Help with a mix

I think the song is cool. The bass is just a tad high. But I like the overall mix.

A non-mix comment would be that the guy needs to be a little more dynamic in his singing. I mean the voice is good and all but it's just not dynamic enough between the different parts of a song. :)

He's still a good singer, may just be the tune or song the way it is meant to be. :)
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Once again....and I think I'm done with this...unless you all come up with some other thing that direly needs changing...

THANKS for all the Help I REALLY appreciate it... :D :D :D :D

Perdicament said:
Once again....and I think I'm done with this...unless you all come up with some other thing that direly needs changing...

THANKS for all the Help I REALLY appreciate it... :D :D :D :D

I heard this earlier but didn't comment because you said you were already remixing... definitely sounds better now. Love the guitar tone. The drums and bass seem to fit in volume now. Maybe a little more clarity/less verb in the vox still though. Good tune, catchy ;)
What have you done? Sacrillige!!!! the guitars sound like guitars. we can't have this man! - Joke Joyce - I LOVE to hear guitars as opposed to an overwhemling effect.
I still reckon that excellent guitar tone needs a tiny bit more volume &/or the vocal a little less. The vocal seem above the mix in a few instances. The effect you've used on the chorus vocal could be reduced just a tiny bit.
The bass sound is a lttle thuddish. Can you tweak it with w 3Khz boost of 3 dBs? that would give it some real definition.
Apart from the Black Crows reference this has a very 70's vibe to it that is VERY good.
Very nice work on your part with the mix's development.
Perdicament...depending on what the doods want, in my humble opinion, mix 6 sounds best for a studio sound out of em I guess and mix 4 is so excellent for a live feel and my favorite...even with the slight crash and guitar issues.

Although the intro may start out a bit loud on mix 4, when you brought em down in the 6 mix, it took a lot of the punch out of them mix 4 had and the snare sounds funny(like mine sounds at home :eek: ), but you gave back the punch missing from mix 5.

I still love the drums on this!!

I didn't like mix 5 very much at all. It sounded too compressed and tamed.

I notice the intro guitars on mix 6 have more effect on them too.

I know you said you were done with it, but had to get my 2 cents worth in anyway.... ;) I still like your long as it isn't mix 5... ;), I wasn't talking about distortion on the guitar...but my brainwaves are getting that way from too much listening... :D :p
LOL True My head is spinning after that post....I had to read it twice....

The reason the effect on mix 6 is more is because I copied the 3rd track for the 4th track and that had the effect on it is more pronounced... but I like it that way....

The Band likes mix 6 the best....I am working on mix7 now...(damm too many)

I like the advice of the add some more high end into the bass so I did that...and re-verbd the snare and vox with a better verb...

My ears are officially shot for the night, so I'll give it a listen tomorrow and hopefully post the final final....

Mix 4 was heavily limited where mix 6 has more dynamics... I think I'm leaning tward mix 6's levels...rather than squash it....too hard on the ears...

Once again thanks to everyone!! you've really helped more than you all know!

LOL!! I had to read slowly on yours too perdicament....

Don't misunderstand. I like six...and it sounds the best to me for having that more polished sound. I am just a lover of things sounding live is all, so the 4 mix stood out to me.

I also like the guitars on mix six. I wasn't complaining.

However, I think the drums sound best on mix 4.... :p

So do we get to hear mix 7 ...or have we been suspended from listening school ? :D :D :D
LOL, no suspensions True... I had to put it down and walk away...Give my ear a rest... I also felt like that I didn't want to keep posting a thousand mixes...I already feel like I've gotten alot of attention for this tune and didn't want to burn ya out as well... I've taken all the advice i've recieved thus far from everyone, and I wanna thank ya all for the great advice...

I dunno why it seems like I've taken a few steps back on this tune, I havn't had to go thru 7 mixes inna long time, I think it could possibly be due to the fact that this is a different kinda tune for me...I usually do alot of metal or blues, so it has been a good eye opener for me...
Plus the fact that the whole tune was recorded with only 7 tracks, so to make it sound big enough is a challenge...

I'll post "Mix 7" in a few hours...I gotta get the kid off to school... :)
M'Kay.... here is Mix 8... I'll forgo mix 7...and just post 8...

I listened to the mixes in the car, Mix 7 was the best yet but needed a tinge of tweaking on the vocals so I did that and made mix 8... I'm hoping that this is it.

Ahh what the hell here is mix 7 too, just in case I over shot something on mix 8 (DOH)
Perdicament said:
LOL, no suspensions True... I had to put it down and walk away...Give my ear a rest... I also felt like that I didn't want to keep posting a thousand mixes...I already feel like I've gotten alot of attention for this tune and didn't want to burn ya out as well... I've taken all the advice i've recieved thus far from everyone, and I wanna thank ya all for the great advice...

I dunno why it seems like I've taken a few steps back on this tune, I havn't had to go thru 7 mixes inna long time, I think it could possibly be due to the fact that this is a different kinda tune for me...I usually do alot of metal or blues, so it has been a good eye opener for me...
Plus the fact that the whole tune was recorded with only 7 tracks, so to make it sound big enough is a challenge...

I'll post "Mix 7" in a few hours...I gotta get the kid off to school... :)
LOL!! The ears get a workout, don't they? Your posting different mixes, didn't bother me a bit. :D It really is great listening practice, to hear different mixes on the same tune, hopefully training them to pick up subtle differences even. I have trouble with that...subtleness.

A few steps back and a leap ;)

I see you posted another one. Going to have a listen.
Hey predicament !! I think ya got yerself a keeper here with mix 8~! Sounds great !! Love the intro...grabs ya.

The guitars are great and the snare is punchy..!!

Dynamics is good. You have put some of the "live" back into it!!

It sounds sooooooo good!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

I am still listening....can I hear mix 7 though...? If you liked it best, I wanna hear....never mind, I just noticed the link for mix 7 too!! :D

Kudos !!!

Just finished with mix 7 and it sounds good too!! :eek:

I think your client will go with mix 8 .

Congratulations Perdicament!!

True :)
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Ahh thanks True, i really appreciate it.....

I think 8 is it I hope...although some other people told me more drums...but I think they sit pretty well now....

Here are Two other ones I did of the same band... I'm hopin I don't need to put much more into these but I will if needed...any comments are greatly appreciated :D :D

Perdicament...I listened to the first one, as if I was just listening to enjoy the music and it sounds great!! nO nitpicks whatsoever. These guys are really good. I love it all, but the drumming gets to me. :D

I'm going in for the next one !! :D

I am still in the listening process, but right off I think too many highs on the overall mix and the guitar walks on the vox in the chorus. The verses sound fine.

The snare has that awesome pop !!

Kinda Doors sounding stuff !!

You may have a little more tweaking to do on this one...but you will get it. The other two are ready and sounding great!!! :cool:
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