Has anyone here ever seen a Psychiatrist?

Actually, therapists are generally the 'first line' of treatment. Then, if they think evaluation by psychiatrist is necessary, they will refer you to one. Psychiatrists generally are there almost exclusively to evaluate whether someone's problems are medically-based, and/or would benefit from drug therapy.

I highly recommend therapy, even if you go it alone. Sometimes it just helps to have a professional tell you that no, it's not you, or at least it's not all you. It takes two to tango, though, and for someone to behave badly, it takes someone else who lets it happen.

Go. You won't regret it.

And don't forget to add another excellent resource. HR members. Seriously.

Hey Capnkd. First, I hope things have gotten better since you first posted.

Second, I am really impressed with not only your willingness to seek advice

on the subject, but also of the quality of advice you recieved. We women

actually do the best we can, but the truth is that sometimes we even

begin to annoy ourselves!

So, with that said, have you sought professional help yet? I hope so because

I've seen it ( psychotherapy ) do wonders for a person/marriage. But the

other guys are right that she needs to be on board too. My sense about her

is that see has some kind of deficit that may or may not be taken care of

with your love/support etc. If she's a mom and wife with not other outlet to

nurture herself as an individual, her mood probably will not improve any time

soon. Even you guys can understand that , right? We're individuals first and

then follow the roles of husbands, dads etc. As long as you two can trust

eachother, sense of self should be a priority. Hormones ( yes guys, I know

your sick of this one but they do actually affect mood, libido etc.) could be

an issue too. At the very least, she's got to get to her MD to get checked


Also, keep in mind too that this time of year people tend to fallapart for

various reasons. Just do the best you can on your end and be proud of

yourself for that. It's not your job to "fix" her, its only yor job as her husband

to love her ( common guys, you know the drill.. affection, compilments,

listening, being supportive, respect, great sex ).

Well, I guess I still have not answered the original question, huh? I would not

see a psychiatrist until you have a therapist in your corner first. That way if

the psychiatrist feels it necessary ( the case 99% of the time ) to put you or

your wife on meds, you'll have someone to serve as an advocate for you.

I've seen some people dramaticallty improve after beginning meds and I've

also seen people turn into zombies because of them. It can be tricky and you

need a professional ( other than the psychiatrist ) to help you navigate

through the process.

Keep the faith Capnkd. And if you must, follow the advice of Stuart Smalley

( Saturday Night Live ) and tell yourself..."I'm good enough, smart enough,

and doggonit...people like me". Lol ----If it were only that easy!!!