HDProduction - Instrumentals / all feedback will be returned!!!

no worries bro

Ive got a tune up in here I just had mastered, any feedback on that is always welcome

btw what software, hardware are you using...I just got maschine mikro with 3 expansions...cant help thinking its more suited for your kinda stuff than mine, especially the expansions....true school has some great flavours, fuck knows how Ill use them though
i use fruity loops and hypersonic 2 as a vst. :)
Production-wise, I feel like your shit needs to hit harder. The kicks are a bit wimpy for the genre; they wouldn't really punch in a club or a car much.

Composition-wise, you need some more variation in each part. Most of your beats have 4 measures of exactly the same thing, then 4 with a part added, then 4 with another part added, with no variation of the main melody and not much for transitions. Obviously, the vocals are the main point for any of these, but the beats have to sell themselves too as they're usually the only melodic part of most hip-hop tracks. I'm not deep into the genre, but the best non-old-school beats are full songs in themselves, with hooks and catchy rhythms. You know what I'm saying?

Over all your shit's better than a lot I've heard. Just my opinion: keep working at upping the catchiness, introducing more variation, and making 'em hit harder (without going overboard).

As for the guys giving the guy shit for posting hip hop beats instead of your favorite genre, dude's into what he's into. While it may not be your intent, your vehement objections towards an entire culture sometimes border on racism. This is an 'mp3 mixing clinic', and this guy's asking about the mixes on his backing tracks. I mean fuck, I don't really even have to try very hard to draw any metaphorical parallels to what amounts to "this here forum's for whites only" man: "Please try the hip hop DJ forum..." & "We play rock/pop/punk/country around here. That's why Dragon created the Hip Hop DJ Forum on this board. The people who hang out there would be more inclined to buy your beats."

You do what you want, of course, I'm not trying to start any shit honestly. I'm just saying, think about how you're coming off here...
Production-wise, I feel like your shit needs to hit harder. The kicks are a bit wimpy for the genre; they wouldn't really punch in a club or a car much.

Composition-wise, you need some more variation in each part. Most of your beats have 4 measures of exactly the same thing, then 4 with a part added, then 4 with another part added, with no variation of the main melody and not much for transitions. Obviously, the vocals are the main point for any of these, but the beats have to sell themselves too as they're usually the only melodic part of most hip-hop tracks. I'm not deep into the genre, but the best non-old-school beats are full songs in themselves, with hooks and catchy rhythms. You know what I'm saying?

Over all your shit's better than a lot I've heard. Just my opinion: keep working at upping the catchiness, introducing more variation, and making 'em hit harder (without going overboard).

As for the guys giving the guy shit for posting hip hop beats instead of your favorite genre, dude's into what he's into. While it may not be your intent, your vehement objections towards an entire culture sometimes border on racism. This is an 'mp3 mixing clinic', and this guy's asking about the mixes on his backing tracks. I mean fuck, I don't really even have to try very hard to draw any metaphorical parallels to what amounts to "this here forum's for whites only" here: "Please try the hip hop DJ forum..." & "We play rock/pop/punk/country around here. That's why Dragon created the Hip Hop DJ Forum on this board. The people who hang out there would be more inclined to buy your beats."

You do what you want, of course, I'm just sayin'...

Steve is absolutely right on everything he posted.
HD was actually directed here from the Hip Hop forum, as he was looking for input about his productions. Maybe he worded it wrong, but give him the benefit of a doubt, or just don't listen to them if you are offended by the genre. Not my gig either, but this is not the rock/pop/punk/country mixing clinic. It is fair game to all types of 'home recording'.

Do beat masters actually "record" anything or is it just loops from FL? Remind me to encourage you to give me feedback on my iTunes songs - no need to buy them as I'm not interested in selling them either - and I'll return the feedback. :D:D:D:D
Do beat masters actually "record" anything or is it just loops from FL? Remind me to encourage you to give me feedback on my iTunes songs - no need to buy them as I'm not interested in selling them either - and I'll return the feedback. :D:D:D:D

Making good hip hop beats (backing tracks) is actually quite difficult. Try it some time. Chances are, you simply lack the experience necessary to discern between a good beat and a shitty one. True, most commercial "hip hop" is garbage, and largely consists of garbage beats. But the same could be said of any genre. Most commercial rock is fucking garbage. Most commercial country is fucking garbage. Most commercial punk and metal are fucking garbage. Why would you assume the same cannot be said for hip hop? Obviously, you have no respect for the genre, and I'm beginning to worry that this might be due to some personal views towards the (predominantly black) culture generally associated with it.

Regardless of your personal views, please do the respectful, mature thing and simply refrain from viewing or posting in hip hop-related threads. You're coming off like a 14-year-old snooty white brat.
Jeeze Steve - all I did was invite you to listen to my iTunes...I'm not trying to sell anything! :D:D:D:D
Do beat masters actually "record" anything or is it just loops from FL? Remind me to encourage you to give me feedback on my iTunes songs - no need to buy them as I'm not interested in selling them either - and I'll return the feedback. :D:D:D:D

Dood....Making a blanket judgment on any form of music is just silly. Yes, there is some stake in your opinion of Hip Hop that I can relate to. But that is not typical of the genre necessarily. Actually, the good ones that you call 'beat masters' actually record session players, and are a much respected. Many of us use VSTi's to simulate instruments that we cant easily, or financially procure at the moment. If you are saying that using a virtual instrument to 'record' is beyond the scope of 'recording', then you are probably about to insert a foot in your mouth.

Music is what moves you. If it don't move you, then it aint yer cup of tea. Don't listen to it. Ragging on another genre is not productive.

Once again, I am not a fan of the H-H genre, but calling it out as not necessary or irrelevant to this forum, is just a personal opinion. Not for me or you to decide.

Peace out yo!

It's not worth it man, ido1957 is just out to prove that he's smarter than everyone, and isn't interested in learning anything or growing as a person, or as a music listener/creator.
Neither one of you know if ido1957 is a racist or not, so it's pretty lame to label him as one just because he doesn't like poorly done hip-hop beats, and prefers music that was actually played by humans and recorded with microphones.
Nobody called anyone anything. The presumed nature of his statement was only said to be close to having a feel of racism. Was your Christmas crappy? Maybe you are just a Scrooge? See I didn't call you a Scrooge, but you sure as hell are acting like one.

By the way, where the f**k were you when I was called a racist months ago? Another simple question? :D
Nobody called anyone anything. The presumed nature of his statement was only said to be close to having a feel of racism. Was your Christmas crappy? Maybe you are just a Scrooge? See I didn't call you a Scrooge, but you sure as hell are acting like one.

By the way, where the f**k were you when I was called a racist months ago? Another simple question? :D

My christmas was fine. I don't see how calling someone out for calling someone else a racist with no proof is scrooge-like, but whatever.

I never saw where anyone called you a racist. So where was I? Who knows. Probably banned.