Hi-hat bleed through the snare mic AAARGH

unfortunately, if you gate, if there are any snare hits in unison with the HH(which I'm sure there are), then it will sound terrible.
better off choosing a mic with a tighter pickup pattern, or experiment with mic positioning so that you get less bleedover.
Invention/Drum Mic Experiment

I took some cylinders of thick card board cut them to size and put 4 slits in them about half the length of the tube and put elastics on it. i made them for drums mics. their almost just like paper cups around the mics and they kinda float there around the mic and isolate it a bit more. i dont have any fancy compressors or preamps just a mixer mics and a computer. just a stock soundcard so i had to do the best i could with isolation. i think gives the drums a slight bit more mid too.

PS. i'll post pix later if i remember
My Solution Is To Use The High Hat Mic To Phase Out The Bleed On The Snare!!! If That Doesn't Solve The Problem I Will Put Additional Analogue Mics On The Snare--sometimes As Many As Three Or Four!!! How's That For Analogue Style??? My Favorite High Hat Mic Is The Shule Ms-75 Long Diagram Condensator Coupled With An Electrovoce Re-21c!!!

Not For Mere Mortals I Can Assuage Thee!!!!!!