."

perhaps look into the hamptone stuff. i am. way cheaper.

see ya.

Mike :eek:
Just ordered that neve piece :P. I've never spent that kind of money before on something so small.

I feel insane. I'll let you all know how I like it.
Congrats, hope you've got the mic locker to suit it! Please tell me you have some kick ass mics before spending $1500 on a pre...please...

War :p
Warhead said:
Congrats, hope you've got the mic locker to suit it! Please tell me you have some kick ass mics before spending $1500 on a pre...please...

War :p

I've got a nice group of dynamics... some of the greats. my condensors are lacking but I plan on picking up some josephson c42s and a soundelux U195 some time soon.

·Shure SM7
·Beyer M201N (C)
·Shure SM57
·Audix D2
·Sennheiser MD504(3)
·Audio Technica Pro 25(2)
·Electrovoice RE-16
·Electrovoice RE-18

·Studio Projects C1
·MXL 603s(2)
·Oktava MC012(2)
·Behringer B1
Well, on the condensor side of things you've done well on a lower budget getting different sounds anyhow as all of those mics at least compliment each other well!
