hello to you all

oh yeah....all the gay fashion consultants and old republican guys and blonde reporters Foxnews could get have been talking about her european trip and the outfit she wore. one woman even said "we spend the same amount of time on a stairmaster and she looks like that and i dont. what can i say?" i yelled at the screen "quit eating them ho-hos, fluffy!" believe me...another little girl got kidnapped and they've gotten off the subject of her outfit. thankgod for that....not the girl being kidnapped but the fact that they have soemthing else to talk about
distortedrumble said:
pizza goes with beer...cant have one without the other if both are readily available

Anybody bringing pizza and beer to my house, is my friend. :D
distortedrumble said:
oh yeah....all the gay fashion consultants and old republican guys and blonde reporters Foxnews could get have been talking about her european trip and the outfit she wore. one woman even said "we spend the same amount of time on a stairmaster and she looks like that and i dont. what can i say?" i yelled at the screen "quit eating them ho-hos, fluffy!" believe me...another little girl got kidnapped and they've gotten off the subject of her outfit. thankgod for that....not the girl being kidnapped but the fact that they have soemthing else to talk about
Slow news days really suck. But at least I don't have to turn on the TV and see more Iraq shite...
....................(crickets chirping....)......................there are 1-900 numbers that can help you if you need a friend that bad.....
can I be ultra-cool. We could all be ultra-cool friends. Does reputation power (I love the dorky machismo of the phrase "reputation power"!) actually mean you know anything? Sounds like a club invented for males in their early twenties.
love you sweety!
sweetnubs said:
can I be ultra-cool. We could all be ultra-cool friends. Does reputation power (I love the dorky machismo of the phrase "reputation power"!) actually mean you know anything? Sounds like a club invented for males in their early twenties.
love you sweety!
....hey rokket is damn near 40! lol yes most of us know something...i know enough to not get myself electricuted and i know enough not to blow up my equipment. as for the club for men in their early twenties...i think those are called frats. i always wanted to be in a frat.....chickened out after a couple of guys died from alcohol intoxication and asphixiation. this rep power thing wasnt started by us....that was started by dragon....i dont know how old dragon is but if you speak dragonese...ask him for me?
distortedrumble said:
this rep power thing wasnt started by us....that was started by dragon
More likely it's part of the BBS software and Dragon said, "Eh why not. Should be interesting!"
distortedrumble said:
....hey rokket is damn near 40! lol yes most of us know something...i know enough to not get myself electricuted and i know enough not to blow up my equipment. as for the club for men in their early twenties...i think those are called frats. i always wanted to be in a frat.....chickened out after a couple of guys died from alcohol intoxication and asphixiation. this rep power thing wasnt started by us....that was started by dragon....i dont know how old dragon is but if you speak dragonese...ask him for me?
Yeah, I'm damn near 40.... and I know a thing or two about, well.. stuff.. :D
distortedrumble said:
yeah like how to get asian chicks....come on grand master pimp...drop some knowledge on us youngins :D
You would have to watch me work. I can't put the technique in words! :D

But step one is to make them feel like they are the only woman in the room... ;)
Actually, I am not sure how I got my wife, except that I treated her like a princess and got her to feel that no other man could ever treat her the way I did. And I still treat her the same 10 years later.
I don't think that's a secret....
distortedrumble said:
nah thats a good husband.
Actually, when I met her I was a washed up alcoholic with no drive and no future. I was on a road to kill myself drinking. She pulled me out of it, and for that, I am forever greatful, so treating her that way takes no effort.