Having trouble setting up my new interface (no sound from monitors or headphones)


New member
Alright guys, I feel like a total noob, and am a little overwhelmed here haha.

I've just gotten a Tascam US-800, like numerous people have lately I think since they've gone on sale, as my first USB audio interface. Along with it, I got some M-Audio BX5a's, the MXL 990/991 microphone package, and some headphones and cables for everything.

I successfully installed and registered both the US-800 driver (latest from tascam website) and Cubase LE 5. As far as I can tell, I have the drivers and stuff correctly set up following the instructions in the tascam user manual. When I go into Windows control panel and the sound settings with the US-800 plugged in, the playback is set to US-800 and the recording "microphone" is set to the US-800, so everything looks good on that end. Upon opening the Tascam control panel/mixer, the driver version reflects the latest one I just installed.

I connected the interface via USB and plugged in the AC power, and both the USB and Power indicator lights are lit up on the interface. I plugged my two BX5's into the back of the mixer into the indicated RCA connectors as directed by the manual via some Monster TRS to RCA cables I got. I also plugged in my Audio Technica headphones into the front headphone jack on the interface.

When opening Cubase, I followed some instructions in the manual to "set up my device" to make sure the VST audio system is set from the ASIO driver to the Tascam US-800.

Now, I plugged the MXL 991 Mic into the first instrument spot, enabled the phantom power, and created a new mono track in Cubase. After pressing record, I tapped the end of the mic to see if I was getting a signal. It appears I was, as the visual wave as the track recorded fluctuated slightly. I also went into the digital mixer and checked the Mic/Inst 1 input and tapped the microphone and the bar fluctuated, showing a signal.

The thing is, I'm not getting anything back through either my headphones or my studio monitors after recording the track and playing it back. I actually can't get any sound, even when I go into the windows volume control on the task bar and change it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. If anybody with this interface or some experience could help me out, that would be greatly appreciated!

I'm using Windows 7, Intel Core i5 2500k process, 8GB RAM on a system that literally has almost nothing on it.
Also, this may be worth noting, but the BX5a that is connected to my left RCA connection power LED is not lighting up, despite being plugged in properly when the power switch is flipped. I do get the typical deep "thud" sound you get when you turn a set of speakers on, but the LED isn't lit like the other one. Not sure what to think of that, but its properly a separate issue.
Try turning the knob labeled "phones" with headphones plugged in, or the knob labeled "monitor" until you hear something. There are also volume knobs on the back of the BX5a, so turn those up to whatever you're comfortable with. Try about halfway on both side.
Thanks for the tips, hopefully it's not something that simple, I'll feel like a total noob if it is! I'll try when I leave my office tonight.
try the little monitor button (loudspeaker symbol) in cubase on the channel your recording. click on it it should change colour
Figured it out fellas. Boy am I dumb :spank:

There's a knob on the interface for "monitor" that has to be turned up.

I got a long way to go haha
Figured it out fellas. Boy am I dumb :spank:

There's a knob on the interface for "monitor" that has to be turned up.

I got a long way to go haha

I bought an M-Audio Fast Track Pro last week and something similar happened to me. I'm just grateful that I was on the ball enough to figure it out.
There's a knob on the interface for "monitor" that has to be turned up.

Not the Old, There's a knob on the interface for "monitor" that has to be turned up, trick.

